Thursday, April 7, 2016

歯科口コミを塚口でインターネット検索 by Ctw

近年、歯医者の数が増えていることが問題になっていて、何でもコンビニの数よりも歯医 … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 04:17PM
Thursday, February 11, 2016

カードローンを即日借りるために by Ctw

金融機関に勤めている人は、毎月末をはじめ、年末年始、年度末の忙しさに閉口している … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 02:57PM
Monday, December 7, 2015

債務整理の前に考えよう!おまとめローンのメリット by Ctw

多重債務になってしまった人は、月々の返済で給料もそんなに残らないのではないでしょ … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 11:50PM
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

総量規制外って知ってる? by Ctw

もしもですよ。 これからお金を借りたいなぁ、今月はピンチだから数万でもいいから借 … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 03:10AM
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

住宅ローンのためにお金を借りる方法 by Ctw

大きな買い物をするときにはお金を借りるときが出てくるでしょう。 まず考えられるの … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 09:13PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

クレジット審査が甘いところ by Ctw

クレジットカードが1枚あれば買い物など色々便利なので、ほとんどの人が持っていると … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 09:39PM
Sunday, June 7, 2015

イオンカードとSuicaが一体のカードが欲しい by Ctw

先日、電車に乗ろうと思ったらSuicaがありませんでした。 お財布の中もカバンの … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 08:37PM
Monday, February 23, 2015

カードローンは即日融資が気軽に利用できる by Ctw

大きな買い物のときなんかに、カードローンを使ったことのある人は多いだろう。これか … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 10:20AM
Sunday, February 1, 2015

即日キャッシングに助けてもらえばよかった。 by Ctw

普段無口で喋らない私ですが、会社の人間関係等で悩みを抱えていた女性の相談を受ける … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 08:45PM
Sunday, December 28, 2014

マイカーローンの人気ランキング by Ctw

「欲しかった車があともう少しで手に入る!!やったー!!」、その前にマイカーローン … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 08:28PM
Thursday, November 20, 2014

思い切って、借金無料相談! by Ctw

クレジットカードで買い物しすぎて返済に追われています。最初は月々買い物はいくらま … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 04:57AM
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

過払い金返還請求 無料相談を受けている弁護士事務所 by Ctw

ここのところカードローンを利用する人が増えているそうですね。 万が一まとまったお … Continue reading →

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 09:41PM
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Buzz On: Lena Hall by The Backstage Buzz

I know you’re an actress, but you’re also in a rock band, so I have to ask: What did you grow up listening… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 09:47PM
Monday, August 26, 2013

The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You. by The Backstage Buzz

Disclaimer: This is not intended to be directed towards anyone. I love to ramble. I think that’s why people make sites. To ramble.… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 10:05PM

Character Doodle: Peter by Neda Marie

Who do you think is drawing Peter in their notebook? Jason? Matt? Zack? (Created by Neda)

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 07:37PM

Underrated Musicals by Understudy

by Sophie B. We all love the ‘big’ musicals – Les Mis, Phantom, Wicked – They’re popular for a reason. They’re amazing. But occasionally, I… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 07:27AM
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Broadway Corner (8-19/8-23) by Jordan Nickels

Welcome to Broadway Corner! I am happy to start this new blog series on Backstage Buzz, giving you all the latest chatter from… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 06:23PM
Friday, August 23, 2013

Michael Arden Interview by Neda Marie

TBB: First I want to talk about Bare. We’re doing a Bare month, so we’re talking to people from many productions. You were… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 08:30PM

The Backstage Buzz on Bare: LA with the Music Director: Elmo Zapp by Molly Kate

Did you have any prior knowledge of Bare before signing on to do the LA production? I did, but it was very much… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 07:57PM

The Backstage Buzz On Bare LA From the Director: Calvin Remsberg by Molly Kate

TBB: Were you familiar with the play before coming on to the team to direct? I have been a fan of Bare since… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 06:23PM
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Science + Plays: Better Than They Sound by Chris Defilipp

So M asked us all who in the staff loved “straight plays” and who might be able to write about them. Seeing as… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 02:30PM

Throwback Thursday: Bare Demo 2004 by Molly Kate

As part of Bare month, we decided to link you to some OLD Bare! Here’s the demo recording (the very same that Taylor… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 02:09PM

Youtube Sensation Miranda Sings Launches Competition! by Molly Kate


SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 01:41PM

The Buzz On: Erikka Walsh and Once! Part 2 by Molly Kate

TBB: So, Once. You’ve been in it since the New York Theatre, it looks like! EW: Yeah, I was in [Once] in grad… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 01:30PM
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Five Ideas for a New Miss Trunchbull by Anna Bailey

It’s always hard to see an important part of a cast leave, even harder when the cast member has been apart of the… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 07:29PM

The Buzz on Erikka Walsh! by Molly Kate

A few weeks ago, I got to talk to Erikka Walsh, one of Once’s amazing ensemble members who has been there from the… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 05:58PM

They ARE That Kid: Francesca N. by Molly Kate

Francesca N. is a 16-year-old aspiring actress currently living in New Jersey. She has been involved in the arts since 6 years old,… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 02:18PM

We Miss You: Hairspray! by Harley Kulp

It’s no secret that Hairspray is one of the most popular musicals of all time. Probably due to the 2007 movie starring John… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 01:34PM

My First Date with First Date by Kat L.

I hate romantic comedies. I’m not mushy. Couples wrapped around each other on the street kind of make me want to puke in… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 12:57PM
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Interview with Joey Richter: The Buzz On Judas Redux by Neda Marie

TBB:  You put Judas on in college, and now you’re putting it on again? What’s the show’s history? JR: The show itself is… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 06:39PM

Broadway Sleeps Out Under the Stars by Neda Marie

(photo from Claybourne Elder’s instagram) Last night, people slept on the streets of New York. Seems normal for New York, right? It is… more »

SOURCE: The Backstage Buzz at 02:00PM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 15, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 01, 2025: Glengarry Glen Ross
TBA: Titanic