Two pieces that delve into ideas surrounding worship and identity: Angie Pittman’s “Came Up in a Lonely Castle” and Johnnie Cruise Mercer/TheREDProjectNYC’s "Process memoir 4: The wo…
SOURCE: Culture Bot at 01:33PMIts in-betweenness, like the liminal space of "not me…not not me," grants us the ability to be in two places at once.
SOURCE: Culture Bot at 06:24PMShe mourns and then she is fully present, looking right through you, dancing with abandon.
SOURCE: Culture Bot at 12:48PMA never-ending stream of hypnotic ghosts.
SOURCE: Culture Bot at 04:33PMA new way of being, a new world emerges, one of infinite possibility, as the current one is upended.
SOURCE: Culture Bot at 08:06PMThese ugly feelings: disgust, animatedness, mourning, are radical in their fugitivity.
SOURCE: Culture Bot at 08:12AMI entered Standard Toykraft, a theater space in a Williamsburg loft where Nadia Tykulsker both crafted and presented Saw You Yesterday, and my breath was immediately stifled by an oppressive…
SOURCE: Culture Bot at 03:54PM