All stories by Drew McManus on BroadwayStars

Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Secret To Converting Paragraph Breaks Into Line Breaks And Creating Comma Separated Lists by Drew McManus

Pretty much every arts administrator knows the pain of looking at a long list of content in a Microsoft Word document where each line is separated by a paragraph, but you need them separated…

SOURCE: at 06:09PM
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Do All Of Your Web Pages Have Conversion Goals? by Drew McManus

Conversion goals are one of those odd things every arts marketer seems to know they need but for whatever reason, most groups have too many webpages with zero goals. For those on the outside…

SOURCE: at 05:12PM
Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Status Of Required Vaccination Policies Among Nonprofit Performing Arts Orgs by Drew McManus

The  Vax Policy Database has been gathering data since August 20, 2021 and it’s been adding new records daily. Over the holiday weekend, I added additional view to the database making it …

SOURCE: at 04:29PM
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Looking To The EEOC For Clarification On Religious Discrimination Vaccination Exemptions by Drew McManus

Among the numerous details to work out when crafting required vaccination policies is when an employee cites religious objections and requests an exmpetion. Recently, the 8/30/21 edition of …

SOURCE: at 04:14PM
Monday, August 23, 2021

Resource: Performing Arts Org Vax Policy Database by Drew McManus

Insisting on verifiable vaccination status to attend concert events is becoming policy at an increasing number of nonprofit performing arts venues. But coming up with policies and tracking p…

SOURCE: at 11:50AM
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Free 2021 Insta Profile, TikTok, YouTube Channel, Insta Stories, Facebook, and LinkedIn Company PSD Mockups by Drew McManus

The folks at Kambadastudio recently released a round of new high quality photoshop templates for a wide variety of social media platforms and along with their paid options, they included a s…

SOURCE: at 04:46PM
Monday, July 19, 2021

If Google Analytics 4 Feels Overwhelming, You’re Not Alone by Drew McManus

It’s easy to look at the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4) dashboards and feel completely lost. For those who don’t have a great deal of experience working with GA4 you may think the issue is…

SOURCE: at 05:04PM
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Another New SBA Funding Program You Should Be Aware Of (With A Bonus Resource Hidden Gem) by Drew McManus

In early April, 2021 the U.S. Small Business Administration announced it was expanding the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance program and as this last weekend, they annou…

SOURCE: at 05:03PM
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Sold-Out Ticket Scams Start Hitting Social Media by Drew McManus

Scammers haven’t wasted any time attempting to suck blood from the turnip of burgeoning performing arts org concert activity. The latest attempt to exploit organizations focuses on events …

SOURCE: at 04:52PM
Monday, May 3, 2021

Even More Reasons Web Accessibility Should Be On Your Radar by Drew McManus

The folks at UsableNet have some news you need to hear. In December 2020 they published a report that shows digital accessibility lawsuits rose 100% over 2020. These are lawsuits filed again…

SOURCE: at 04:54PM
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Ever Wish You Had A Do Not Disturb Light When Working From Home? by Drew McManus

Since the onset of pandemic, arts admins have navigated the working from home rapids. One of the primary challenges is letting others in the same space know when you’re at a point where yo…

SOURCE: at 01:45PM
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Candidate Resumes Are Officially A Thing At Arts Admin Jobs by Drew McManus

Now that job postings are returning to pre-pandemic levels at our sister site, Arts Admin Jobs, it’s time to launch the next big thing: a candidate database where job seekers can post thei…

SOURCE: at 05:21PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Quickbooks Rolls Out Fee Increase During Pandemic by Drew McManus

Quickbooks sent users an email on 3/10/21 notifying them the ACH (Automated Clearing House) payment option that allows clients to pay invoices with funds directly from a bank account was goi…

SOURCE: at 01:49PM
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Top Level Navigation: To Click Or Not To Click by Drew McManus

When it comes to designing your website navigation menu, you’ll eventually need to make one critical choice in the form of deciding whether to make the top-level navigation menu items clic…

SOURCE: at 03:40PM
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Get Into The Pronoun Grove With Zoom by Drew McManus

As a member of Gen X, I’ll be the first to admit that incorporating pronoun use into my daily routine takes a conscious effort. Having said that, pronoun use is a positive step toward impr…

SOURCE: at 04:29PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Get Up And Running With Google Search Console by Drew McManus

While Google Search Console (GSC) has always been a power tool every organization should use, it still manages to be one of those things that gets overlooked. Fortunately, it’s increasingl…

SOURCE: at 06:05PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

You Probably Have More Broken Links Than You Realize by Drew McManus

Among the numerous pandemic driven content management tasks that are likely on your plate, checking your site for broken links should be high priority item. If you’re like most groups, you…

SOURCE: at 05:53PM
Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Pandemic Driven Update To Business Holiday Cards by Drew McManus

In 2018, I published an article that provided an option for creating a creative business card. Based on your feedback, it entirely helpful for many readers so I wanted to share an update tha…

SOURCE: at 03:00AM
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Why You May Want To Wait Before Upgrading To Google Analytics 4 by Drew McManus

You may have heard about the big Google Analytics 4 (G4) rollout a few weeks ago. No doubt about it, G4 ushers in a remarkable new world of tools that add AI-driven insights, even better cro…

SOURCE: at 03:46PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Looking For A Decentralized Office Phone Solution? by Drew McManus

Now that many organizations are vested in a remote workforce model, one of the logistical questions to consider is how to handle phone extensions. If your organization is a G Suite user, the…

SOURCE: at 04:34PM
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Are You Getting Google Search Console’s Monthly Performance Reports? by Drew McManus

We haven’t talking about Google Search Console in a while, but it is still one of the best secret weapons most arts orgs aren’t using but should. Search Console works in tandem with Anal…

SOURCE: at 03:24PM
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Please Don’t Ignore Me! Rethinking How We Design For Attention by Drew McManus

In an age where arts organizations are learning how to re-engage patrons with remote activity, it never hurts to reexamine what we take for granted. To that end, there’s a fantastic articl…

SOURCE: at 05:13PM
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

It’s Time For An Admin User Audit by Drew McManus

Even in non-pandemic times, scheduling regular admin user audits is a good idea. What we’re talking about is going through all the online platforms your organization maintains and making s…

SOURCE: at 05:11PM
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

An Easy Way To Limit URLs Allowed To Embed A Video by Drew McManus

One of the more popular questions coming in from my Venture Platform users right now is how to embed a video so it can only playback on a password protected page. The goal is straightforward…

SOURCE: at 06:20PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Free Photoshop Template For Converting Images from Portrait Aspect Ratio To Landscape by Drew McManus

We’ve all been there: you need images in landscape aspect ratio for digital content but all of your source files are in portrait. Frustrating, right? For the most part, trying to convert a…

SOURCE: at 03:08PM
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Cross Pollinating Ideas About Moving Into The Realm Of Digital Experiences by Drew McManus

There’s an excellent article in the 6/23/2020 edition of by Suzanne Scacca that examines the ways COVID-19 is forcing the restaurant sector to radically rethink the wa…

SOURCE: at 11:52AM
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Get The Right Microphone To Fit Your Needs by Drew McManus

There’s a great article from Adam Molina on that walks you through all of the considerations for selecting a microphone to use when creating online content. It’s clearly wr…

SOURCE: at 03:00AM
Thursday, June 4, 2020

If You’re Looking For An Easy To Use App For Scheduling Online Meetings, Check Out by Drew McManus

For the longest time, I’ve used Doodle to schedule online meetings. It’s still a great tool but since Covid-19 shutdowns began, I’ve discovered that is just as effective and te…

SOURCE: at 03:24PM
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Applying A Little Math And Science To Social Distancing Ticket Revenue by Drew McManus

There’s a fascinating article (h/t Rainer Glaap) at that examines very positive results from efforts to science our way through maximizing revenue during live events …

SOURCE: at 03:00AM
Monday, May 11, 2020

Arts Admin State Of Employment Poll, Update 2 by Drew McManus

It’s been one month since we started asking readers to complete a short, two question survey designed to measure how the employment status of arts administrators and independent contractor…

SOURCE: at 05:00PM
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Check Your Tone by Drew McManus

Given that we’re all using written communication more than usual, it’s a good idea to take a step back and consider tone. Unless you’re all-in on injecting emojis into everyday busines…

SOURCE: at 06:35PM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Nov 17, 2024: Elf - Marquis Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 17, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 10, 2025: Smash - Imperial Theatre