All stories by Trav S.D. on BroadwayStars

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

For National Ferris Wheel Day: On Some Big Wheels by Trav S.D.

Something appropriate there is about the fact that National Ferris Wheel Day and Valentine’s Day are one and the same. I can’t think of a more romantic date activity than a ride on one o…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:02AM
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A Proper Post on George Segal by Trav S.D.

According to the master calendar that makes this blog happen, there are numerous new people I could be writing about on this Fat Tuesday — but I find I want to talk some more about George …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 11:06AM
Monday, February 12, 2024

The Sad Saga of the Other David Steinberg by Trav S.D.

I say “the other” because the better known David Steinberg was a Canadian stand-up comedian who was popular in the 1970s. The one who concerns us today was David J. Steinberg (1965-2010)…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:36AM

A Century Ago Today: The Premiere of “Rhapsody in Blue” by Trav S.D.

I’ve little original to say upon the the topic, but I cannot let it go unobserved: today marks 100 years since George Gershwin premiered his Rhapsody in Blue at Aeolian Hall in New York (F…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 06:24AM
Sunday, February 11, 2024

On the “Camel Caravan” and Related Expeditions by Trav S.D.

The R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company was incorporated on this day in 1890. I’m not here to celebrate or endorse their product, but RJR did leave a camel print in the shifting sands of show bu…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:42AM
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Harry Beaumont: From Main Street to Maisie by Trav S.D.

Harry Beaumont (1888-1966) is not regarded today as a great cinematic auteur, and perhaps he shouldn’t be in terms of such matter as camera placement, shot composition, and so forth (and t…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:02PM
Friday, February 9, 2024

Carmen Miranda: The Brazilian Bombshell by Trav S.D.

Today’s post on Carmen Miranda (1909-1955) goes out to another Carmen M, my friend Carmen Mofungo (Michele Carlo), one of the many performers influenced and inspired by the Brazilian star.…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:02PM

A Jumble of James Murrays by Trav S.D.

I categorically discourage this sort of thing but an acquaintance recently approached me and asked whether the James Murray he saw in some vintage advertising for a vaudeville bill that feat…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:48AM
Thursday, February 8, 2024

James Dean: Young Man in a Hurry by Trav S.D.

You see what I did there, right? It wasn’t easy. Just TRY to find an unglamorous photograph of James Dean (1931-1955). Naturally, to focus my search, I went to “as old man in Giant“, c…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:54AM
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

R.I.P. Charles J. Ouda by Trav S.D.

Sudden death always feels like a sucker punch, sometimes more than others. I just got the word that Kenyan actor Charles J. (“Charli”) Ouda has passed away at the age of 38. I had the ha…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 01:24PM

The Glorious Gloria Talbott by Trav S.D.

Today we pause to acknowledge actress Gloria Talbott (1931-2000). We’ve had a handful of occasion to mention Talbott here, chiefly in relation to her horror films: she has key roles in The…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 07:54AM
Tuesday, February 6, 2024

900 New Posts Free! by Trav S.D.

The bad news — my hard drive died so I won’t be churning out a few thousand new daily words for a couple of days. The good news? I’ve just opened up to the public over 900 additional p…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:12AM
Monday, February 5, 2024

The Strange Tale of Dr. Dante: Hypnotist and Con Man by Trav S.D.

This one is far from an exclusive but the show biz angle lured me in. I’m quite sure I first heard of Ronald Pellar (1930-2013) a.k.a Dr. Dante a.k.a. Ronald Dante a.k.a. Mr. Hypnotist as …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:36AM
Saturday, February 3, 2024

R.I.P. Melanie by Trav S.D.

Melanie (b. 1947) passed away a week ago. I’d already planned a post for her birthday, which is today, so I thought I’d save the obit and let this one, regrettably, do double duty. Melan…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:06AM
Friday, February 2, 2024

Film Forum’s Sapph-o-Rama Begins Today by Trav S.D.

Launching today in New York: Sapph-o-Rama, Film Forum’s 30 film series of movies “exploring the eccentric, enduring, and genre-encompassing history of the Lesbian image in cinema”. The…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 02:42PM

Two Tourneurs, Father and Son by Trav S.D.

A somewhat unusual case to contemplate today: a father and son, both of whom made well-known, well-respected and popular movies in two countries: France and America. Maurice Tourneur (Mauric…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 11:32AM
Thursday, February 1, 2024

That Time I Interviewed Dr. Bronner by Trav S.D.

It’s quite true, although it must be pointed out that there have been three generations of Drs Bronner since the mid 20th century, and many generations of soap-making Heilbronners before t…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 01:36PM

Happy 70th, Bill Mumy by Trav S.D.

Bill Mumy (Charles William Mumy Jr, b. 1954) turns 70 years old today. For someone who has nearly 100 screen credits accumulated over nearly half a century, and has distinguished himself in …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:18AM

La Vie de André Antoine by Trav S.D.

More than once here have we pointed out the real true fact the many theatrical forms that owe their origins all or in part to France: melodrama, farce, vaudeville, burlesque, revues, even th…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:12AM
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Dirt on Tammy Grimes by Trav S.D.

Oh, there’s no “dirt” on Tammy Grimes, per se, only information. it’s just wordplay and a shameless headline. Grimes (1934-2016) was an actress/performer whose legend was primarily i…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:54PM
Monday, January 29, 2024

A W.C. Fields Finding Aid by Trav S.D.

We’ve long since passed 100 posts on the topic of William Claude Dukenfeld, a.k.a. W.C. Fields (1880-1946) on this blog and so we thought we’d mark his birthday (January 29) with this ne…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 04:02PM

The Vaudeville of Chekhov by Trav S.D.

Yes! Google it and you will find many published books and articles with titles much like this post! I even dropped his name with reference to the many uses of the word vaudeville in my book …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:24AM
Sunday, January 28, 2024

Hear the Real Groucho! And Much More by Trav S.D.

If I were any kind of a guy, I’d plug every single episode of the Marx Brothers Council Podcast as they drop, but the naked truth is, I can’t keep up. It’s the only podcast I listen to…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:32AM
Saturday, January 27, 2024

A Bit on Benay Venuta by Trav S.D.

January 27 was the birthday of stage star Benay Venuta (Benvenuta Rose Crooke, 1910-1995). Old time movie fans will probably know her best from the movie musicals Annie Get Your Gun (1950, a…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:48AM
Friday, January 26, 2024

Salute to Circus Oz by Trav S.D.

It’s Australia Day, and I’ve already done my big Australia omnibus post, so this year I thought I would do a short piece that flows very naturally out of my recent ones on Martin Sharp a…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 06:36PM

Let Yer Freak Flag Fly, Florida! by Trav S.D.

January 25 is National Florida Day. Two of my brothers have retired to the Sunshine State, and they keep inviting me to come down for a visit, which I have half a plan to do. The origin of t…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 04:32PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Some Reverence for a King and an Abbot by Trav S.D.

I’m not sure why I never thought to scratch beneath the surface of the career of classic Hollywood director Henry King (1886-1982) before, as I love several of his films. But I’m glad I …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:18AM
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Feliz Cumpleaños, Chita Rivera by Trav S.D.

January 23 is the birthday of Chita Rivera (Dolores Conchita Figueroa del Rivero Anderson, b. 1933). I’ll risk getting New Yorkers’ backs up by being overexplainy about who she is, for h…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:32AM
Monday, January 22, 2024

R.I.P. Norman Jewison by Trav S.D.

Norman Jewison (b. 1926) has passed away at the age of 97 and so we thought it incumbent upon us to toss in a few words of eulogy, if not ululation. He’s been retired for 20 years, being o…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 06:24PM

Malcolm McLaren, The Sex Pistols, and The Great Rock and Roll Swindle by Trav S.D.

I’ve long wanted to do a piece on Malcolm McLaren (1946-2010) that posited him in the impresario tradition of Colonel Tom Parker, Brian Epstein, Andrew Loog Oldham, and others. This year m…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:54PM
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Happy 80th Birthday, Shelley Fabares! by Trav S.D.

Happy 80th birthday to Shelley Fabares (Michele Ann Marie Fabares, b. 1944). For reasons of age (youth for once) my fandom for this star of film, television and the recording arts went backw…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 04:18PM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Nov 17, 2024: Elf - Marquis Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 17, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 10, 2025: Smash - Imperial Theatre