As I shuffled out of …and a Ghost Grrl, I overheard a gentleman who may have described the show best: “Well, typical Fringe stuff.” The motely crew making up the King’s Players has…
SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 12:47PMThe Root of All Knowledge is a beautifully violent production of a dense, high-minded play. A Man and a Woman fall in love and explore what it means to be alone or connected. Is true connect…
SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 05:51PMsau·da·de, sou?däd?/, noun , a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia. Saudade; the one where I miss you is a Fringe rarity: an uplifting drama. Andrew Reid’s charming script b…
SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 09:18PMTia Nina sounds like the name of an adorable Latina aunt. Tia Nina is actually the name of a feminist, glam-rock, purple-merkin-clad dance trio. Their sex-positive dance concert, JUICED, l…
SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 08:40AM