All stories by Jt Newman on BroadwayStars

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Panther in the Sky tackles gun violence by Jt Newman

Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble and CIRCA-Pintig’s collaborative piece, Panther in the Sky, written by Lani T. Montreal and directed by Mignon McPherson Stewart, tackles difficult subject mat…

SOURCE: at 09:35AM
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Music Man at Marriott knows the territory by Jt Newman

In the opening scene of Meredith Willson’s The Music Man at Marriott Theatre, a train car full of traveling salesmen showcase their talent and precision as they fast-talk and sing their wa…

SOURCE: at 01:53PM
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Cock presents a binary look at complicated queer relationships by Jt Newman

The play Cock, by Mike Bartlett, is ostensibly a show about turning the “all you need is to find a good woman” narrative for gay men on its head. Set in one apartment, the characters, Jo…

SOURCE: at 03:59PM
Thursday, July 21, 2022

The tastes of home by Jt Newman, Philip Montoro, Salem Collo-Julin, Kirk Williamson and Savannah Hugueley

It’s a common refrain in the city: Chicago summer is so worth the wait. Newbies and transplants can feel the buzz of opportunity in the air when the weather starts to turn. Visceral summer…

SOURCE: at 05:30PM

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