All stories by Trav S.D. on BroadwayStars

Thursday, January 23, 2025

On “Medicine Man”: That Time Ernie Kovacs and Buster Keaton Formed a Comedy Team by Trav S.D.

This morning finds me in an ever-worsening funk of several days standing. Though there are about a half dozen notable show biz professionals born on January 23 I might conceivably add to our…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 01:03PM
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

On the Coming of Conan, and the Leaving of Robert E. Howard by Trav S.D.

When the screen version of Conan the Barbarian starring Arnold Schwarzenegger hit screens in 1982, most people who thought about it all, I’ll wager, made the understandable assumption that…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:54PM
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

R.I.P. Jules Feiffer by Trav S.D.

And so one black day succeeds another, and so it shall be for the foreseeable future. It doesn’t surprise me that Jules Feiffer (b. 1929) endured but one day of the restored Trump monarchy…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 02:12PM

The Tex and Jinx Show by Trav S.D.

More examples of the ephemerality of fame in the broadcast media: the largely forgotten pair of John Reagan “Tex” McCrary Jr. (1910-2003) and Eugenia Lincoln “Jinx” Falkenburg (1…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:48AM
Monday, January 20, 2025

Happy Birthday, Janey Godley, and May You Rest in Peace by Trav S.D.

Through some miracle of Divine Providence, Scottish comedian Janey Godley (Jane Godley Currie Storrie, 1961-2024), most famous for greeting the 45th President of the United States to her cou…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:54AM
Sunday, January 19, 2025

A Lingering Look at Lillian Harvey by Trav S.D.

Lilian Harvey (Helene Lilian Muriel Pape,1906-1968) was in many ways the perfect international star — until the disease of nationalism arrived to divide the world. (If her name sounds vag…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 11:18AM
Saturday, January 18, 2025

A Laurel and Hardy Finding Aid by Trav S.D.

January 18 is the birthday of Oliver Hardy. We observe it this year with an overdue roadmap to posts relevant to the team of Laurel and Hardy, including the nearly 70 in the dedicated sectio…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:12AM

The Industrious Harrison Greene by Trav S.D.

From a certain standpoint, Harrison Greene (1884-1945) had one of the most impressive film careers I have encountered: over 250 screen credits in talking films spread across a mere 15 year p…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 04:54AM
Friday, January 17, 2025

Harry Reser and the Clicquot Club Eskimos by Trav S.D.

Yes, I am very much aware that “Eskimo” is no longer the preferred term for certain native denizens of the Arctic. It was however part of the name of a jazz band a century ago; to tell t…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:32AM
Thursday, January 16, 2025

R.I.P. David Lynch by Trav S.D.

An experiment — I wrote this piece (linked above) last year, and tried to circulate it today using the increasingly exhausted method of social media, with little success, so I now reblog i…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:42PM

Of Harmer, Alter, Dormer, and Van Trump by Trav S.D.

This unusual post arises because I was amused to notice a few years ago that three unrelated female performers of the Victorian/Edwardian stage and screen shared a January 16 birthday and ha…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:42AM
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Further Adventures of Fatty by Trav S.D.

Avid readers of Travalanche have encountered the name of silent film comedy authority Steve Massa here in some 62 posts. We’ve plugged his invaluable books, and cited his research and insi…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 05:32PM

Of Bucket Brigades and Bridges by Trav S.D.

We had occasion to mention Lloyd Bridges (1913-1998) and his offspring yesterday — their family house was one of the casualties of the still burning L.A. fires. Lloyd’s birthday was Janu…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 03:24PM
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Historic Toll of the L.A. Fires by Trav S.D.

The L.A. fires of 2025 still burn as I write this, though it appears that the worst has passed (knock wood). Dozens of my friends and colleagues live out there, actors, writers, critics, cre…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 05:24PM

Thurlow Bergen: Born 150 Years Ago Today by Trav S.D.

Sure! Thurlow Bergen! Wanna make something of it? There are better known names with January 14th birthdays I could add today, having already done posts on Hal Roach, Bebe Daniels, Russ Colum…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 01:03PM
Monday, January 13, 2025

The Gracious Gregory Walcott by Trav S.D.

The screen career of Gregory Walcott (Bernard Wasdon Mattox, 1928-2015) is nicely bracketed by projects connected to Grade Z exploitation and horror auteur Ed Wood. Walcott is one of the lea…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 01:12PM
Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Shimmering Shirley Eaton by Trav S.D.

January 12 is the birthday of British singer and actress Shirley Eaton (b. 1937). Eaton was a student at the Aida Foster Theater School who was already performing professionally on stage and…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:06PM
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Much Ado About Monte Blue by Trav S.D.

January 11 was the birthday of Native American actor Monte Blue (Gerard Montgomery Blue or Bluefeather, 1887-1963). Blue was part Osage, Cherokee and French on his father’s side, Irish on …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:54AM
Friday, January 10, 2025

Florence Reed and Family: A Rabbit Hole That Begins with Miss Havisham by Trav S.D.

This started out to be a simple post about Florence Reed (1883-1967) the woman who played Miss Havisham so memorably in the 1934 screen version of Dickens‘ Great Expectations, but it turns…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:18PM
Thursday, January 9, 2025

For International Choreographers Day: A Thing on The Apache Dance by Trav S.D.

We’ve had a gazillion occasions to mention the phenomenon known as the Apache Dance on this blog. For International Choreographer’s Day, we thought we’d do a little more comprehensive.…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 04:54PM

The Ballad of Joan Baez by Trav S.D.

Joan Baez (b. 1941) is top of mind at the moment for all sorts of reasons: we saw her played by Monica Barbaro as a major character in the Bob Dylan bio-pic A Complete Unknown. At the most r…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:36PM
Wednesday, January 8, 2025

On the Inadvertent History Lesson of “Yellowbeard” (1983) by Trav S.D.

January 8 was the birthday of the late gonzo British comedian Graham Chapman (1941-1989). For many, Chapman was their favorite member of the Monty Python troupe, though sadly he was the firs…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 06:12PM

The Steve Holland Centennial by Trav S.D.

Born 100 years ago today, actor and male model Steve Holland (1925-1997). Holland wasn’t a body builder to the extent Steve Reeves was, but, like that other Steve, he was associated with h…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 07:18AM

R.I.P. Robert Skoglund, The Humble Farmer by Trav S.D.

This one goes out to my brother and my son, who are both Mainers, and (since I lived there briefly too), also to myself! As reported by Eve Golden, Maine humorist Robert Skoglund (1936-2024)…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 06:12AM
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

On the Sweet Smelling Vincent Gardenia by Trav S.D.

Like everyone else who remembers him, I loved character Vincent Gardenia (Vincenzo Scognamiglio, 1920-1992) — but it wasn’t until I learned about his early years that I got super jazzed …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 04:18AM
Monday, January 6, 2025

In Which We Gush About Gustave Doré by Trav S.D.

Before there was cinema, there was illustration. That’s really my only justification for posting on 19th century French artist Gustave Doré (Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré, 1832-1883…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 02:42PM

Capturing Capucine by Trav S.D.

There are all sorts of reasons for wanting to capture Capucine (Germaine Hélène Irène Lefebvre, 1928-1990), principal among them being that she was both beguiling and elusive. There were …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:36PM

On the Nimble Natation of Newt Perry, and Several Spectacular Springs by Trav S.D.

January 6 was the birthday of swimming promoter and aquatic showman Newt Perry (1908-1987). I wouldn’t claim that I would never write about better known Perrys such as Luke or Kate, but th…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 11:32AM
Sunday, January 5, 2025

Lorraine Miller: The Woman Who Was NOT “Samuel Goldwyn’s Most Cuddlesome Blonde” by Trav S.D.

Before we plunge into the impressive life and career of actress/singer/dancer Lorraine Miller (1922-1978) we’d like to pause and remind you of some of the numerous and estimable personages…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:36AM
Saturday, January 4, 2025

Two Other Vaudeville Books by Trav S.D.

The post I started working on for today turned out to be a real bear, so I decided to kick the can down the road on that tone ’til next year. As a stop-gap, today I share a post I had inte…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 02:12PM
Friday, January 3, 2025

Meet Betty Furness by Trav S.D.

Before we plunge into the impressive life and career of actress, model and presenter Betty Furness (1916-1994) we’d like to pause and remind you of some of the numerous and estimable perso…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 11:02AM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Nov 17, 2024: Elf - Marquis Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 17, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 10, 2025: Smash - Imperial Theatre
TBA: Titanic
TBA: Ragtime