Friday, March 16, 2018

Curious. by David J. Loehr

The news that Chicago is losing the American Theater Company–here’s the Chicago Tribune story–is stunning. Artistic Director Will Davis was let go, and the board has decide…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 04:23PM
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Giving Thought by David J. Loehr

Another Giving Tuesday, another day spent deleting emails unread and maybe unsubscribing from the places that send more than two in a day. And I work in the arts. But every year, it’s the …

SOURCE: 2AMT at 04:24PM
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Do we need more theatre in which audiences take an active role? by Pete Miller

Let’s posit two categories of theatre. To be dramatic (that’s what we do, right?) we’ll call the first category “Sit-down-and-shut-up” theatre, meaning theatrical productions in wh…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 05:36PM
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Stoking the Fires by Travis Bedard

I often feel alone. My life experiences and the demands of my day-to-day are so specific to my life producing and performing in small budget theatre that it often feels that outside of rehea…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 12:48AM
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Guy from New York by David J. Loehr

This past weekend on NPR’s Weekend Edition, Scott Simon talked with David Marcus, a senior contributor to The Federalist and the artistic director of a theater company in New York City…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 04:03PM

Attemping to Find a Moral by Travis Bedard

There is good conversation and bad conversation. We’ve all been party to both. We’ve all had those talks that go late into the night and feel like you’re solving the world. Additive co…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 04:03PM
Friday, February 3, 2017

Why we need plays about Capitalism by Pete Miller

It’s no accident that ancient and renaissance playwrights were drawn to write plays about heroes and nobles. Not only were they aspirational figures whose lives would be ripe for curiosity…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 11:32AM
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dancing With Myself by Travis Bedard

I’m almost as busy as you are. In that rush of “on to the next thing” I currently get most of my news on the fly from my Twitter and Facebook feeds. On a quick scroll throu…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 02:06AM
Friday, June 17, 2016

Hashtag 2thtr by David J. Loehr

After careful consideration and conversation, it’s time. The 2amt hashtag is shifting to #2thtr. This week’s events and hashtag fever have been catalysts, but we’ve been mo…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 03:52PM

Hashtag 2amt by David J. Loehr

About six and a half years ago, we started the #2amt hashtag on Twitter. If you’re on this site, you know it’s a conversation about theatre–performance, production, promoti…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 12:45PM
Monday, June 13, 2016

Peel out the Watchword by Travis Bedard

The Chicago Reader published as careful and deliberate a piece of investigative journalism covering the arts as I can ever remember reading.  In the piece Amy Leavitt and Chris Piatt laid o…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 02:28AM
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Becoming Effortless by Marcia Polas

Effort. Webster’s defines effort as “work done by the mind or body: energy used to do something.” I spend more time than you can imagine thinking about, analyzing, and trying to minimi…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 10:12AM
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Arts marketing lessons from my church by Nella Vera

Although I was raised in the Catholic Church, I am not a practicing Catholic. The few times I have been in a house of worship in the past two decades involved either a wedding, a christening…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 03:42PM
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What if every DC tourist saw a play? by Pete Miller

This post may skate on the edge of self-promotion, because I am going to be drawing attention to a brief e-book I’ve co-authored; but I have a good story to tell about how this book is an …

SOURCE: 2AMT at 11:24AM
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Important Poo by A. Rey Pamatmat

I spent all day absorbing what people said about New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players’s now cancelled performance of The Mikado at NYU’s Skirball Center. I read blog posts, groaned at c…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 12:37PM
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

#SayNoToMikado: Here’s a Pretty Mess by Ming Peiffer

Why the Mikado is a No-No, and Other Painfully Obvious Realities About Race Representation in the Theatre Nearly 4 years ago, as a fresh face on New York’s scene, I attended the inaugu…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 01:50PM

#SayNoToMikado: A More Humane Mikado? by 2amt On Twitter

A roundup of articles about the current and recent productions of The Mikado and the controversy surrounding them. Leah Nanako Winkler from Sept 2015: The Mikado in Yellowface is Coming to t…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 01:50PM
Monday, September 14, 2015

An Empty Space Followup by Matt Cosper

I have long had an interest in arts groups using transitioning commercial and retail spaces to alleviate space crunch. On hearing that Matt Cosper and his Charlotte-based ensemble XOXO are t…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 07:32AM
Monday, August 24, 2015

Rethinking The Actor’s Instrument: It Shouldn’t Hurt by Marcia Polas

We are not doing a great job of teaching our actors to care for their instruments properly. This is clear to me when I read (regularly) about an actor in a particularly difficult physical ro…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 11:13AM
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

In Empty Spaces by Matt Cosper

I have long had an interest in arts groups using transitioning commercial and retail spaces to alleviate space crunch. On hearing that Matt Cosper and his Charlotte-based ensemble XOXO are t…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 03:18PM
Thursday, August 6, 2015

On Being Right by Travis Bedard

There is a mental habit formed early in the development of the modern American psyche: the immediate and perpetual recentering of yourself as the underdog. Our prevailing American narrative…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 12:31PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Unauthorized Game Change Keynote by Pete Miller

I am not a keynote speaker for TCG this year, but if I were, this is what I would say.   The Theatre Communication Group national conference this year is called Game Change.  As both a…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 02:56PM
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Tyranny of Me and You by Travis Bedard

I’m fascinated by observing chefs interacting with food. Unlike most folks who create they can’t avoid their work outside their “studio”, they need to eat after all. …

SOURCE: 2AMT at 05:46PM
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Audience (R)evolution 15 by Pete Miller

I’m in Kannsas City for a TCG gathering about audience engagement that has sort of morphed into a gathering about working across institutional lines. Now this is a topic I’m thor…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 07:14AM
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Change the Ratio by David J. Loehr

Let’s see if I have this straight. Women write about bias–unconscious or not–in an industry, they set up a group to support fellow women in said industry, men immediately c…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 11:50AM
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Return of Puppet Hamlet! by Travis Bedard

I would wager that, when faced with a show you don’t know, you do something similar to the math I do. You cobble together the basic geometry of the show from the elements you do know.�…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 11:30AM
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Managing Audition Anxiety: Tangible Practices by Marcia Polas

Actors are not alone in needing to manage nerves, but compared to most professions, yours is unique in terms of how frequently you are placed in nerve inducing situations in order to get the…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 09:56PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Yearly Will I Do This Rite by Kate Powers

Earlier this month, the Shakespeare Theatre Association (STA) held its 25th annual conference, hosted by the gracious staff at San Francisco Shakespeare Festival; the event was comprised o…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 01:37PM
Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Show Must Go On: Working When Sick by Marcia Polas

The 2014-15 theatre season is underway, causing me, desperately, to try not to fret over photos of strangers in first table reads as they begin to train their instruments to say those words …

SOURCE: 2AMT at 12:09PM
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How A Christmas Carol can save you and your theatre company by Pete Miller

You don’t have to program it during the holidays to sell a bunch of easy tickets. That tactic works for lots of companies though, which made me wonder why. With anything as big as A Christ…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 02:59PM
Friday, October 10, 2014

Technology and The Actor’s Instrument: Part Two by Marcia Polas

SOLVING THE PROBLEM AND REPAIRING THE DAMAGE As a Pilates teacher/movement consultant who specializes in how clients move/behave within their own environments, I spend a lot of time out of m…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 04:17PM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Nov 17, 2024: Elf - Marquis Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 17, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 10, 2025: Smash - Imperial Theatre