A mysterious coming-of-age story that focuses on women’s sexuality, written and directed by two talented artists like Rachel Bonds and Danya Taymor, was unquestionably the reason I wante…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 02:58AMALIVE AND KICKING: MADDOW AND ZIMET AT PAC/NYC New York City, 1947: Julian Beck and Judith Molina found The Living Theatre, the oldest experimental group in the United States, giving life, w…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 02:50AMIRELAND’S GENTRY IS DISINTEGRATING IN FRIEL’S ARISTOCRATS, BUT SO IS THE DRAMA The mid-19th century, with its changing class dynamics, marked the decline of the power of aristocracy in E…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 01:45AMLET’S RAISE OUR GLASSES AND CHEER DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES There is an old Irish proverb that goes “A man takes a drink, the drink takes a drink, the drink takes the man.” Based on a JP …
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 02:59AMTHIS SHOW ISN’T A CRIME, BUT IT SOMETIMES FEELS LIKE PUNISHMENT Following his return from a decade in exile in Siberia as a dissenter against the Romanov order, Fyodor Dostoevsky intended …
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 02:59AMIt’s hard to compose for modern musicals and not fall for pop-tunes or Sondheim’s classic songs to be safe; Theatre is made of trials and errors, you keep reworking ingredients until you…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 09:20PMWICKED GOOD THEATER Patrick Page was exposed to Shakespeare as a toddler in the mid-sixties; since then he seems to have been deeply feeling, researching, analyzing and performing every word…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 02:50AMMONSTER MOURNING, HOME OF FRIENDSHIP Weena Pauly and Katie Workum aim to highlight the essence of their friendship in a minimalistic form of postmodern dance-theatre. Like children followi…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 01:55PM“ARE WE SAFE?” In a world that foolishly brought back authoritarian regimes and fascist rhetoric, as if they didn’t do enough damage to humanity in the past, it is always wise to keep …
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 01:51PMWritten, directed and choreographed by Luke Murphy from Ireland, Volcano — at St. Anne’s Warehouse as part of Under the Radar Festival — is a dance/theatre production you will not forg…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 06:23PMTHE CONSEQUENCES OF GREED: MANAHATTA IN MANHATTAN Before getting into the play, it is important to know that Manahatta is written by playwright, activist and attorney Mary Kathryn Nagle, who…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 03:04PMTERRIFIC TURTURRO, MARVELOUS MARVEL, CUNNING KRAVITS AND RIOTOUS ROTH: DON’T MISS SABBATH’S THEATER The New Group‘s production of Sabbath’s Theater is a perfect adaptation of Philip …
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 06:59PM