Unlike its predecessors, “Kung Fu Panda 3” is a Chinese-American co-production, which co-directors Alessandro Carloni and Jennifer Yuh Nelson and co-producer Melissa Cobb — who recentl…
SOURCE: The San Francisco Examiner at 03:01AMby Jeffrey M. Anderson Once dubbed "the godfather of mumblecore," Andrew Bujalski, in his fifth movie "Results," used actual movie stars for the first time in his career. Bujalsk…
SOURCE: The San Francisco Examiner at 07:00AMby Jeffrey M. Anderson Once dubbed "the godfather of mumblecore," Andrew Bujalski, in his fifth movie "Results," used actual movie stars for the first time in his career. Bujalsk…
SOURCE: archives.sfexaminer.com at 07:00AMby Jeffrey M. Anderson Summer is here! Along with sequels and superheroes come funny stuff, spooky stuff, touching stuff, imaginative stuff and thoughtful stuff – in other word…
SOURCE: The San Francisco Examiner at 07:00AMby Jeffrey M. Anderson Bill Pohlad's "Love & Mercy" tells the story of a most complex and fascinating musician: Brian Wilson. For this genius, no ordinary biopic would do. During…
SOURCE: The San Francisco Examiner at 07:00AMby Jeffrey M. Anderson Summer is here! Along with sequels and superheroes come funny stuff, spooky stuff, touching stuff, imaginative stuff and thoughtful stuff – in other word…
SOURCE: archives.sfexaminer.com at 07:00AM