All stories by Hannah Margerison on BroadwayStars

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Bristol Revunions: Cream, Just the Tonic at The Caves by Hannah Margerison

You can find more comedy at the Edinburgh Fringe than you can find ants in an anthill, and it’s often difficult to know where to start. Do you go for improv? Stand-up? Sketches? Those …

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 03:32PM
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Some Big Some Bang, Underbelly Cowgate by Hannah Margerison

An orange tree cascades from the ceiling, screeching cat sounds punctuate the theatre’s silence and a family gathers for their mother’s memorial. This is the slightly absurdist world…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 09:20AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Acts of Redemption, Underbelly Cowgate by Hannah Margerison

Redundant lottery tickets, unexpected meetings on nights out, fathers and a curious incident of a dog in the nighttime: A.K.A., the ingredients of Acts of Redemption, Ken Jaworowski’s touc…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 09:20AM
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: 2 Become 1, C Nova by Hannah Margerison

Jess is having a tough time. She’s going through a break-up from Leo – perfect, beautiful ‘The One’ Leo. If it were 2015, she’d remove him from Facebook, delete his number, cry to …

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 07:30PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Blind Mirth, Paradise in the Vault by Hannah Margerison

I’m starting to believe that the only comedy shows in existence should be improv comedy. Formed of seven St. Andrews university students, Blind Mirth’s comedy improv is hilarious from st…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 07:30PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: UKIP! The Musical, theSpace @ Surgeon’s Hall by Hannah Margerison

We’ve seen a surge in musical theatre over the past few years of shows that tentatively straddle a fine line between genius and extremely offensive – shows such as Book of Mormon spring …

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:34PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Open, ZOO by Hannah Margerison

Election night 2015. The UK is either teetering on the edge of a new era of politics or destined for another five years of Tory leadership. The nation is divided by opinion. Open aims to del…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:34PM
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: A+E, Pleasance Courtyard by Hannah Margerison

Amongst busy nurses and clumsy drunks, three young people find themselves in late night A&E. Robyn has suffered a dreadful accident and her three friends wait anxiously for news, and it…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 07:13PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Institute, Pleasance Courtyard by Hannah Margerison

It’s a mismatched band of not-so-merry men – an architect tormented by high expectations, a hopeless romantic tormented by an Italian restaurant memory, a German man tormented by ha…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 05:50AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Albert Einstein: Relativitively Speaking, Pleasance Courtyard by Hannah Margerison

Nothing says fun quite like wave-particle duality, theories of critical opalescence and thermodynamic fluctuations. Am I right? Albert Einstein thinks so. He’s here to prove that physics c…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 05:50AM
Friday, August 21, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Cinema, Northern Stage @ Summerhall by Hannah Margerison

19 August, 1978. 8:21pm. Abadan, Iran. Nearly 500 people sit down to watch Masoud Kimiai’s 1974 film Gavaznha in the Cinema Rex. What follows is one of the most deadly terrorist attacks …

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:58PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Midnight Cafe, Paradise in the Vault by Hannah Margerison

Only a very specific kind of person wanders the streets of cities in the early hours of the morning: people with nowhere to go or people who have somewhere to go but don’t want to be there…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 05:58PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Tumbling After, SpaceTriplex by Hannah Margerison

Jack and Jill went up to The Hill pub for three pints and some slippery nipple shots. Jack brings home Gretel, Jill brings home Peter. Just average one-night stands that somehow turn into re…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:12AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Dead Man’s Cell Phone, Underbelly Cowgate by Hannah Margerison

What do you do when a dead man’s cell phone is ringing? Do you: A) Ignore it? B) Call an ambulance? Or C) Answer it? Jean chooses the latter. And in doing so, becomes entangled in the enig…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:12AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Jethro Compton’s Frontier Trilogy: The Rattlesnake’s Kiss, C Nova by Hannah Margerison

I’m not sure what it is about this period of history that inspires such vivid storytelling – some of it of questionable quality. With Jethro Compton’s The Rattlesnake’s Kiss, we’re…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:12AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Comfort Slaves, New Town Theatre by Hannah Margerison

There’s nothing quite like immersive theatre. I find myself sitting on the work surfaces in the dingy basement kitchen of a theatre; the industrial lights are cut, door bursts open an…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 05:10AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: The Ascension of Mrs Leech, Greenside @ Infirmary Street by Hannah Margerison

It’s early morning. A flurry of beings surround the most important man on Earth, fumbling with their clipboards for the daily meeting, taking place in the Big White Building. The agenda is…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 04:00AM
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Ross & Rachel, Assembly George Square by Hannah Margerison

Joey, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, Ross and Rachel all put their keys down on the table of their New York apartment. It’s 2004 and The Last One. The audience is on their feet, the actors are …

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 08:23PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: The Eulogy of Toby Peach, Underbelly Cowgate by Hannah Margerison

For the second time today and for the third time this week I find myself in a show about cancer. Earlier I learnt about BRCA1 on the back of a cello with a sharpie, today we have the ‘chem…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 05:10PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Jurassic Park, Assembly Roxy by Hannah Margerison

Okay, I’ll admit it. I haven’t seen the film Jurassic Park. Yes, I have lived under a rock for the past 50 years. But by no means does this stop me enjoying Superbolt Theatre Company’s…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 05:10PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Family, Underbelly Cowgate by Hannah Margerison

Most people hitchhike to simply get from A to B. In fact, most people don’t really hitchhike much at all in 2015. Why put your life in the hands of total strangers when you can get a Megab…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 09:52AM
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: The Communist Threat, Zoo Southside by Hannah Margerison

It seems that politics in the twentieth century was very much a trust game. Who is spying for the Russians? Who is spying for the British Government? And most importantly, who is a secret un…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 01:35PM
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: FEAST, Zoo by Hannah Margerison

Spaghetti is thrown. Cornflakes fall from the air. Wine is spilt. The stage is a mess. Here lies the remnants of FEAST, Clout Theatre’s gutsy exploration of humanity’s relationship with …

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:40PM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: The Tap Dancing Mermaid, Summerhall by Hannah Margerison

  Marina Skippett loves to tap dance. She does it waiting in line for the supermarket, along the street, even in bed while she is asleep. But when her irritable auntie bans tap dancing…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 07:08AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Goodstock, Pleasance Courtyard by Hannah Margerison

Plays about cancer can go one of two ways: sad or ironic. Sad cancer plays focus on the devastating emotional effects of cancer and are generally tear-inducing. Ironic cancer plays include a…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 07:08AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Births, Deaths and Marriages, Pleasance Courtyard by Hannah Margerison

One eighteen-year-old is about to become a father, another is running away from his family home and a couple are having a lovers’ tiff over a karaoke version of ‘You’re all that ma…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 07:08AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: A Boy and a Bear in a Boat, National Library of Scotland by Hannah Margerison

“Are we nearly there yet?” asks the Boy, crouched in a bright green anorak and blinking wide eyed at the surrounding sea. The reply comes from a ukulele-playing polar bear sea c…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 07:08AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Parlour Games, Zoo by Hannah Margerison

Imagination is a seminal part of so many of childhoods. A stick becomes a sword with which you can slay fierce dragons; a cardboard box is a mighty ship used to flee from pirates; and you c…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 05:09AM
Monday, August 17, 2015

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Down & Out in Paris and London, Pleasance Courtyard by Hannah Margerison

Ask a stranger on the street if they’ve heard of Eric Arthur Blair and there’s a strong chance their answer will be a resounding no. Yet the Eton educated, upper-class, India-born Blair…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:15AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Gay Furnish Flirt Coach, Underbelly Cowgate by Hannah Margerison

Gay Furnish is a professional flirt coach. She puts people into three categories: introvert, extrovert and pervert. She points out the location of a clitoris on a toy rabbit. She is complete…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 06:14AM

Edinburgh Fringe Review: Molly, Pleasance Courtyard by Hannah Margerison

The theme, “What makes a murderer?” usually evokes grisly tales of Jack the Ripper or Sweeney Todd type characters, exploring their inner psyche penny-dreadful style. Molly bring…

SOURCE: A Younger Theatre at 05:10AM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 15, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 01, 2025: Glengarry Glen Ross
TBA: Titanic