All stories by Caridad Svich on BroadwayStars

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Mortal Theatre by Caridad Svich

By Caridad Svich. Caridad Svich offers some observations from this ever-evolving now, as the theatre industry contends with the manner in which it may come into its own during the COVID-19 p…

SOURCE: HowlRound at 02:00AM
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A place called Sanctuary: Home, Theatre and Texas by Caridad Svich

About a year ago, I started working on a piece called Sanctuary (American Psalm), which will be seen in work in progress showings January 28-31st, 2016 at Arena Stage’s Kogod Cradle Series…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 11:00AM
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Please Please Please Let me Get What I Want (even if) You Can’t Always Get What You Want (or how the Smiths and the Rolling Stones can teach us a th by Caridad Svich

(This essay was written for the 2015 TCG Circle Audience Revolution blog salon after the 2015 TCG Audience (R)Evolution Convening March 25-27, 2015 in Kansas City.) Tell me what you want. P…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 04:15PM
Monday, March 30, 2015

You and I: on theatre and audience (with a nod to Adrian Howells) by Caridad Svich

(This reflection was written for the 2015 TCG Circle Audience Revolution blog salon) This is not for you. You never came into my mind when I was making this. To be honest, I was thinking of …

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 12:32PM
Monday, June 30, 2014

The theatre under the sand by Caridad Svich

(This post is a reflection of the 2014 TCG National Conference: Crossing Borders and the two blog salons curated by Caridad Svich,  {Art | People} and {Survive|Thrive}.) Lorca s…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 12:22PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Some Words about Art and Money by Caridad Svich

(Photo by Ben Carver of Jarman (all this maddening beauty). This post is part of the 2014 TCG National Conference: Crossing Borders {Survive| Thrive} blog salon.) I promised mysel…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 02:46PM
Saturday, June 14, 2014

On the Act of Regarding Another: Some thoughts on live performance, silence and fragility by Caridad Svich

(This post is part of the 2014 TCG National Conference: Crossing Borders {Art | People} blog salon.) One: Thinking about Theatre Let us think now on the nature of silence On the act …

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 05:20PM
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Art, Action, Resistance and a Bit of Play by Caridad Svich

(Photo from the 2012 Uruguay premiere of Caridad Svich’s In the time of the butterflies/En el tiempo de las mariposas. Caridad’s play Archipelago is part of the 30/30 US Latin@…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 12:12PM
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Caridad’s Svich’s Opening Remarks on Artistic Innovation by Caridad Svich

(Photo: Caridad Svich addressing the Artistic Innovation homeroom, by Michal Daniel. Editor’s note: Caridad’s remarks have been available as an archived video courtesy of HowlRou…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 12:26PM
Monday, June 24, 2013

Bridging Dallas by Caridad Svich

(This post is a part of the Artistic Innovation blog salon curated by Caridad Svich for the 2013 TCG National Conference: Learn Do Teach in Dallas. Click-through to read her thoughts on …

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 05:11PM
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dissonant strands by Caridad Svich

A mild day in Dallas, Texas on the 7th of June brought forth spirited discussion amongst Will Power, Kevin Moriarty, Wendy MacLeod and Ed Sobel, Tim Bond and I on a panel on playwriting resi…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 12:08PM
Friday, June 7, 2013

days of rain, days of light by Caridad Svich

(This post is a part of the Artistic Innovation blog salon curated by Caridad Svich for the 2013 TCG National Conference: Learn Do Teach in Dallas). a deluvial morning led to a breezy, calm …

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 08:18PM
Monday, May 27, 2013

Hybrid Artistry by Caridad Svich

(This post is a part of the Diversity & Inclusion blog salon led by Online Curator Jacqueline E. Lawton for the 2013 TCG National Conference: Learn Do Teach in Dallas. Check out fu…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 11:58AM
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Aligning the Vision by Caridad Svich

(This post is the first post of the Artistic Innovation arc #TCG13 blog salon–learn more here). Making new work for live performance demands every bit of fiber and muscle, sinew and st…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 01:46PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Spark of Resistance/Toward Healing by Caridad Svich

In the twilight of a waning late summer day, thoughts turn quite naturally toward the upcoming US Presidential election, and what is certainly a contest of idols on the blue and red sides of…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 08:22AM
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Presence and Water by Caridad Svich

In the background: A rainy night in New York City in late spring. In the foreground: a live stream broadcast of Thais Flaitt’s Portuguese translation of my play The Way of Water from Cia d…

SOURCE: 2AMT at 05:32PM

An Environment for Change? by Caridad Svich

(Photo from Univ of Pretoria, South Africa reading of THE WAY OF WATER. Courtesy of Univ of Pretoria.) “Oh, environmental plays,” a UK playwright-colleague said to me during a Wi…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 11:57AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Toward a Visible Theatre by Caridad Svich

(Generation Without Borders is an essay series created by TCG for the 50th Anniversary of World Theatre Day. ) How does one write a life? Where does the will to intervene socially and polit…

SOURCE: Theatre Communications Group at 01:47PM

All that Chat