ISN’T IT BLISS? Striding onto the CVRep stage last night, Broadway star Melissa Errico, in a black dress draped in silver sequins, dazzled the eyes looking as if she had just stepped off o…
SOURCE: at 02:55AMDON’T SEE THE NUTCRACKER SUITE — LIVE IT There are certain new concepts in theatre of which one has learned to become wary: “color-blind casting”, “gender-blind casting” and most…
SOURCE: at 02:19AMCOME IN TO GET OUT In an immensely satisfying Halloween entertainment, Jordan Peele’s splendid thriller, Get Out, was accompanied by the LA Opera Orchestra playing the score live under the…
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 08:44PMYOU SHOULDA BEEN THERE Happy ever after is the stuff of fairy tales – yet, happy ever after is how we in the audience left the Alex Theatre on Sunday night. The show was It Shoulda Been Yo…
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 08:32PMHELLO TO GOODBYE The Musical Theatre Guild should be proud of this fine, coherent, splendidly cast reading of The Goodbye Girl, with principals Wendy Rosoff and Will Collyer charismatically …
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 06:28PMA LIVING ROSE If you have even a modest love of French songs, or just the art of performance, of hearing and seeing a singer bring a lyric to vibrant life, do yourself a favor and go see thi…
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 02:20PMI LIKE YOUR STYLE P. T. Barnum claimed there’s a sucker born every minute, but composers like Cy Coleman come along only once in a lifetime. His vigorous score was in the capable hands of …
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 05:07PMLOOT CONDUCT At a time when drawing room comedies ruled West End theatre, and even the shock of the raw emotions depicted in Osborne’s Look Back in Anger had faded, a complacent London aud…
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 02:25PM