By Paul T Davies Nicely abridged, with the tiresome Touchstone being eliminated, this is a very entertaining production. This post REVIEW: As You Like It, St Martins Church, Colchester ✭�…
SOURCE: at 07:31AMBy Paul T Davies All credit to director Adam Penford and the terrific cast for restoring the play back to the canon, and, in the intimacy of the Park Theatre, it now looks like an honest por…
SOURCE: at 06:22AMBy Paul T Davies It’s a little ironic that, in a time of cross gender, age and ethnic blind casting, multi-media work and when the theatre is trying to find the next big thing, a well-stru…
SOURCE: at 08:32AMBy Paul T Davies Director Douglas Rintoul places it in the hands of an exceptional ensemble of actor-musicians, and the result is a joyful and powerful evening celebrating equal rights. Base…
SOURCE: at 09:12AMBy Paul T Davies In this beautiful, innovative production of the play, the script is abridged and the audience promenade and it’s played by a terrific ensemble who convince with every line…
SOURCE: at 08:57AMBy Paul T Davies Voting for the Top 100 Musicals Poll finishes at 11.50pm on Sunday night. We asked a few of our reviewers to put down their thoughts on their favourite musicals. Just back f…
SOURCE: at 05:08PMBy Paul T Davies Late night, in a dank cellar, this show might find the right atmosphere. As it is, it’s far too safe, and seems a strange choice for the fringe. This post REVIEW: Dark…
SOURCE: at 11:07AMBy Paul T Davies A packed venue of all ages, from young children to grandparents, loved it. Be quick in booking as this is one hot ticket, and fall in love with theatre again! This post REVI…
SOURCE: at 09:17AMBy Paul T Davies On the plus side, the cast are very good, and the damaging side of their partying is played very well. I liked the confrontational nature of the script, and it does not glam…
SOURCE: at 07:20AMBy Paul T Davies The show comes in at under an hour, and maybe it’s time for the company to spread their dragon wings and expand the material- there was plenty of fire left at the end.…
SOURCE: at 07:04AMBy Paul T Davies The sell-out audience loved it and you will leave with a huge grin on your face! A solid gold feel good hit! The film version must be in the works? This post REVIEW: Love, L…
SOURCE: at 07:08PMBy Paul T Davies Balloons become bombs, string restricts the space, the terror is worked out as a maths calculation. Haunting and mesmerising, this is the best the Fringe has to offer- a dev…
SOURCE: at 09:09AMBy Paul T Davies This is a play about an issue many young men may not want to face- in fact the word cancer isn’t spoken. Well worth checking out- then check them out lads! Highly reco…
SOURCE: at 08:39AMBy Paul T Davies Challenging and intellectual, performed by a disciplined ensemble, this is what fringe theatre should be. You will either love it or hate it, but it is so worth seeing. It m…
SOURCE: at 06:58AMBy Paul T Davies This is a warm, informative, lovely show, and you would do well to spend an hour at the baths! This post REVIEW: Bubble Schmeisis, Summerhall – Edinburgh Festival ✭�…
SOURCE: at 06:54PMBy Paul T Davies Orla O’Loughlin’s sensitive direction and Paul Meller’s uncluttered design guides us through the need for love. Yes, some strands are left loose, but a ter…
SOURCE: at 06:07AMBy Paul T Davies Alun Saunder’s beautiful script is not just bilingual, he also explores street language and bravado. Excellent direction and movement and a wonderful karaoke section a…
SOURCE: at 03:19PM