We are so pleased to learn that the Click.Click.Done. Developing Your Google Analytics Skills session at the 2015 National Arts Marketing Project Conference was ranked as the #1 session amon…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 11:25AMAlthough there are no shortages of annoyances whenever Facebook rolls out new features, every now and then they offer up a sincere gem and in case you haven’t seen it yet, the latest addit…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMHard to believe it’s been a full year since ArtsHacker’s launch but today marks the one-year mark since the inaugural post on December 7, 2014. And to celebrate, we took our own advice a…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMIf you haven’t been following it already, Americans for the Arts blog salon on arts marketing started up last week and my contribution went up on Oct 24, 2015. Regular ArtsHacker readers w…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMMailChimp (MC) is one of the most popular email marketing providers for a host of good reasons but even the best of providers have a few minor annoyances and in MC’s case, it’s the inabi…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMOne of the most frustrating and expensive problems arts managers deal with is email subscriber inactivity and no matter how hard you work to avoid it, just as sure as the sun will rise in th…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMAlthough it’s fairly common practice for the commercial sector, arts orgs haven’t really caught on to the Year-In-Review (YiR) microsite trend yet but they’re doing so at their own…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMIt took them long enough but the folks in Redmond have finally made real-time co-author editing part of Microsoft Word. If you’re an Office 365 user and haven’t upgraded to Office 2016, …
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMArtsHacker currently includes a mix of original articles and aggregated posts (content that points out a useful resource elsewhere but ties it into arts management) but sometimes we run acro…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMIf you’re running the most recent version of Google’s Chrome browser and you’re a WordPress user, you may be noticing some unusual behavior vis-a-vis your admin menus in that they …
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 06:08PMArtsHacker has always been about the nuts-and-bolts of being an effective arts administrator and I’m very happy to say that I’ll be leading a session at the 2015 National Arts Marketing…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMOnline security is a big deal. Check that, it’s a really big deal and far too often, arts orgs and their managers don’t take as much time as they should to protect themselves and their i…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMFor the first time in a (very) long time, Microsoft released a version of its Windows operating system (OS) that’s not only a substantive improvement but a genuine treat to use. It’s fre…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMKnowing what visitors are searching for at your site is one of the most useful metrics you have to tweak content, adjust navigation architecture, and improve conversion but by default, Googl…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMOne of the single most daunting problems arts orgs face when converting to responsive design is embracing the mobile first concept; meaning, you no longer envision website design from a desk…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMWe’ve all been there, the cursing, gnashing of teeth, and general unpleasantness involved with realizing you just lost a MS Word document you really, really need. It doesn’t matter if it…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMA good Photoshop (PSD) template can save hours of time and frustration when designing branding elements for social media platforms and over the past year, you’ve probably noticed the trend…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMOne item often overlooked when setting up a Google Analytics account is whether or not to include the www or non-www version of the URL as the preferred domain. Preceding the domain name in …
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMWhether you’re home all day enjoying the holiday with family and friends or your organization is putting on an event today, try to take a few moments to remember the reason for the hol…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMSEO is dead, long live Structure Data! If you’re still hung up on fine tuning every possible element of SEO I have good news for you; you can stop. Google’s search algorithms are going t…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMArts consultant and founder of Audience Development Specialists, Shoshana Fanizza, maintains a podcast focused on audience building and her most recent podcast was all about ArtsHacker. It w…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMChattanooga Symphony & Orchestra concertmaster Holly Mulcahy has been on a tear as of late by tackling two of the most difficult questions arts orgs (especially classical music groups) e…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMTomorrow, 4/21/2015, is the day Google will fully implement the latest major change in its search algorithm and if your site isn’t prepared, you can expect a world of hurt via your search …
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMGoogle Analytics (GA) is a remarkable resource but too many arts marketers aren’t able to leverage everything it has to offer. It’s not from a lack of trying or desire; in many cases, GA…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 02:55AMHow many times have you endured the frustration of exchanging half a dozen email messages when one would have sufficed due to a lack of visual frame of reference for something like a specifi…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMIn an age of twitter lingo, texting, and autospell it can become all too easy to let your grammar and punctuation chops get rusty; fortunately, we have a few guides you can keep handy that w…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMIf you work in the field of arts administration, you’ve probably figured out that it isn’t exactly the ideal career if your primary goal in life is to secure a position at the top of the…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMThere’s a fascinating infographic from badgeville.com published via their blog on 12/18/2013 in an article by Adena DeMonte that provides insight into what they define as info marketers an…
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AMIn case you missed Ceci Dadisman’s 1/16/2015 ArtsHack on creating easy mockup images so as to help refine your communication efforts, make sure you give it a look. Think of this post as a …
SOURCE: artshacker.com at 03:00AM