Saturday, January 15, 2022

Elyse's Blog Update with screening gem and page turners of the week by Elyse Sommer

That Day We Sang is my screen gem of the week, t The Plot and An Elder Laldy is up to no Good my escapist page turners

SOURCE: at 12:34PM
Monday, November 22, 2021

Elyse's Latest Blog Update by Elyse Sommer

About 66-year old play's Broadway debute and much more

SOURCE: at 11:38AM
Monday, September 16, 2019

Review: A Very Expensive Poison- Curtainup, London by Kllizzie Loveridge

Lucy Prebble's new play exposes a political, murderous regime

SOURCE: at 10:00PM
Monday, May 25, 2015


The subtitle, A Fever Dream in Six Scenes, is more than apt.

SOURCE: at 05:58PM
Monday, November 7, 2011

FREUD'S LAST SESSION: An Interview with Actors Martin Rayner and Mark H. Dold by Deirdre Donovan

Actors Martin Rayner and Mark H. Dold are delighted to discover that New York theatergoers are cueing up in large numbers at the box office at New World Stages to get tickets to FREUD'S LAST…

SOURCE: at 03:31PM

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