All stories by Trav S.D. on BroadwayStars

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Of Paresis and Paddy McGuire by Trav S.D.

Irish-American comedian Paddy McGuire (born ca. 1884) died this day in 1923 — a century ago today. McGuire’s career was short but prolific: nearly 80 films in a little over five years. B…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 07:12AM
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

All the Way with F.P.A. by Trav S.D.

November 15 was the birthday of humorist, columnist, radio personality and Algonquin wit Franklin P. Adams (Franklin Pierce Adams, 1881-1960). In his day, Adams was best known as a regular o…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:32AM
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

John Steuart Curry: Show Biz Images by Trav S.D.

While I have long known the most famous work of regionalist painter John Steuart Curry (1897-1946), I’m quite sure I never knew the name of the artist, because if I had I would have taken …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:48AM
Monday, November 13, 2023

Glamorous Gertrude Olmstead by Trav S.D.

I know not whether Gertrude Olmstead (1897-1975) was related to the famous designer of city parks, but I do know that, astoundingly, she is far from the only bygone star named Gertrude, what…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 07:54AM
Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Mari Lyn Henry Legacy by Trav S.D.

Everything goes in threes, so they say, so this is our third big post in honor of the late Mari Lyn Henry. The first was in the aftermath of our very fortunate meeting last year, wherein she…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:18AM
Saturday, November 11, 2023

Exhuming Brother Theodore by Trav S.D.

A tribute today to the memory of of Brother Theodore (Theodore Gottlieb, 1906-2001). For years and years, long after he passed away in fact, there was a sign advertising Brother Theodore’s…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:32AM
Friday, November 10, 2023

A Groatsworth of Goldsmith by Trav S.D.

It is characteristic of this specialized age that appreciation for Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774) seems to have declined over the past century. And yet it is the very eclecticism of his undert…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 02:06PM

On “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” by Trav S.D.

Gordon Lightfoot (1938-2023) died on May Day of this year. Sometimes I’m ready and able to do a rapid response tribute to somebody when they suddenly pass away (much as Lightfoot did for a…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:36AM
Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Ed Wynn Show by Trav S.D.

For the great Ed Wynn’s birthday this year, I have spruced up my previous post on The Perfect Fool, and add this spotlight on his ground breaking TV variety show. That he was brave enough …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:54AM
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Patti Page Oldsmobile Show by Trav S.D.

I swear I haven’t gone car crazy (today’s earlier post was about TV shows sponsored by Chevrolet). It’s just that this seemed the best angle for me to take on my post about singer Patt…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:24AM

The Many Shows of Chevrolet by Trav S.D.

I don’t give two hoots in hell about cars or car companies, but it just so happens that Chevrolet did sponsor some great radio and television variety shows and that IS our bailiwick, so we…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:24AM
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

“It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” Turns 60 by Trav S.D.

Please join me Saturday, November 18, 6:00pm (EST) for a special live-stream event celebrating the 60th anniversary of one of my favorite movies, Stanley Kramer’s beloved all-star comedy …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 06:06AM

Dan W. Quinn: King of Comic Song by Trav S.D.

When Dan W. Quinn passed away on November 7, 1938 he’d been out of the limelight for 20 years. With the Big Band Era in full swing (!) he was little remembered by the record buying public …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 05:03AM
Monday, November 6, 2023

May de Sousa: Fortune’s Plaything by Trav S.D.

The tale of stage star May De Sousa (1884-1948) is one of great unexpected success, followed by tragedy great enough to sap whatever savor there was of her triumphs. This is a common enough …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:18AM
Sunday, November 5, 2023

Deconstructing Herman’s Hermits by Trav S.D.

When people want to kid around about the British Invasion of the 1960s, it’s usually Herman’s Hermits or The Dave Clark Five they’ll mention, presumably on the grounds that they were a…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 02:48AM
Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Forgotten Film Career of Will Rogers by Trav S.D.

We’ve paid plenty of attention to Will Rogers (1879-1935) on Travalanche in tribute to his mighty cultural reach and today, even though we could well be writing about 2 or 3 people we’ve…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 01:54PM
Friday, November 3, 2023

What the Hell Happened to Dennis Miller? by Trav S.D.

Dennis Miller (b. 1953) turns 70 today, but let’s get real — hasn’t he been 70 for the past 30 years? So let’s just say that he’s about a hundred. Hearing that he supported our pre…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 11:36AM

“Slings and Arrows” Turns 20 by Trav S.D.

This comes under the header of neither fish nor foul…neither quite historical yet, nor any longer contemporary. But I do take note of the fact that the Canadian television show Slings and …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:24AM

Go Yeast, Fleischmann! by Trav S.D.

That lame attempt at a witticism in the title of this post is spawned by the knowledge that November 3 is the birthday of Charles Louis Fleischmann (1835-1897), who, along with his brother M…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:12AM

Lulu at 75 by Trav S.D.

Lulu (Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie, b. 1948) turns 75 today, which means that she has been a pop star for 60 years. She was only 15 years old when she broke into the biz! It can be awful…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:12AM
Thursday, November 2, 2023

Bunny Berrigan: Couldn’t Get Started by Trav S.D.

Born November 2, jazz genius Bunny Berrigan (1908-1942), very much not to be confused with Bunny Breckinridge. Here on Travalanche, we have many bunnies. Singer and horn player Berrigan head…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 08:18AM
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Common Ground: Stories from America’s Vintage Movie Theatres by Trav S.D.

We pause now from our unceasing torrent of self-promotion to engage in a little…indirect self-promotion! I’ve been working with Gary Hardcastle for months on the audio-book version of my…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 11:18AM

The Adams Chronicles by Trav S.D.

John Adams (1735-1826) was born on October30. Around 1990, I began a three year stint working in New York’s greatest bookstore, Brentano’s Fifth Avenue. Assigned to the history section, …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 06:33AM
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Lee Grant IS “Fay” by Trav S.D.

As promised a couple of days ago, a thing on Fay, the very short lived 1975 sit-com starring Lee Grant (Lyova Haskell Rosenthal). Grant is top-of-mind at the moment because my wife recently …

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 04:43PM

Happy 70th birthday, Michael J. Anderson by Trav S.D.

How flipping cool is it that Michael J. Anderson (b. 1953) was born on HALLOWEEN? The “J” is very important so as not to confuse him with the movie director or his son. The guy I mean is…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:13PM

Bread and Gravy: The Songs and Life of Ethel Waters by Trav S.D.

October 31 being Ethel Waters’ birthday, I thought I’d give you an early head’s up about an exciting upcoming musical show that celebrates her life and work. Bread and Gravy: The Songs…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 12:13PM

All Hail, Spirits of Halloween! by Trav S.D.

Over the past several months we have essayed what amounts to a series of light pieces exploring the many mutt holidays America inherited from Western Europe. There are more of them than migh…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 10:07AM
Monday, October 30, 2023

R.I.P. Robert Brustein by Trav S.D.

That which you see here, with its conveniently timely Halloween color scheme, is my much-thumbed, frequently highlighted copy of Robert Brustein’s seminal 1964 book Theatre of Revolt. Hele…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 02:19PM

The Literary-Theatrical Sheridans, and the Line That Leads to Le Fanu by Trav S.D.

I re-read the Dover edition above recently in preparation for the Halloween season, but it emerges that the post in question will treat not only of its author but his esteemed ancestor. I ha…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 11:03AM
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Midnight at the Pera Palace (100 Years of Modern Turkey) by Trav S.D.

This one goes to the two Turks in my life (that I know of) one is a nice puppeteer friend whom I was honored to marry to her husband at the marionette cottage in Central Park a few years bac…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 02:13PM

For National Cat Day: Nine Cartoon Katzen by Trav S.D.

October 29 is National Cat Day. Ironically though it is two days before Halloween, it is somehow not National BLACK Cat Day, that’s August 17, so a black cat related post will follow at th…

SOURCE: Trav S.D. at 09:55AM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Nov 17, 2024: Elf - Marquis Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 17, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 10, 2025: Smash - Imperial Theatre