All stories by Richard Storm on BroadwayStars

Sunday, February 14, 2016

OPERA REVIEW: 'Fidelio' requires suspension of disbelief by Richard Storm

Samuel Taylor Coleridge coined the phrase “ the willing suspension of disbelief “ to describe one of the requirements of the appreciation of drama. The... Read more »

SOURCE: at 03:54PM
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

OPERA REVIEW: 'Aida' worth the wait by Richard Storm

Sarasota Opera’s 29th season finally includes the Verdi opera most often requested: “Aida,” composed for performance at the Cairo Opera House in 1871. Since its... Read more »

SOURCE: at 09:02PM
Saturday, October 31, 2015

OPERA REVIEW: Opera season starts with a winner by Richard Storm

  The 2015 Fall Season of the Sarasota Opera opened with a sure-fire winner on Friday evening, reviving their superb presentation of Giacomo Puccini’s beloved... Read more » The …

SOURCE: at 03:21PM
Sunday, February 22, 2015

OPERA REVIEW: An unexpectedly modern fable unfolds on the opera stage by Richard Storm

In an opulent and highly energetic production, the Sarasota Opera brought the audience a surprisingly relevant version of an old story: the abuse of absolute... Read more »

SOURCE: Arts Sarasota at 11:52AM
Sunday, February 15, 2015

OPERA REVIEW: 'Figaro' a terrific Valentine by Richard Storm

If you like sexy sitcom, funny slapstick and great music, Sarasota Opera has the show for you. The joyful vocal skills on display amid fine... Read more »

SOURCE: Arts Sarasota at 02:02PM
Sunday, February 8, 2015

OPERA REVIEW: 'Tosca' tragedy never fails to surprise by Richard Storm

One of the elements defining a “masterpiece” is the way in which a dramatic moment you know is coming nevertheless astonishes you every time it... Read more »

SOURCE: Arts Sarasota at 11:25AM

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