THERE IS NO OTHER HAND: ROGUE MACHINE HAS A WINNER Another one of Los Angeles’s best theater groups got back on the boards last week, as Rogue Machine Theatre kicked off its first post-pan…
SOURCE: at 09:23PMTURNING LYRICAL INTO A MIRACLE In emphasizing the “musical lyricism” of August Wilson’s Seven Guitars, A Noise Within’s promotional copy for its new production echoes the numerous co…
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 06:56PMTHE ASCENSION OF L.A. THEATER The community of small theater groups in Los Angeles has taken so many debilitating blows over the past several years — before, during and since the COVID shu…
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 03:22AMZOMBIE JOE’S URBAN DEATH RISES FROM THE GRAVE After all the horrors of the last few years, it seemed only fitting that we should return to Urban Death, the signature production of Zombie J…
SOURCE: Stage and Cinema at 07:45PM