Lepage's Kanata is a play examining relations between whites and Indigenous people but was criticized because no Indigenous cast members were cast in it
SOURCE: nationalpost.com at 11:18PM'How is it that a troupe of French actors are going to portray Indigenous Americans? We’re not in the age of blackface,' said sociologist Guy Sioui Durand
SOURCE: nationalpost.com at 01:42AMIn retrospect, the earplugs handed out to audience members should have been a sign. Not to mention the choreographer's message, ‘You have to vomit art’
SOURCE: news.nationalpost.com at 11:12PMQueen’s students began taking to social media to denounce the Othello casting, and director Maggie Purdon said the criticism ‘started to blow up’ this week
SOURCE: news.nationalpost.com at 10:42PM