MIND FOR ALL ITS WORTH The antidote to anxiety is control — or so the mind would have us believe. Our knee-jerk reaction to worrying about a situation, event, person, outcome, or (let’s …
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 09:31PMIF SOMETHING’S ROTTEN, IT SURE ISN’T THIS DELIGHTFUL PRODUCTION If you’re ready for a break from the woes of daily life and tragic news cycles but can’t swing a European getaway, hea…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 02:59AMIT MAY BE DATED, BUT IT’S A POIFECT MUSICAL WITH WHICH YOUSE CAN TAKE A DATE Guys and Dolls has long been considered by many to be the perfect musical. Since its premiere in 1950, some hav…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 01:30AMLAS CAGES AUX FABULOUS If you are looking for a quality show with poignancy and heart, but ultimately just want to leave your worries at the doorstep and have a good time, head on over to La…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 05:19AMBLACK IN THE GAME Toni Stone is as much about storytelling as it is about the story it is telling. Thanks to the inspiring source material by Martha Ackmann and this resulting play poignantl…
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 08:08PMThe 3rd Annual Boston New Works Festival — a new Boston tradition — is a weekend-long festival celebrating new original plays by local playwrights. The eight original plays selected for …
SOURCE: stageandcinema.com at 06:27PM