All stories by Timoth David Copney on BroadwayStars

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Theatre Review: ‘The Wild Party’ at Iron Crow Theatre by Timoth David Copney

Iron Crow Theatre prides itself on being not just on the cutting edge, but being the cutting edge when it comes to representing the Queer Perspective (yes, I put it in caps ‘cause it needs…

SOURCE: at 09:29AM
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Theatre Review: ‘Smokey Joe’s Cafe’ at Arena Players by Timoth David Copney

Arena Players bills itself as the longest continuously operating black theatre company in the country.  Now in their 63rd season, this stalwart steward of the black experience presents thei…

SOURCE: at 03:28PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Theatre Review: ‘Dreamgirls’ at Arts Centric by Timoth David Copney

Hard to believe that Dreamgirls premiered on Broadway 35 years ago this year.  Given the degree of honors and awards it garnered, it’s easy to believe that it’s still being produced.  …

SOURCE: at 04:40PM
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Review: ‘Les Liaisons Dangereuses’ (‘Dangerous Liaisons’)’ at Audrey Herman’s Spotlighters Theatre by Timoth David Copney

There are a lot of folks who are thoroughly enjoy a good period drama.  And even more who enjoy a night out watching a great play. They’re in for a delightful dose of both at Audrey Herma…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 10:02AM
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Review: ‘Into the Woods’ at Reisterstown Theatre Project by Timoth David Copney

Back in November of 1987, Into the Woods twinkled onto the Broadway stage for the first time. With music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, and book and direction by James Lapine, it would run …

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 04:20AM
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Review: ‘Wild Oats’ at Chesapeake Shakespeare Company by Timoth David Copney

Comedies trading on the mistaken identity theme have been around a long time. Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night comes to mind. And more than two hundred years after that, a fellow named John O�…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 10:23AM
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Review: ‘Hick: A Love Story’ at Baltimore Theatre Project by Timoth David Copney

Eleanor Roosevelt, beloved First Lady, wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was a surprisingly layered woman. Seems she had a relationship with a (clutch the pearls!) woman! No big surp…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 12:38AM
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Review: ‘Southern Baptist Sissies’ at Spotlighters Theatre by Timoth David Copney

Audrey Herman’s Spotlighter’s Theatre has once again proved why they are one of the most valued members of the Baltimore theatre scene with their production of Southern Baptist Sissies. …

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 03:38PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Review: ‘Gone’ by The Oven: A Collective Theatre Movement at Baltimore Theatre Project by Timoth David Copney

The subject of human trafficking, and especially child sexploitation, is as dark and disturbing a topic for a theatrical production as anyone could imagine. The Oven, one of the newest membe…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 01:08AM
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Review: ‘Twelfth Night’ at Iron Crow Theatre and Cohesion Theatre Company As Part of the Trans Voices Workshop Series by Timoth David Copney

“I say there is no darkness but ignorance.” That’s a direct quote from the Bard himself, good old Willy Shakespeare. It seems appropriate to mention it, because Iron Crow and Cohesion …

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 09:27PM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Nov 17, 2024: Elf - Marquis Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 17, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 10, 2025: Smash - Imperial Theatre