All stories by Robert Michael Oliver on BroadwayStars

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Women’s Voices Theater Festival: Jennie Berman Eng’s ‘Whenever You’re Near Me I Feel Sick’ Opens September 17, 2015 by Robert Michael Oliver

Did the one who got away really get away? Does the right match come down to timing, or compatibility, or courage to take a leap?  In this tale of a friendship-turned love affair, two friend…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 11:03AM
Friday, August 14, 2015

‘Solomon and Marion’ by Anacostia Playhouse by Robert Michael Oliver

Anacostia Playhouse hosts “dog days of summer theater festival” this August 2015 and for its mid-August show they have Solomon and Marion, Lara Foot Newton’s touching drama…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 06:11PM
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Spine: Review of ‘On Clover Road’ at Contemporary American Theater Festival by Robert Michael Oliver

A mother has lost her child to a cult; its leader has taken her as his divine bride. A de-programmer, whose own child died mysteriously, has come to the mother’s aid, for a kidnapping …

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 06:40PM

Spine: Review of ‘We Are Pussy Riot’ at Contemporary American Theater Festival by Robert Michael Oliver

Pussy Riot, punk truth tellers and guitar playing agitators and feminist rabble rousers who stood up to the Russian State and its Church affiliates under Vladimir Putin. They went into Mosco…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 10:33AM
Friday, July 31, 2015

Spine: Review of ‘World Builders’ at Contemporary American Theater Festival by Robert Michael Oliver

We are all populated by the images of main stream culture. Whether you’re 80 and still want Sam to play it again, or 50 and still believe in the Force or 30 and still imagine yourself at�…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 06:56PM

Spine: a Review of ‘Everything You Touch’ at the Contemporary American Theater Festival by Robert Michael Oliver

Beauty culture is a mess; fashion culture is the messiest, starving the human body, while forcing it into impossibly harsh postures, all in the name of aesthetics: ribs might not be damaged …

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 01:06PM

Spine: A Review of ‘The Full Catastrophe’ at the Contemporary American Theatre Festival by Robert Michael Oliver

Michael Weller’s The Full Catastrophe, based on a novel by David Carkeet, is a comedy, a comedy about marriage and those longing for marriage. It is light-hearted and fun, well acted and d…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 12:53PM
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

2015 Capital Fringe Review: ‘Journey of a Bombshell: The Ina Ray Hutton Story’ by Robert Michael Oliver

Journey of a Bombshell: The Ina Ray Hutton Story offers audiences a rare glimpse into the big band culture of the 1930s, 40s, and 50s — from a female bandleader’s perspective. Wr…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 11:29AM
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

New Play Reading: ‘THE LOATHING': This Monday, July 20th at 7:00 p.m., at Iona Senior Services by Robert Michael Oliver

On Monday, July 20, at 7:00 p.m., The Playwrights Forum will present a public reading of Robert Michael Oliver‘s new play, The Loathing. Iona Senior Services will host the reading. The…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 12:14PM
Saturday, July 11, 2015

2015 Capital Fringe Review: ‘The Giant Turnip’ by Robert Michael Oliver

Beech Tree Puppets The Giant Turnip is a gentle retelling of an old Ukrainian folk tale, presented by two classically trained singers with a flare for lyrics and miniature sets. Using rod pu…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 11:40PM
Friday, June 26, 2015

‘Blue Straggler’ at Source Festival by Robert Michael Oliver

The Source Festival is a showcase of new works; not world premieres but workshops of 3 full-length works in progress (the 12 ten-minute plays are icing on the cake, so to speak). For example…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 12:14PM
Monday, June 15, 2015

Spine: ‘In Session’ by La Petite Noiseuse Productions by Robert Michael Oliver

Mónica López-González’s new play, In Session, now playing at Johns Hopkins’ Swirnow Theatre, ripples with ideas — rich ideas, fascinating ideas on such subjects as art…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 01:54PM
Monday, June 8, 2015

‘Mary-Kate Olsen is in Love’ at Studio Theatre by Robert Michael Oliver

Mallery Avidon’s Mary-Kate Olsen is in Love, now playing at Studio’s Milton Theatre, is many things. It is a poetically funny exposé on 21st century culture. It is a lyrical lan…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 05:43PM

Source Theatre Festival 2015: ‘Love & Botany: 10-Minute Plays’ by Robert Michael Oliver

Michael Pollan’s The Botany of Desire (later turned into a PBS documentary of the same name) explored the world from the point of view of four plants: apple, tulip, marijuana, and po…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 01:03AM
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Source Theatre Festival 2015: ‘Mistakes & Media: 10-Minute Plays’ by Robert Michael Oliver

Youthful energy is bursting out all over at Source Theatre Festival 2015, which began last night with its first round of six 10-minute plays, roaring in under the banner Mistakes & Media…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 07:40PM
Sunday, May 31, 2015

‘Jarry Inside Out’ at Spooky Action Theater by Robert Michael Oliver

The author of the infamous Ubu Roi, the play which proudly proclaims high culture as but “pshit” sculpted into attractive façades, Alfred Jarry is now the subject of a new scrip…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 11:26PM
Saturday, May 30, 2015

SPINE: ‘Zombie: The American’ — the Citizen, the Government Official, the Theatre-goer — at Woolly Mammoth (Review) by Robert Michael Oliver

“Only dead men tell the truth,” said Mark Twain. And Zombies. Robert O’Hara’s Zombie: The American opened last night at Woolly Mammoth and, save for one errant scene&…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 09:00PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Spine: ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead’ at Folger Theatre (Article) by Robert Michael Oliver

I first read Tom Stoppard’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead back in 1974. It was but one of many plays I devoured as part of my thirst for the absurdist perspective. It’s …

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 05:10PM
Monday, May 18, 2015

Spine: ‘Jumpers for the Goalposts’ at The Studio Theatre by Robert Michael Oliver

Life’s endless struggles — from the daily variety, like getting your mates to behave appropriately, to the emotionally cataclysmic, like the death of a loved one — such is …

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 04:21PM
Saturday, May 9, 2015

‘Tramp’s New World’ at Mead Theatre Lab at Flashpoint by Robert Michael Oliver

In 1949, Pulitzer Prize winning author and film critic James Agee wrote a screenplay  treatment for Charlie Chaplin, that has since been titled Tramp’s New World. Four years following…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 11:09AM
Friday, May 8, 2015

‘The Blood Quilt’ at Arena Stage at The Mead Center for American Theater by Robert Michael Oliver

America used to be defined by its communities. Communities of ethnic and national identity, of urban migration, of rural affiliation, of blood and toil. Today, America is defined by its late…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 03:09PM
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Kafka’s ‘Metamorphosis’ by Alliance for New Music-Theatre at Trinidad Theatre (Capital Fringe) by Robert Michael Oliver

Lovers of 20th century literature know Kafka and his darkly dangerous worlds of angst and hopelessness. And they know Metamorphosis, it’s tale of the demise of the man-turned-bug frequ…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 03:05PM
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spine: ‘Closet Land': “A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes the Truth (Lenin, Vladamir).” by Robert Michael Oliver

Radha Bharadwaj’s Closet Land is not for the faint of heart. At least, not how it is done by Rick Hammerly of Factory 449 at the Anacostia Arts Center, where audience members walk into…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 08:27PM
Friday, April 24, 2015

Spine: ‘The Revolutionists': Women One and All (Article) by Robert Michael Oliver

The coming revolution will truly be remarkable. True equality for all men … and women; in fact, the woman’s revolution, when that barbarous testosterone is finally put in its pla…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 03:16PM
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spine: ‘Murder Ballad: Liquor and Love, with Child’ by Robert Michael Oliver by Robert Michael Oliver

There’s nothing like hot sex to get the blood pumping. There’s nothing like lasting love to swoon the heart. There’s nothing like a child to turn the world upside down. And there’s n…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 11:23AM
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Post-Play Palaver: Robert Michael Oliver and John Stoltenberg Look at ‘Light Rises on Grace’ by Robert Michael Oliver and John Stoltenberg

Robert Michael Oliver and John Stoltenberg saw and wrote about the same opening night performance of Lights Rise on Grace at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, but they seem not to have seen th…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 11:56AM
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Spine: ‘The Margins’ at Molotov Theatre Group by Robert Michael Oliver by Robert Michael Oliver

David Skeele’s The Margins opened this Saturday at Adams Morgan’s DCAC with its own brand of intimate terror. Take the small theatre — and I mean 45-person tiny; put 4 psyc…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 02:47PM
Saturday, April 4, 2015

‘Lights Rise on Grace’ at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company by Robert Michael Oliver by Robert Michael Oliver

Lights Rise on Grace, the world premiere by Chad Beckim, now playing at Woolly Mammoth Theatre, has all the elements of a compelling drama. The play takes us into the dynamics of an intricat…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 12:12PM
Saturday, March 28, 2015

‘utopia parkway’ at Single Carrot Theatre by Robert Michael Oliver

“The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution (Paul Cezanne).” Today, that carrot is Charles Mee’s Utopia Parkway. On his website, …

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 11:46AM
Monday, March 23, 2015

‘Passion Play’ at Forum Theatre by Robert Michael Oliver

During the Roman times, theatre was a savage sport: need a crucifixion, grab a slave. During the Dark Ages, theatre disappeared under the cloak of Catholicism: better to have no fun, if havi…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 03:42PM
Saturday, March 21, 2015

‘Ode Maritima’ at The Iberian Suite Festival at The Kennedy Center by Robert Michael Oliver

Lovers of poetry! Lovers of the long line! From his deck on The Kennedy Center’s Terrace Theatre, Diogo Infante calls, “Ahoy!” And the spirit of Alvaro de Campos, aka Ferna…

SOURCE: DC Metro Theater Arts at 02:21PM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 15, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 01, 2025: Glengarry Glen Ross
TBA: Titanic