All stories by Guest Writer on BroadwayStars

Monday, July 6, 2015

straight on til moUrning: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

I had no idea what I was getting into when I started to work on straight on til moUrning. Tori [Bertocci] and I met a month after last year’s Fringe festival had ended and we thought �…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 10:01AM

The Little Crane and The Long Journey: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

The Memorial to Japanese American Patriotism in World War II sits quietly in the shadow of our lawmakers in Senate Park. In its center is a sculpture of two Japanese cranes caught in barbed …

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 08:57AM
Friday, July 3, 2015

I Feel Funny: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

For the performer, stand-up comedy is a really weird experience.  It’s not like going into your day job, where you know how many steps there are between the parking lot and your desk,…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 06:32AM

The Life of King John: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

When I first read the scene in Shakespeare’s The Life and Death of King John in which the prince tries to save himself by crawling out a tower window to disastrous results, I had to start …

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 06:32AM
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Baba: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

– Solo performer Max Gahgoub responds to some questions from DC Theatre Scene. – Tell us about the moment where you said to yourself: “I just have to do this!” I rem…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 11:45AM

When We Grow Up: a Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

When We Grow Up hasn’t always been the interactive, game-like theatre experience we know it as today. It started out as a single idea. At a Critical Point Theatre ensemble meeting, Matthew…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 10:44AM
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

From Seven Layers to a Bikini Top … A video Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

“Most women have a strong desire to be fully expressed, free, to totally be themselves and share their voice/vision with the world. AND most women also have this overwhelming urge to b…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 11:26AM

Alice: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

My co-executive producer at Dodgeball Theatre, Sally Cusenza, and I have been obsessed for YEARS with the whole Alice in Wonderland story. Developing it into a piece of theatre has been a lo…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 10:36AM
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sanctuary: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

I was standing in my kitchen with a baby on my hip, and a toddler on the floor, making brownies, as I watched the Twin Towers fall. I felt sick. But that’s not the moment I decided to do t…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 11:46AM

How to Quit Your Day Job: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

Subtitle: How to Write, Direct and Produce a New Musical by the Writer, Director and Producer of “How to Quit Your Day Job” Step 1) Don’t. It’s too much work. No m…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 11:46AM
Monday, June 29, 2015

The Last Burlesque: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

Playwright Stephen Spotswood give you a peek backstage at a fading burlesque house. ———————— “Yeah, I think all of this can be represented i…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 09:13AM

Alexandra Petri’s Never Never: A Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

When I asked Alexandra Petri if she had any plays in the works that I might want to direct in the Capital Fringe Festival, one of the stories she mentioned was especially intriguing. This st…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 08:12AM
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ripple of Hope: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

My play, Ripple of Hope: One Teacher’s Journey to Make an Impact, is a comedic one-woman show that explores public education issues through my personal experiences as a drama teacher in so…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 07:10AM

At Your Service: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

When President Obama was elected in 2008, the Washington Post ran a story on the front page a few days later about Eugene Allen, who was a former maitre d’ at the White House.  I had work…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 07:10AM
Friday, June 26, 2015

The Wedding Party: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

Beyond the “Girlfriend” with Megan Dominy and Mimsi Janis WARNING: when you see The Wedding Party at Fringe, you will be witnessing a true(ish) story based on real people and real events…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 08:56AM

War and Peas shares their secret recipe: a Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

Ruthie Rado and Pocket Change Theatre Company shares their recipe for Fringe success. Recipe by Pocket Change Theatre Company . Serves hundreds Ingredients: 1 cup of imagination A sprig of s…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 07:45AM
Thursday, June 25, 2015

ROGER (Not His Real Name): a Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

I was sitting in a park twenty-five years ago watching my kids on the playground when a gentleman sat down next to me. I didn’t really notice him; in fact, I don’t even think I said hi t…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 06:24AM

POWER! Stokely Carmichael: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

Responding to a few questions from DCTS, Meshaun Labrone talks about his Capital Fringe piece which talks back to some of the most important issues facing America today. Tell us about the m…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 06:24AM
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Purge: a video Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

Fushion Dance has created a video to express the origin and intent of their Capital Fringe piece, Purge.   Candra Preshong, Artistic Director of fusiondance | IMPACT DANCE, began h…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 11:51AM

BrouHaHa: a Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

BrouHaHa arose out of our ensemble’s desire to make a six person “clown” piece that would be superbly tourable. No set. One costume and one suitcase per performer. This summer is Fring…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 06:38AM
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Salvation Road: A Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

What’s so funny about losing control of your life? Well, not much, except somehow a major element in Salvation Road turned out to be humor. It just came out that way. Salvation Road is the…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 06:28AM
Monday, June 22, 2015

The Eddie Lounge Reunion Tour: a Capital Fringe Peek by Guest Writer

I’m Eddie. Eddie Lounge. And I’m a lounge singer. I had been a retired lounge singer. No longer. Now, I’m back at the Fringe, baby, and I couldn’t be happier. Capital Fringe has been…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 11:15AM
Friday, April 10, 2015

Will theatre criticism be around much longer? by Guest Writer

No one ever built a statue to a critic, it was once famously said, but in 2013 two critics received OBE’s in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list. Michael Billington and Philip French, …

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 10:02AM
Monday, March 2, 2015

TACT says a musical goodbye with its own Broadway Hit Parade by Guest Writer

On a cool April evening in 1996, a professional production of the musical Lady In the Dark lit up a darkened theater and thrilled audiences for the first time since the show’s 1941 run. Th…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 11:40AM
Friday, February 27, 2015

Cops called on Kushner play by Guest Writer

“It was a Tuesday night, our second full read thru, and we were at [producer] Aubri O’Connor’s house,” recalls Angela Kay Pirko, director of NuSass Productions’ spring show, Tony K…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 08:37AM
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Acclaimed London playwright Doug Lucie, rarely produced in the states. Until now. by Guest Writer

LOUISE: I’m writing a book, you know. I’ve nearly finished. Self-help. A loser’s handbook. It’s dreadfully down-market, I’m afraid, but that’s where the m…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 11:11AM
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I’m non-Equity and I already make a living wage, but thank you anyway. by Guest Writer

I want to thank my friends and colleagues for their vigorous advocacy of non-Equity theatre makers – performers, producers, or both – during the discussion of theatreWashington’s n…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 02:00PM
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

theatreWashington’s minimum wage a good start. We should go further by Guest Writer

Currently in the United States there is a great debate over what constitutes minimum wage. Why should the Washington Theatre Community be any different? Many of us are working hard contactin…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 07:34AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

In support of theatreWashington. An actor defends push for living wage by Guest Writer

I am a professional actor in favor of wage increases for artists, and I am at a crossroads. I believe many people in our theatre community are. It has been a tumultuous week that has brought…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 10:59AM
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Helen Hayes wage rules put small theatres at a crossroads by Guest Writer

There’s a huge takeaway for small theatre companies in DC following the revised Helen Hayes eligibility requirements and the removal of Ari Roth from Theater J: In DC, at least, theatre is…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 10:26AM
Friday, October 24, 2014

Arts in Decline and a Meteor is Headed Our Way by Guest Writer

A recent, oft-cited study from the National Endowment from the Arts showed that there has been a steep decline in theatre attendance. I’m not certain where that ranks among issues such…

SOURCE: DC Theatre Scene at 10:46AM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 17, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 10, 2025: Smash - Imperial Theatre
TBA: Titanic
TBA: Ragtime