In “A Crossing,” the new dance musical premiering at Barrington Stage in the Berkshires, a group of desperate immigrants confront hazardous terrains, punishing weather, threatening vigil…
SOURCE: Variety at 03:02PMThe playwrights Jocelyn Bioh and Martyna Majok have a bond, in life and in their work. “I feel like Martyna and I are these playwriting sisters in terms of the groups of people and the sto…
SOURCE: Variety at 01:43PMThe long-delayed Tony Awards ceremony has happened at last, and much of it played out as expected — see, for instance, the string of wins for “Moulin Rouge!,” which seemed the likely w…
SOURCE: Variety at 12:04AMA Tony predictions story? In this climate? Yes, the Tony Awards are happening Sunday, although you might not know it. Publicity has been hampered by the confusing roll-out of the plan for th…
SOURCE: Variety at 02:20PMWith all the uncertainty around Broadway right now, one thing’s for sure: The Tony Awards this year will be unlike any other. The 2021 ceremony comes just as Broadway has begun its recove…
SOURCE: Variety at 01:00PMThe claim to theatrical fame of the Long Island hamlet of Yaphank has thus far rested with PG Wodehouse, who included the town in his lyrics for Jerome Kern’s satirical hymn to the simple …
SOURCE: Variety at 07:00PM“I don’t want to take live theater for granted ever again, do you?” That was Lin-Manuel Miranda, in a brief curtain speech welcoming back the first Broadway audience at “Hamilton” …
SOURCE: Variety at 10:22PMBroadway is back — and it’s looking to make some changes to how it used to operate. Listen to this week’s “Stagecraft” podcast below: With producers, creators, advocates and exec…
SOURCE: Variety at 02:07PMIn recent decades, numerous musical have arrived in London with outsized production values swamping the material, leading critics to wish for time machines so that they can fast-forward to t…
SOURCE: Variety at 11:05PMIs the quite splendid “Operation Mincemeat” ridiculously clever or cleverly ridiculous? Both. Making a song-n-dance show out of a real-life, stiff-upper-lip, British World War II intelli…
SOURCE: Variety at 04:42PMFrom “Aladdin” in Mexico City to “Frozen” in London to “The Lion King” in Tokyo — not to mention “Lion King” and “Aladdin” on Broadway — Disney Theatrical Productions…
SOURCE: Variety at 01:44PMNo one wants to talk about it, but it could happen: Someone involved in a Broadway production tests positive for COVID-19. In the run-up to reopening, there’s been significant coverage of …
SOURCE: Broadway News Subscription at 09:23AMIn Antoinette Chinonye Nwandu’s surreal and morbidly funny existential drama “Pass Over,” two characters who might be fugitives from a Samuel Beckett play find themselves in a world wh…
SOURCE: Variety at 10:05PMWhere do you go after you’ve seen “Wicked”? That worldwide smash has built a vast young audience hungry for stories propelled by power ballads of female empowerment, and it’s clearly…
SOURCE: Variety at 02:48PM“Life is a cabaret, old chum.” Oh wait, wrong show. Or is it? Taking on Percy and Eleonore Adlon’s 1987 movie “Bagdad Cafe,” Emma Rice’s music-filled, uber-quirky production boas…
SOURCE: Variety at 01:20PMIt’s the question on all of Broadway’s mind right now: With the delta variant spreading just as shows are getting back up and running, how do we all — cast, crew and audiences — retu…
SOURCE: Variety at 01:46PMFor one of New York City’s first major theater events in 16 months, eager audiences cannot do better than reveling in the natural splendors of Central Park’s Delacorte Theater for the gl…
SOURCE: Variety at 09:00PMIn a Manhattan studio late last month, rehearsal was in progress. Two actors ran through a playful chase sequence. A fight choreographer, seated at the head of the room with the director, th…
SOURCE: Variety at 12:45PMAs Broadway gets back to business and live performances resume around the country, the Sundance Institute has released a new study that diagnoses the state of the theater industry and imagin…
SOURCE: Variety at 12:00PMSkeptics puzzling over the logic of watching 82-year-old Ian McKellen playing student prince Hamlet need only look as far as the play’s second scene in which Hamlet rebukes his mother. “…
SOURCE: Variety at 12:18PMWhen the Broadway production of Antoinette Nwandu’s play “Pass Over” opens on Broadway, it’ll incorporate significant changes — both on stage and behind the scenes. Listen to this …
SOURCE: Variety at 01:44PMAleshea Harris’ “What to Send Up When It Goes Down” isn’t a traditional play, but audiences shouldn’t come away with the mistaken impression that the show — a play, a ritual, a p…
SOURCE: Variety at 12:43PMAs the New York Theater industry pulls itself out of the COVID era, every baby step feels like a milestone. But perhaps no other reopening will carry the same symbolic weight as the return o…
SOURCE: Variety at 12:45PM“The whole point is to combine two complementary or contrasting thoughts in the same moment. Two feelings in the same moment.” Johann Sebastian Bach, the 18th century’s uncontested gen…
SOURCE: Variety at 03:24PMWho knew iniquity could feel so pulsating and immensely purifying? “Seven Deadly Sins,” New York City theater’s newest unholy outdoor experience, tests the limits of how far live theat…
SOURCE: Variety at 11:00PM“We are paying you to stay awake and care.” That sounds like an admonition to the audience at the National Theatre’s new production, “Under Milk Wood.” But in fact it’s sensible …
SOURCE: Variety at 07:01PMThe enduring musical “Rent,” celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, didn’t just revolutionize Broadway. It had an impact all over the world — and the new documentary “Revoluti…
SOURCE: Variety at 02:07PMRemembrance of things past is not just a preoccupation of Proust. From King Lear’s terrifying fear of losing his mind to Pinter’s interlocked threesome in “Old Times” hotly contestin…
SOURCE: Variety at 09:51PMFor the creators of the Tony-winning Broadway musical “In the Heights,” the new, big-budget movie version wasn’t just a chance to go big with splashy song-and-dance numbers. It was als…
SOURCE: Variety at 01:50PMProducer Sonia Friedman returns to the post-pandemic West End not with a safe revival but with a succession of brief runs for three socially-distanced world premieres by young writers, and i…
SOURCE: Variety at 07:00PMShould we go to a Broadway show tonight, or should we stream it? That’s a question that people could be asking about more than just “Hamilton” when Broadway gets back up and running. I…
SOURCE: Variety at 12:45PM