All stories by Bill Marx on BroadwayStars

Monday, October 22, 2018

Theater Review: “The Peculiar Patriot” — All Heart by Bill Marx

The Peculiar Patriot may say it is about making us feel the human price of mass incarceration in America, but there is more than a little True Romance in the mix.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 11:56AM
Friday, October 12, 2018

Theater Review: “Naked” and “Hir” — Identity Meltdown by Bill Marx

Taylor Mac and Pirandello share the same goal: reveal the deadening vacuity at the heart of bourgeois society and the male ego.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 04:42PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Book Commentary: Karl Ove Knausgaard’s “Why I Write” — Incomplete Answer by Bill Marx

The old questions, good as they are, are going to be augmented with new ones: Are we creating a world worth living in? Are we creating a world we can continue to live in?

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 10:42AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Theater Review: “The Niceties” — The Gloves Are Off by Bill Marx

Eleanor Burgess' The Niceties is an articulate, if structurally crabbed, expression of #blacklivesmatter anger as well as a millennial rebel yell.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 07:48PM
Friday, September 14, 2018

Theater Review: A Wonderful “Journey to the Center of the Stage” by Bill Marx

The Beau Jest Moving Theater staging succeeds at conjuring up the genially comic spirit of the late Larry Coen, a bounteously talented actor and director.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 10:48AM
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Commentary/Interview: “The Jazz Bubble” — The Arts, Commodified by Bill Marx

"If solutions are hard to come by -- both in terms of the socioeconomic predicament of contemporary jazz, and for American culture more generally -- this is because they derive from such fun…

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 09:06PM
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Theater Review: “We The People,” “The Member of the Wedding,” and “Creditors” by Bill Marx

Three theaters in the Berkshires offer differing views of the past.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 05:06PM
Monday, August 13, 2018

Theater Commentary: Can Audiences Rescue Theater Criticism? by Bill Marx

Will working with audiences encourage stage companies and theater artists to go beyond the status quo? Or just cement them into the sweet spot?

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 11:48PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Stage Commentary: Making Boston Theater Magical Again? by Bill Marx

Diverting the resources of Boston's regional theaters into the casino of Broadway undercuts the ideals that launched the regional theater movement.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 06:24PM
Friday, July 20, 2018

Theater Review: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” — A Heartfelt Spell by Bill Marx

This Midsummer Night's Dream is a pleasant enough entertainment that is helped mightily by the bucolic waterfront setting.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 07:04PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Fuse News: “The Rabbi Goes West” by Bill Marx

“Our film has community and spirituality,” says Amy Geller. “It also has conflict.”

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 08:48AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Theater Commentary: American Drama — A Diminished Force by Bill Marx

We will not get another Angels in America unless we demand it  -- and stop accepting bogus substitutes.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 11:24AM
Monday, May 28, 2018

Theater Commentary: The Boston Theatre Critics Association — Wasting Its Time by Bill Marx

Recommended hashtags for the Boston Theatre Critics Association: #MeTooGiveMeTime, #MeTooNotYet

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 10:42AM
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Theater Review: “The Last Act” — Underdone by Bill Marx

Joshua Sobol isn't interested in exploring dramatic possibilities but making sure his equation about the inevitable mechanics of violence work out.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 03:48PM
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Theater Interview: Adaptor Neil Bartlett on Seeing Your Own Plague in “The Plague” by Bill Marx

Albert Camus brings a bracing response to thinking about the worse that is missing in so many of our current dystopias.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 12:32PM
Monday, April 30, 2018

Theater Review: “Berlin …” — Polymorphous Perversity by Bill Marx

The script is symptomatic of the Trump era: a passionate rejection of the "politically correct” pushes warriors for "freedom,” as well as voices of radicalism, into morally despicable po…

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 09:24AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Commentary: Once More, Back to the Little Shop of Horovitz by Bill Marx

The strategic silences in the Boston Globe's piece on the legacy of Israel Horovitz are disturbing.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 07:45AM
Friday, April 6, 2018

For the Love of Arts Criticism II: Arts Magazines and Bloggers Speak Out by Bill Marx

We need more serious, informed, and diverse voices evaluating and reporting on the arts at a time newspapers and magazines are cutting back and/or dumbing down their arts sections.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 04:06PM
Sunday, March 18, 2018

Theater Commentary: “Skeleton Crew” — Not With the Union by Bill Marx

To my surprise, the auto union was written out of the picture from the start, as if dramatist Dominique Morisseau saw it as an embarrassment.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 11:29AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Theater Review: “Steve” — A Comedy about Mid-Life Crisis by Bill Marx

Steve is a satisfyingly genial comedy that brings up, but then darts quickly away from, serious issues.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 10:40AM
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Theater Review: Playing “The White Card” by Bill Marx

The White Card's examination of white philanthropy and racism stays well within the comfort zone.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 06:16PM
Friday, February 23, 2018

Theater Review: “for colored girls …” — A Welcome Reprise by Bill Marx

Shange's nervy mix of wordplay and in-your-face didacticism -- of resilience in the face of hardship -- is very much the empowering thing.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 09:40AM
Monday, February 12, 2018

A New Look for The Arts Fuse! by Bill Marx

It was time for a bit of a face-lift.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 06:30PM
Thursday, February 1, 2018

For the Love of Arts Criticism: An Invitation for the Arts Community to Speak Out – and to Act by Bill Marx

The publication, its editor, and its over 60 writers believe that the health of arts criticism and the arts community are inextricably intertwined.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 08:13AM
Friday, January 12, 2018

Theater Review: “Ada/Ava” — Puppetry Meets Technology by Bill Marx

Ada/Ava is an impressive theatrical feat that finds a new, and invigorating, way of telling a story on stage.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 04:37PM
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Feature: Favorite Books of 2017 by Bill Marx

Some of our critics talk about the books that meant the most to them over the past year.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 05:12PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Theater Commentary: Horovitz and Sexual Harassment — Why Did it Take Over 20 Years? by Bill Marx

Does anyone really believe that there is no sexual harassment going on in Boston area theater companies today?

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 08:42PM
Monday, December 11, 2017

Theater Review: “Hold These Truths” — A Vital Lesson by Bill Marx

Hold These Truths is an invaluable reminder that alternative facts are not a new thing.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 01:48PM
Monday, December 4, 2017

Gone Baby Gone — Sebastian Smee Going to the “Washington Post” by Bill Marx

More alarming signs that the Boston Globe‘s arts section is shedding talent.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 10:54AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Stage Commentary: “The Boston Globe” to Boston Theater — Drop Dead? by Bill Marx

Critics were once seen as the 'canaries in the mineshaft' -- now newspapers and magazines are closing down the mines.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 10:18AM
Friday, November 10, 2017

Theater Review: “Trapped in a Traveling Minstrel Show” — Look Forward in Anger by Bill Marx

Sleeping Weazel stages a gutsy production of an angry, ugly, and essential history lesson.

SOURCE: The Arts Fuse at 08:42PM

All that Chat

Jun 05, 2024: Home - Todd Haimes Theatre
Jul 11, 2024: Oh, Mary! - Lyceum Theatre
Jul 30, 2024: Job - Hayes Theater
Sep 12, 2024: The Roommate - Booth Theatre
Nov 14, 2024: Tammy Faye - Palace Theatre
Dec 12, 2024: Cult of Love - Hayes Theater
Dec 19, 2024: Gypsy - Majestic Theatre
Mar 15, 2025: Purpose - Hayes Theater
Apr 01, 2025: Glengarry Glen Ross
Apr 10, 2025: Smash - Imperial Theatre
TBA: Titanic