A little bit naughty at times, semi-Shakespearean lingo is mixed with a good deal of TomFoolery. The post Romeo & Juliet in a Bar (Shakespeare on Tap): 2022 Fringe review appeared first …
SOURCE: phindie.com at 10:23PMUnless you know Geoff Sobelle’s other works, you’ve never seen anything like this. The post FOOD (Geoff Sobelle): 2022 Fringe review appeared first on phindie.
SOURCE: phindie.com at 10:30PMThere are many, many moments that become stories. The post NOT RIGHT NOW (James Christy): 2022 Fringe review appeared first on phindie.
SOURCE: phindie.com at 11:16PMames Joyce is Dead And So Is Paris was presented at Christ Church Annex in Old City in 2003. It was something else!
SOURCE: phindie.com at 11:45AMIn today's edition of my look back on theater from years past, I remember two Thaddeus Phillips works from 2015 and 2017: Alias Ellis Mackenzie and A Billion Nights on Earth.
SOURCE: phindie.com at 08:56PMKathryn Osenlund remembers two productions of I Am My Own Wife by Doug Wright.
SOURCE: phindie.com at 08:15PMKathryn Osenlund remembers two productions from Fringe Festivals past
SOURCE: phindie.com at 09:02AMIn a new series, Phindie takes a walk down memory lane to briefly revisit memorable theater performances in Philadelphia and environs.
SOURCE: phindie.com at 01:33PMIn recent days of home-captivity my mind has wandered to Romeo & Juliet performances, new and old. But I'm more interested in Mercutio and Tybalt than the star-crossed lovers.
SOURCE: phindie.com at 02:09PMCooped up inside, with no theater in sight, I’m remembering Hamlets I’ve known.
SOURCE: phindie.com at 06:03PMPut on your thinking cap if you’re thinking of going to see DESCRIBE THE NIGHT
SOURCE: phindie.com at 11:41AMHow wonderful that we have Oscar Wilde's works and can go and see his plays
SOURCE: phindie.com at 08:34PM“In the realm of the unknown, kids and adults have pretty much the same needs: courage, resilience, protection.”
SOURCE: phindie.com at 10:59AMMike Daisey's latest is more tragedy than comedy, yet it's so funny you want to cry
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 06:31AMGoodbye cruel world, he's off to join the circus. Read More
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 07:11AMO'Neill upstairs at Philadelphia's historic Walnut Street Theatre.
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 03:38PMDeconstructed, reconstructed with American lingo and absurdist set
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 08:19AMconceived and created by Pig Iron Theatre Company for Philadelphia Live Arts
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 05:58PMThe seventh world premiere of a Michael Hollinger play at the Arden introduces a vintage world to their Arcadia stage
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 05:58PMurprise! Not scary or gory or a musical but an elongated comedy sketch, well-directed by Michael Alltop at Philadelphia's Underground Arts
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 05:58PMEn garde! A World Premiere adaptation at Quintessence theatre
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 08:45PMA bright comedy of light intrigue and romantic passion has heavy underpinnings
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 08:32AMThe experience of watching this Wilma productiobn is like watching an ensemble performance in which virtually each actor performs alone. Like a necklace with the links removed, each jewel sh…
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 07:43AMDoug Williams' world premiere addresses dark mysteries of the psyche . . . Read More
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 02:45PMThe need for performance enhancing drugs swims across the surface of the play .
SOURCE: at 08:00AMDawn King's ambiguous play features great production values
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 08:49PMStoppard's tour de force gets a big, smart production at Lantern Theater Company .
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 07:50AMA triumph of thought and feeling plays at the Wilma Theater
SOURCE: at 08:44AMChekhov's classic hits the stage in a bright new translation.
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 06:51AM- As a comedy of retro Southern Fried horror, Skin & Bone is amusingly outré . But these days this sort of thing is not as disturbing as it once was... Or is it?
SOURCE: at 09:05AMFriends, Nipponese, countrymen, lend me your ears. Here's one for the record books. . .
SOURCE: CurtainUp at 07:15AM