SUPERSTAR to close on Sept 3 and OKLAHOMA to go into Ford Center? I guess they found their Laurie. Or is that their Laura?
 On June 28, 1902, Richard Rodgers, the American composer who was a major force in 20th century musical comedy, was born. Following his death on Dec. 30, 1979, his obituary appeared in The Times.
 Kushnier Will Star in Rhythm Club; First Bway Preview Jan. 26, 2001
 Urinetown Musical, Gallery Players, Culture Project Top 2000 OOBR Awards
 Violence on SAG Picket Line Raises Issues on Both Sides of Strike
 Roundabout Previews Its New Broadway Home
Dallas Morning News: Musical reaches admirable heights despite an against-the-grain subject
Pittsburgh Post Gazette: 'Manilow's Copacabana' puts CLO at forefront of new musical strategy
 It's Christmas in July for Karen Mason
 Bad Ratings News At CNN. Dull candidates and new competition spell trouble for net.
 SAG Set To Discipline Agents. Percenteries could lose franchises.
 Web Bidders To Vie For 'Star' Treatment. Contest auctions cast, crew roles online.
 The 1999-2000 Fany Awards by Peter Filichia
Spoke to Alice Ripley yesterday. She heads out to the Left Coast tomorrow for THE DEAD. Bummer. Wanted her to record a new song for me. But, hey, I hear there are recording studios out there too. Perhaps I could coordinate it into the recording of THE DEAD sessions? Does anyone else think that it would be interesting to combine THE DEAD with RIVERDANCE to have some sort of over the top 80s large musical? Okay, maybe I am writing these pages too early in the morning.
Toronto Star: Stratford Titus out of time and place by Richard Ouzounian
 Ample Simon by Ken Mandelbaum
I was thinking, the lack of coverage for other awards, such as Doras or Oliviers, really shows our true colors. A mention in Playbill and, and none on the other major websites really shows the lack of respect from at least the theatrical news industry. After all, these major markets are where Broadway's product comes from. (RAGTIME, KISS OF THE SPIDERWOMAN and SEUSSICAL from Toronto, everything else from London.) The lack of coverage reads as ugly-Americans from far away.
I am working on a text version of this website so that people using a Palm Pilot can access this site remotely. Then, maybe Karl will return my phone calls!
 New Harry Potter Book Title Announced
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -- Albert Einstein
 None of the Above.