Make-Up Designer Purring Over Federal Court Ruling Against CATS Producers. Uncompensated creator of Make-up Designs will take her case to a jury!
I can't believe it. ALW and Cameron being cheap over a show that has made their careers.

Judge Permits 'Cats' Composer Suit
Just wanted to point out that Talkin Broadway scooped The New York Times. All the other "theatrical news" agencies have yet to touch this story.

American Airlines Theatre Opens June 30; Restoration Budget Reaches $25 Million
Hey, has anyone seen my glass egg?

Roundabout to Open Off-Broadway Theatre in Times Square Area
Did Roundabout finally make a play for Circle in the Square (uptown)? I am guessing here, so don't start any rumors. Although, it would be pretty costly and they are pretty extended (financially) for a non-profit theatre.

Non-Union Ad Bush-Whacks Strikers. Proposed ad seeks 'real-looking people'.

'Star' Bid For Actors Plan Is Revamped. California law calls venture illegal, thesps to have sponsors bid online for their roles.
Next thing you know, they will make a law against the casting couch. Where have all the good times gone?

Chita's the Top! Broadway legend Rivera looks set to headline Paper Mill's Anything Goes.

No Resurrection: Jesus Christ Superstar Closes Sept. 3

Jesus Christ Can't Be Saved

Guys and Dolls in Two Formats by Ken Mandelbaum

More Forgiving and Forgetting by Peter Filichia
LIZZIE BORDEN author Christopher McGovern strikes back in a way that brings a tear to my eye.

Roger Bart RSVPs for Fully Committed

Orange County Register: Dramatists honor two for work

LA Times: Theatre 40 Stages Reading of Vidal's 'Best Man' at the Doheny Mansion

SF Gate: A 'guest-interactive' theater. Net entrepreneur transforms beloved North Beach venue

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: On Stage: Stage news from names on the move

SUPERSTAR to close on Sept 3 and OKLAHOMA to go into Ford Center? I guess they found their Laurie. Or is that their Laura?

On June 28, 1902, Richard Rodgers, the American composer who was a major force in 20th century musical comedy, was born. Following his death on Dec. 30, 1979, his obituary appeared in The Times.
Today is also Mel Brooks and Jessica Hecht's birthdays.

Kushnier Will Star in Rhythm Club; First Bway Preview Jan. 26, 2001
I am happy that Jeremy is breaking LOOSE. But the best news from this is that Tim Gleason is making his Broadway debut (I think it is his debut at least) in RHYTHM CLUB. I last saw Tim in Goodspeed's rock musical ROMEO + JULIET (by Terrance Mann). And the time before that, Tim was bailing my butt out of a production of SWEENEY TODD where he replaced me as Anthony... he learned "Kiss Me" in one afternoon. Aside from being talented and a quick study, he is a great person. Congrats Tim.
THE RHYTHM CLUB is being produced by Allan and Beth Williams. The show already has a great website at http://www.therhythmclub.com/.

Urinetown Musical, Gallery Players, Culture Project Top 2000 OOBR Awards
URINETOWN had a reading a few months back by The Araca Group who optioned it out of The Fringe Festival. Araca is involved with many a project right now, stage and film, and could be the rising young new producers that Broadway so desperately needs. Of note, ICE IN APRIL, also an OOBR Award winner, was produced and directed by Razor Productions, Frank Avellino and Melissa Goldblatt, two of the driving forces behind the SWEENEY TODD that Tim took over for me. (Frank was SWEENEY's director and Melissa was co-designer.)

Violence on SAG Picket Line Raises Issues on Both Sides of Strike
Violence is a little dramatic for the headline in this story, but it certainly is a measure of turning tables in this strike.

Roundabout Previews Its New Broadway Home

Dallas Morning News: Musical reaches admirable heights despite an against-the-grain subject

Pittsburgh Post Gazette: 'Manilow's Copacabana' puts CLO at forefront of new musical strategy

It's Christmas in July for Karen Mason
The week before Karen goes on at the Muny, Sean McDermott will be playing Tony in WEST SIDE at Kansas City Starlight. I may have to stay a few extra days in the mid-west to see both.

Bad Ratings News At CNN. Dull candidates and new competition spell trouble for net.
Isn't it pathetic when a SNL skit becomes reality?

SAG Set To Discipline Agents. Percenteries could lose franchises.
If SAG does follow through with franchise penalties for agents reping non-union talent, it could open up a pandora's box of litigation against the union due to monopolistic practices and right-to-work cases. This is not the way to win the war.

Web Bidders To Vie For 'Star' Treatment. Contest auctions cast, crew roles online.
I can see the credits now: "Casting by eBay". It used to be that you had to know someone to buy a role. Now you can do it online. Go figure.

The 1999-2000 Fany Awards by Peter Filichia

Spoke to Alice Ripley yesterday. She heads out to the Left Coast tomorrow for THE DEAD. Bummer. Wanted her to record a new song for me. But, hey, I hear there are recording studios out there too. Perhaps I could coordinate it into the recording of THE DEAD sessions? Does anyone else think that it would be interesting to combine THE DEAD with RIVERDANCE to have some sort of over the top 80s large musical? Okay, maybe I am writing these pages too early in the morning.

Toronto Star: Stratford Titus out of time and place by Richard Ouzounian

Ample Simon by Ken Mandelbaum

I was thinking, the lack of coverage for other awards, such as Doras or Oliviers, really shows our true colors. A mention in Playbill and Theatre.com, and none on the other major websites really shows the lack of respect from at least the theatrical news industry. After all, these major markets are where Broadway's product comes from. (RAGTIME, KISS OF THE SPIDERWOMAN and SEUSSICAL from Toronto, everything else from London.) The lack of coverage reads as ugly-Americans from far away.

I am working on a text version of this website so that people using a Palm Pilot can access this site remotely. Then, maybe Karl will return my phone calls!

New Harry Potter Book Title Announced
Oh look, the new Harry Potter book is coming out. I didn't even know.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -- Albert Einstein

Someone emailed to ask if SWING was moving to the Virginia. I don't know. I have not heard anything about it. It doesn't really make much sense to me. Although the St. James is 1710 seats and the Virginia is 1275, SWING has been playing to 65% houses (about 1100 seats per performance), it may make long term sense to move it, but you have to take in to account that it costs about $1 million to move a show -- in hard and soft costs, or so I am told. To recapitalize the show a million higher may be silly. Unless the producer who wants the St. James is willing to help finance the move....

Doras Wrapup

The Globe and Mail: Mirvish shows big winners in Dora Awards

The Toronto Star: Cabaret struts Doras. Wins a surprising five awards to splashy The Lion King's two.

Canoe: It's Cabaret, old chum

Stars Sign on for "Broadway Barks" Pet Adoption, July 15

Property Artisans Converge on Milwaukee for Props Conference, July 27-30
There will not be a second-hand store or flea market left unturned when these people get there. They are an out-of-control crowd, at best!

Show Music Magazine Publishes Parade Script in Summer Issue
This is a very cool move. Printing the script in Show Music will put the script on every artistic director's desk across the country, and they didn't need to publish it in the CD booklet... although I am not sure if they did or not. This will also generate CD sales and support the show which should have won Best Musical last year and still be running.

Variety Logs On To New 'net Mag. 'eV', a new monthly covering the interaction of the entertainment industry with the burgeoning digital economy, will be launched by Variety on Sept. 12

Ad Actors Fees Plunge. SAG/AFTRA, advertisers disagree on fees lost during the strike

Report: Woody Allen May Fire Bullets Over Broadway

Should Bubbly Shed Some of Its Title? by Peter Filichia

The Broadway Theatre Archive by Ken Mandelbaum

While Ken is in the air, I wanted to address an issue here. I received one email (a blind one) that asked my why I am so tough on Ken. I suppose that it seems like I am being tough on him, only because Ken has been tough on others in the past. Since arriving at Broadway.com he seems to be toned down, but we are also getting a lot less news from him than when he was at other publications. Maybe it is because there are so many other similar types of columns doing the same work on the internet these days. It used to be that Ken was the only one in town doing this kind of thing when he was writing for Theatre Week. I also feel that all critics should be open to criticism on how they do their jobs. Myself included. Ken is the reigning king of the old guard inside information I suppose. Broadway and theatre in general has changed dramatically in the past five years due to technology. I am encouraging Ken to earn his title of top banana: admit when he is wrong; follow up on items; give credit where credit is due. There is nothing personal. I hardly know the guy.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: 'Manilow's Copacabana' puts CLO at forefront of new musical strategy

Denver Post: Theatrical community gathers to honor Lowenstein. Producer-director in Denver since '56.

Star-Tribune: Commentary: Amplification in theaters is loud but not clear

Hasselhoff takes to J&H. What? Did we scoop Ken Mandelbaum AGAIN? (Yes, on 6/21.) I don't think Ken even mentioned this one. The Broadway Insider is too worried about how he can ingratiate himself with the divas. Yes, 'ingratiate'. Look it up.

Broadway Digital Entertainment Donates Archive to MTR, June 26

L.A. Urged To Ban Commercial Shoots. Solon proposes that LAPD, EIDC get involved.

Showbiz Expo Focus: Tech Issues. For some, Internet offers free ride

What’s in a Stage Name? by Peter Filichia

Philadelphia Inquirer: The People's Light staging that almost wasn't. When rights to perform a Thornton Wilder play were withheld, director Tazewell Thompson took charge.

The Dallas Morning News: 'Parade' seeks new life in Dallas

Forgiving and Forgetting by Peter Filichia
"Do you know what June 25 is? National Forgiveness Day."
Well, isn't that nice. I forgive Peter Filichia for not coming to the shows he said he was going to and not writing about my new record label last year. Really, I do. Forgive me if it doesn't sound like it.

Building the Audience Properly. Barrington Stage connects in the Berkshires.
This article from Theatermania has been up since June 12, but I seem to have missed it. It is well worth a Sunday morning read.

A Combo of Actors Learns the Joy of Jamming

On June 25, 1887, George Abbott, American playwright, director, actor and producer, was born. Following his death on Jan. 31, 1995, his obituary appeared in The Times. His obit is a slice of theatre history. It is a good read.

A first look: Witches Of Eastwick

Falsettoland by Ken Mandelbaum

BEAST was cancelled last night due to a spill of epoxy on the roof of the Lunt where construction work was being done.

Is William Shatner being courted for a Broadway musical? Just when you thought it was getting boring...

Baby Case Musical Has Workshop in Philly, June 24

PBOL'S Theatre Week In Review, June 17-23: Curse? What Curse?
This was a pretty busy week considering that it was the first week of summer. Playbill has summarized it pretty well.

Don't Get Your Thong In A Twist by Sean Patrick Flahaven

Lavine Lets Me Know by Peter Filichia

My Visit to Macbeth by Peter Filichia

Walter Bobbie Reveals How Broadway Stars Plan to Salute Neil Simon, June 26
Uhhh... nevermind.

Dropping Like Flies? Looks like it's curtains for the Broadway advertising agency Grey Entertainment.
That is a shame. The other agency mentioned is Wilner Advertising. One of Broadway's top talents, Fraver (Frank Verlizzo) worked at both agencies (first Wilner, then a moving a few years ago to Grey) and designed some of Broadway's best logos.

Backstage and Onstage With The Footloose Five
Be afraid. Be very afraid...

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Not just child's play. At metro drama camps, junior thespians learn acting basics --- and skills good for real life, too

Philadelphia Inquirer: Troubled theater plans to keep going



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