 Selleck Sending In 'CLOWNS'. Signs on for stage debut, tour, Bway show.
 On Stage and Off: Let's Hear it for the Dough by Jesse McKinley
"But there were also problems. One was that the costs were more than expected because of advertising in New York, which often reached $400,000 a week. Initial projections called for operating costs of $350,000 or less. The show's brand also proved less lucrative than expected on the road, with half-filled houses in some cities. And unlike musicals or plays that might become films, "Footloose" did not hold out the hope of a sale to another medium; the movie, after all, was already made.
Michael David, the president of the Dodger Theatricals, which produced "Footloose," did not return several calls for comment. But an investor who has seen the show's financial statements said that by last December it had returned only 5 percent of its initial investment, a figure that might have grown to about 20 percent by its closing. Still, producers soldiered on, some weeks losing money, others earning some." [click here for full article]
 Production Notes by Forrest
 Playwrights Horizons 2000-2001 Season Firms Up; Brokaw and Sher Will Direct
 Hair Replacement: Follicle Musical to Grow at Minetta Lane?
 PHOTO CALL: Cast Is Fearless at June 19 Opening
 Miller Time For 'MNF'. Comedian, Fouts sign up for ABC's gridcast booth.
 Admen Strike Back Against SAG/AFTRA. Blurbmeisters tout non-union paydays, prod'n.
 Nolte, Penn, Harrelson, Marin to Premiere New Sam Shepard Drama
 Dramatic Revivals, Against the Odds
 Congressman Protests Full Monty
Bruce Yeko and the strange item of the day: It was mentioned over at CASTRECL that someone thought they saw Bruce Yeko of Original Cast Records on the People's Court. I have yet to confirm this, (I can't believe that The People's Court does not answer their phones at 7AM!) but there was a photographer who claimed that the defendant used an illustrated likeness of his photograph on Claiborne Cary's CD without permission. A quick check of Claiborne Cary over at Amazon.com does indeed list a CD by Original Cast Records, but alas, the cover is not shown.
Went to a concert last night where I sat next to The Crazy Syncopated Clapping Man. He clapped loudly and off beat, randomly during ballads. The strangest thing is that he never clapped after the song; during the applause. It was kind of like MARIE CHRISTINE all over again.
I didn't ride my bike to Paper Mill yesterday. Did you know that they don't allow bikes in the Lincoln Tunnel?
Made up my mind gonna make a new start, Going to California with an aching in my heart.
 Going, Going... Summertime Means Bway and OB Shows on Their Way Out
 Tom Wopat to Join Annie Tour with Henner in Fall
 William Morris' Top Theatre Agent, George Lane, to Branch into Film
A few years ago I met this precocious kid named Billy Kay. The endearing thing about him was that he was fearless on stage and had the talent to back him up. I figured one day he would be a Broadway star, if you will... I could be wrong, but maybe his star is shooting right past Broadway to Hollywood. Here is an interview with Billy in Soap Opera Digest.
 "Saturday Night" Recalled by Sean Patrick Flahaven
 He's A What? He's A What? by Sean Patrick Flahaven
 A Theatregoers Math Exams Answers by Peter Filichia
 Garth Drabinsky Bounces Back to the Producing Chair
 Bubbling Along by Ken Mandelbaum
Philadelphia Inquirer: Two 'Macbeths' and the curse lives on. In one, Grammer speaks the lines but not the man; in the other, a star bows out and an understudy shines.
Chicago Tribune: Broadway In Chicago? Well, Not Exactly.
On the heels of BUBBLY's excellent reviews, what is the future? It may be decided today, thanks in part to a Scottish curse.
Congratulations are in order for Alison Franck. Today starts her first day as Casting Director at Paper Mill Playhouse. Maybe I can ride my new bike out to Millburn to see PIPPIN!
You don't usually see an unattended cow standing around looking inconspicuous in Manhattan. But all the sudden they are all over NYC. Well, steel ones at least. The Cow Parade is here. The Broadway Company of RENT sponsored a cow (one of those "over the moooon" references) called La Vie Bovine. If anyone can tell me where it is, I would appreciate it. I need a photo. (It's a long story...)
This could be a future job for Glenn Carter.
I think I have finally fixed the "disappearing links" when viewing this website with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Please let me know if they are still disappearing for you. FYI: this site really looks much better in Netscape anyway.
Yesterday, Bill mentioned that Catherine mentioned that Amazon was giving free shipping upgrades on the new Harry Potter. If you order it, it'll be shipped FedEx to arrive on Saturday, July 8th -- the day it shows up in stores. (Okay, I totally stole that text from Bill.)
Opportunity bless my soul! I really love that rock and roll!
If you are a cast recording collector, you may want to drop everything right now and run out to a store to pickup Sondheim's SATURDAY NIGHT. (Or click here to order it.) Not because it is good (I have not heard it, but I am sure it is), but because it was released yesterday and is being pulled from the stores today. It seems that there was a misprint. On the spine of the jewel case, it says "Music and Lyrics by Steven Sondheim". I am sure this will be a collector's item. If you don't know why, then nevermind.
Last night was a time to spread my horizons, so I attended the Metropolitan Opera performance of MADAME BUTTERFLY in Central Park. To see so many people in one place, behaving so well, gives rise to the thought that we may actually have a chance at survival. It was a perfect New York evening.
Garth Alert
 Drabinsky Brings 'Island' Prod'n To Toronto. Theater entrepreneur refuses comment on charges.
 Drabinsky to Produce Again
Globe and Mail: Drabinsky dances back into the footlights
Canoe: Back to Broadway?
Canoe: First up: The Island in 2001
Canoe: Garth Drabinsky makes tentative return to theatre
The Toronto Star: Drabinsky won't say who's financing theatre comeback
My theory? He's picked the play because of the popularity of "Survivor". This way, when he fires people he can say: 'You are soooooo off The Island.' "
 SAG Tries Hack-A-Shaq . 'A scab is a scab,' Amorde sez.
 New 42nd Street Studios Opened for Inspection
 Wearing Perkiness That's Cut on the Bias
 For Summer 2000, Camp Broadway Launches Nationwide Schedule
 Broadway Sings in Nyack July 20-23 With Jekyll's Evan
 Bway's Footloose Cuts Loose, July 2
 That's How Young I Feel
 Fanny Who? by Sean Patrick Flahaven
 Introducing Brad Raider by Peter Filichia
 A Theatregoers Math Exam by Peter Filichia
Cleveland.com: Let the Bard be heard. Shakespeare festival finds a new home, but traffic could be noisy at Shaker site.
Tidbits: Just heard that LIZZIE BORDEN will be part of the Alliance in September. Alison Frasier will be in it....
HOLMES! (the musical) has released a new concept CD and relaunched their website (http://www.holmesthemusical.com/) after their successful reading in early May at the Disney - Orlando campus....
I received a blind item telling me that Ken Mandelbaum had spoken about Hasselhoff in AGYG a while ago. I checked it out, and this is true. Hats off to Ken. But, Hasselhoff was seen coming out of the backstage door on Saturday night... of J&H. Talk is that he will replace Sebastian Bach. Hmmmm...
There is no truth to the rumor that Jack Wagner will auction off his pony tail on eBay for BC/EFA. (I don't think Jack's was real, was it?)...
Lilly Tomlin and Jimmy Sommerville will attend "THE LARAMIE PROJECT" tonight. This play gains momentum. Written by Moisés Kaufman ("Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde") & members of the Tectonic Theater Project, THE LARAMIE PROJECT is based on the Matthew Shepard story.
I got a new bike yesterday!
Toronto Star: Drabinsky heading back to the stage. Livent's fallen founder poised for comeback with acclaimed play from South Africa.
 A Pleasant Surprise: The Roundabout's Burt Bacharach/Hal David Project
 NYC Ups Prod'n Plan In Times Square. $200 mil earmarked for facilities.
 LaChanze Gets Bubbly at OB's Playwrights Horizons, June 20-July 9
 Basketball Diaries
 Basketball Loudly and Furiously Takes Over, Both on the Stage and in a Fan's Life
 `Macbeth' Will Close After Just 10 Days on Broadway
 Macbeth Cut Short
 Jelly's Next Jam by Sean Patrick Flahaven
Seattle Times: Theater survives bumpy first year
Seattle Times: Allen Foundation gives to Oregon theater
 Pacino, Burstyn and Keitel to Lead the Actors Studio
Chicago Triibune: The `Little' Playhouse On The Prairie. For 43 Years, A Downstate Theater Has Been Bringing Bigtime Shows To The Heartland.
Washington Post: Let's Hear It From The Audience: A Survey
 Music Man Mel by Ken Mandelbaum
Bill Jennings, over at Mermaniac.com, points out that Ken Mandelbaum must not read the web very closely. When Ken said that he broke the ROCKY HORROR story, he must have been doing the Time Warp. Yea.
BTW, I found out yesterday how closely people read this site as I gaffed and said that Jordan Roth is producing THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, when I obviously meant the stage show. You can all stop emailing me now, I fixed it!
Something's Coming...
 The Broadway Theatre Archive donates 300 Tapes to TV/Radio Museum
 Defending The Boys by Peter Filichia
 Every Inch a Hit by Ken Mandelbaum
LA Times: A Show and a Producer Find Homes
Pittsburgh Post Gazette: Stage Review: CLO lives 'La Vida Copa' with panache
Seussical Ad in The New York Times. Did you see that full page color ad for SEUSSICAL on page 3 of Sunday's Arts & Leisure section? Kind of interesting design with a mixture of photo and illustration to give the impression that it will be Dr. Seuss, yet live. Also of note in the ad was two billing blocks, one a traditional Broadway billing and then a Hollywood type of billing (similar to the one Fran and Barry used with CHICAGO.) Right above the Hollywood billing block was a "Presented by Target" logo. Then came the above the title producers, "SFX - Fran and Barry and Universal Studios..." And Universal Studios (I repeated it in case you missed it in the line above). Hmmm... Other things to note, Alan Wasser is GMing, rather than NAMCO's in-house GM team. And, listed as Executive Producers are Gary Gunas (who is from SFX) and Alecia Parker (from Fran and Barry's office) Hmmmm... It begs the question, when two immovable forces collide...
THE DONKEY SHOW was mentioned on MSNBC... in the gossip column of all places. It seems as though MAC Cosmetics had an event at Henri Bendel last Tuesday and since MAC is the main sponsor for THE DONKEY SHOW the cast was down to meet and greet the party guests. A few of the "fairys" made quite the impression with MSNBC Jeannette Walls' producer Ashley... Which brings me to my next point: one of the fairys is Dan Cryer, at about 6 foot 2die4, blonde, blue eyed, an adonis body (and a Princeton Grad to boot) would make an excellent "Rocky" in Jordan Roth's upcoming ROCKY HORROR SHOW. Jordan is also the producer of THE DONKEY SHOW. Of course, Jordan better move to make sure he locks up Dan before he gets a feature film. That boy's star is about to take off. I guess you can say that about both Dan... and Jordan.
 What's New on the Rialto: Straight-Jacket
From the mailbag: The Little Rascals was used as the basis for at least one musical. I had asked about it last week. Seth Christenfeld brings us this tidbit:
"Someone's probably already informed you of this (or maybe you already knew it and were joking, I don't know), but, although it never reached Broadway, there was a musical based on The Little Rascals that played at the Goodspeed in 1987. Joe Raposo wrote the score, and the cast included (among the adults) Ronn Carroll, Betsy Joslyn, and Ken Jennings. Only two of the kids ever showed up anywhere else, to my knowledge - Darla was Jenn Von Oy, who was on Blossom (what a credit!), and Stymie was Dule Hill, currently Charlie on The West Wing."
Virtual Line ticketing at Theatre.com has expanded to two shows, RENT and FOOTLOOSE
Seaside Music Theatre (Daytona Beach, FL) is planning on being the first post Broadway production of MISS SAIGON next summer. Lester Malizia, the producer/general manager of this well respected summer stock theatre has long wanted to do LES MISERABLES, but alas, SAIGON is in the food chain first. On a personal note, I worked at Seaside in 1992 and found it to be one of the best theatre experiences one could ever wish for. Tippen Davidson, who is one of the local business leaders there, decided about 20 years back that Daytona Beach needed a theatre and funded it out of his own pocket -- to this day. It is a rare experience that the 200 people in the company have each summer in putting on the five shows in rep. Bravo.
Just an observation... Have you ever seen a Playbill Online article that said something to the effect, so-and-so did not return a phone call or make a comment "by press time." Of course, if you are printing something, this is a valid statement. But, very little content from PBOL ever makes it into the printed version of Playbill. And now Theatre.com, a news service that rarely, if ever, ends up being printed (besides the Tony Award program), has a whole section called "On Deadline". With today's dynamic web publishing, what is the difference between their "News" section and their "On Deadline" section? I am not sure, except someone is trapped in the thought process of treating both organizations as a print model, which doesn't allow them to be on the cutting edge. Do you know why newspapers come out every morning? It is not driven by news, it is driven by advertising. The newspaper has promised advertisers that they will distribute newspapers every day. They have not promised news every day. Some days, there just is no reason to print a newspaper. Others, you may need 2-3 editions per day. Oh well. I guess what I am really saying is that I wish the leaders in online theatre news are thinking inside the box. They will never make the leap to excellence unless they change this mindframe. There is a difference between being #1 and having an excellent website.
Who flew? Why Jack did, of course.
 Far Off Broadway, Where the Theater Is a Y and Stars Are Paid in Subway Fare
 A Season of Sound and Fury, Signifying Plenty
 Letters to the Editor
Happy Birthday today to Barry Manilow, Joe Piscopo and Mark Linn-Baker.
Washington Post: A Near-Miss for NEA Funding Increase
Talk over at RATM is that "Trevor Nunn was going to postpone the show again if he didn't find a Laurey at a set of auditions last week."
 Kulick and Greif Will Direct in 2000-2001 Season at NYC's Public
 New Tony Nominators to Include Photog Reuben and Producer Mann
 Casting Complete for Seussical; Tix on Sale June 18 for Boston and Bway
 New Canadian Musical Theatre Association Launches June 21 in Toronto
 Twas a Rough Night. Critics slam Macbeth.
 Open Call In Beantown by Sean Patrick Flahaven
 How To Read the Post-Tony Box Office by Sean Patrick Flahaven
Craig Bierko Watch: He is quickly becoming the heart throb of Broadway and making people say of the MUSIC MAN casting, "Kevin who?" Craig is making music all over town, meanwhile every office from 42 to 57th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues is talking about him in their next project. But will we lose him to TV?
 Broadway Makes the Music Man Sing
 PHOTO CALL: And That Stands For...: Bierko & Phelan Take Aim at Music Man Pool Party June 14
 Homage to a Songwriter Who Made it Look Easy
 ROCKY HORROR rumors Carol Kane for Magenta.
For a good laugh, check out Bill Jenning's MERMANIAC entry for today. He talks about the San Francisco Gate Morning Fix e-mail newsletter, which could be the funniest thing I read in months.
I have discovered something about Broadway.com. The horrible pageload times are much less if you use Microsoft's Internet Explorer. I am a Netscape user, and pretty much shun any Microsoft product, but if you want to make it through Broadway.com, it is much less painful with IE.
And then there was one...
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