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Saturday, February 07, 2004 Features: [ NYT ] A Ziegfeld Girl Who Can't Stop Dancing by ERIKA KINETZ Doris Eaton Travis, at 99, Still Takes a Turn or Two When She Feels the Need [ TM ] In All Kander (and Ebb) Jim Caruso asks a host of theater notables to name their favorite song by the unbeatable team of John Kander and Fred Ebb. [ NYT ] Uptown Boys by BRUCE WEBER The Unlikely Story (Let Alone Success) of the Classical Theater of Harlem [ NYT ] The Bridges and Tunnels That Bind by JASON ZINOMAN When Sarah Jones opens her mouth, what's going to come out is anyone's guess. [ NYT ] EXCERPT 'Bridge & Tunnel' [ BSUN ] It's John Waters Day somewhere by Michael Ollove But it's a little weird, just as it should be [ NYT ] Cuts Off the Heads, Loves the Elbows by MIM UDOVITCH John Waters as a Legitimate (but Please, Not Respectable) Photographer [ WP ] Letters Fun Plays and Known Actors: That's the Ticket [ WP ] A Theater's Return Engagement by Benjamin Forgey Hippodrome Restoration Is Next Stage in Baltimore's Revival [ ND ] Dubious Gains in Dubya-land by Linda Winer That silence resounding through the arts community is the stunned kind. The sound you might detect, if you are attuned to the audiology of incredulity, is the mass dropping of jaws in response to President George W. Bush's proposal to increase spending on the National Endowment for the Arts by 15 percent. [ LAT ] Bold voice for the silent by Patrick Pacheco George C. Wolfe believes in theater as reality check. A string of hits validates his vision as he, and his Public Theater, prepare to turn 50. News: [ B ] Off-Broadway's Roulette Cancels Four Shows The Ensemble Studio Theatre production of Roulette, starring Oscar winner Anna Paquin, has hit a snag. The show, which began previews on January 30, has had to cancel performances through Sunday, February 8 because of an illness in the cast. [ P ] Off-Broadway Roulette Cancels Feb. 5-6 Shows [ StL ] Muny announces 2004 schedule by Judith Newmark "Guys and Dolls" and a new musical version of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" will round out the 2004 season at the Muny, the open-air theater in Forest Park. Thanks to American Theater Web for the link. [ INQ ] Shakespeare Festival trims schedule, staff by Douglas J. Keating Faced with a shortage of operating money, the Philadelphia Shakespeare Festival has postponed the final production of the season and laid off three of its six employees. [ P ] Tickets for Kennedy Center's "Tennessee Williams Explored" On Sale Feb. 7 [ P ] Today In Theatre History: FEBRUARY 7 [ P ] I Love You, You're Perfect Becomes Denver History Maker at Feb. 7 Performance [ P ] Somewhere, through a clearing... Is New Song Cycle WithTunes by Lippa, Carnelia, Guettel and More, Feb. 7-29 [ P ] NYC's South Asian Troupe, Rasa Theater, Stages World Premiere One-Acts by O'Neill and Banka, Feb. 7-22 [ P ] Baitz's Ten Unknowns Gets Florida Premiere Feb. 7 [ TM ] The Thing About Men to Close on February 15 Reviews: [ NJ ] Wise beyond his years: Cincotti displays remarkable maturity in cabaret show BY JAY LUSTIG posted at 2/7/2004 09:55:07 AM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Friday, February 06, 2004 Features: [ B ] Q&A: Gretchen Mol by Tony Phillips [ MSNBC ] On �Gilmore Girls,� veteran stars count too Often the actors playing Lorelai's parents steal the show Kelly Bishop and Edward Herrmann on "standing ovation mania" and other "insider tips on the theater." [ SPI ] 'Dreamgirls' co-star Davis prefers onstage to offstage drama by JOE ADCOCK [ ST ] A reawakening for 'Dreamgirls' by Misha Berson Thanks to American Theater Web for the Seattle stories. [ BS ] Park Ranges Working at the nation's theme parks can offer you a chance to hone your craft--outdoors and for pay, too. News: [ P ] The King & I Will Tour in 2004 With Sandy Duncan; Stefanie Powers Whistles Happy Tune in 2005 [ B ] The King & I to Tour with Duncan and Powers [ BS ] Boston Culture Commissioner Quits Banks Bestow Beans for Pair of Playhouses [ BS ] TDF/Irene Sharaff Awards Announced Reviews: [ TM ] The Siegel Column Barbara & Scott argue the merits of Suitcase but have no argument about a new jazz club nor about Christine Andreas at the Caf� Carlyle. [ TM ] An Evening of Kurt Weill Reviewed By: Matthew Murray [ AJC ] Slimmer show suits this 'Lady' by WENDELL BROCK "My Fair Lady," with Amanda Watkins and Neal Benari. Thanks to American Theater Web for the link. [ BG ] Bright 'Boys' is full of life by Sally Cragin Van Pattens give Simon classic a kick [ SUN ] Got Used to It by JEREMY McCARTER Paul Rudnick's Valhalla: male/male Teutonic "Arcadia"? [ CU ] Valahalla [ CU ] They Wrote That? posted at 2/6/2004 05:37:25 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Features: [ P ] The Tradition Continues The offer to star in Broadway�s new production of Fiddler on the Roof presented actor Alfred Molina with a challenge he couldn�t resist. News: [ P ] Wilting Flowers Exits Boobs! The Musical; Leslie Ann Hendricks Sings Saucily [ P ] "Soul Man" Aims for Heaven in The Blues Brothers Revival, Set for Chicago April 7 [ P ] Detour: Neil LaBute's Autobahn MCC Benefit Now Set to Play March 8 [ P ] They Wanted To Be in Rent, So They Logged On, and Now They're Being Seen by the Director [ P ] Terrence McNally's New Play Dedication Goes Out to Williamstown in Summer [ P ] Actors Theatre of Louisville Announces 2004 Humana Fest's Ten-Minute Plays and Heideman Winners [ P ] Rent Becomes Broadway's 10th-Longest Running Show Feb. 10 [ TM ] York Theatre Announces Spring 2004 "Musicals in Mufti" posted at 2/6/2004 03:35:27 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Features: [ B ] Can-Can on Disc by Ken Mandelbaum [ B ] Photo Op: Wicked Witches Fly Into Winterfest Event [ P ] DIVA TALK: Avenue Q's Harada Is a Spotlight Hit; Andreas Sings Standards Plus More Evita Thoughts News: [ NYP ] 'IDOL' IN A NEW YORK STATE OF MIND by MICHAEL STARR NEW Yorker Marque Lynche has advanced to the "Final 32" round of "American Idol" - with the chance now to win it all. Lynche, 22, a dancer who's appeared in "The Lion King" on Broadway, says he's thrilled to have made it this far - and cites his Broadway experience as a definite plus. Thanks to nycwonder on All That Chat for the link! [ P ] Madonna and "Moulin Rouge" Producer to Oversee New Springer Album [ P ] The Moonlight Room Shines at Off-Broadway's Beckett Beginning Feb. 24 [ P ] PBOL'S THEATRE WEEK IN REVIEW, Jan. 31-Feb. 6: Retreat from Broadway Look at the bright side: now producers hoping to unleash their Broadway shows this spring no longer need worry about the lack of free houses. [ P ] York Theatre Has Weird Romance, Fanny, Best Foot Forward in Mufti Series, March 19-April 4 [ P ] Angels in America Star to Head Cast of Kennedy Center's Five by Tenn [ P ] Lillias White Sings Harold Arlen at New York Pops' Carnegie Hall Concert March 5 [ B ] Off-B'way's The Thing About Men to Close 2/15 At the time of its closing, the off-Broadway musical comedy will have played 25 previews and 222 performances at the Promenade Theatre. posted at 2/6/2004 12:06:05 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link News: [ NYP ] ABBA DABBA DO! by MICHAEL RIEDEL HOW'S this for an advance ticket sale: The Seoul production of "Mamma Mia!" opened Jan. 25 with 3.6 billion in the bank. [ WP ] Vanishing Point The Monologuist Transformed His Life Into Art, but Left the Final Chapter Unfinished by Lynne Duke His scent still lingers on the bedsheets in their SoHo loft. Kathie Russo hasn't changed them. She wants to remember the last time her husband, Spalding Gray, slept there. [ V ] Chi retuning 'Blues Bros.' Previews for open-ended run begin April 7 [ B ] Gennifer Flowers Leaves BOOBS! After Brief Run Is Jasmine Guy available? (Or Janet Jackson?) [ P ] The Affair Is Over: Off-Broadway's The Thing About Men Will Close Feb. 15 Features: [ DN ] He raises a new 'Roof' BY JOE DZIEMIANOWICZ Tradition! Alfred Molina has one that is weird and wet. [ TM ] Peter Filichia's Diary Which composers and shows will be heard from on Monday in "The Broadway Musicals of 1926?" [ NJ ] Guerrilla stand-up BY PETER FILICHIA As her one-woman show, "Downloaded -- and in Denial" is about to open at Passage Theatre Company of Trenton, Cynthia Adler remembers the time she passed for Jackie Mason. [ TM ] Loose Lips by: Brian Scott Lipton Wassup with Anthony Mackie, Joanna Gleason, Charles Busch, and the soon-to-be-famous Adam Rothenberg? [ CST ] Stepin into the light BY MARY HOULIHAN Playwright Michael Henry Brown traces his interest in Stepin Fetchit back to the late '60s. [ CT ] Dissecting Stepin Fetchit: Comedic sellout or survivor? by Kevin McKeough [ WP ] It's Kiah's Time by Dan Via THE OPENING moments of "Melissa Arctic," Craig Wright's music-filled reimagining of Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale," rest squarely on the slim shoulders of 12-year-old Kiah Victoria. [ P ] PHOTO CALL: Twentieth Century Leaves the Station; New Bway Production Now in Rehearsals [ B ] Photo Op: Primary Stages Shows Off New Home: 59E59 [ BS ] Shepard Sobel: Devoted to Classical Theatre "I'm not eager to see Xerxes as George W., despite the hubris and the fact that he wages a war that he can't win in order to outshine his father," stresses Shepard Sobel. "Valhalla" - Reviews: [ ND ] Valhalla: An Outrageous Aria of Good Cheer by Linda Winer 'Valhalla,' mad opera of one-liners, could only be Rudnick's [ NYT ] THEATER REVIEW | 'VALHALLA' Bliss in Bavaria and the 'Queer Eye' Stereotype by BEN BRANTLEY Paul Rudnick's play on the the gay aesthete is built on jokes driven by a fixed concept instead of fluid character. [ DN ] G.I.s' vague Wagner connection by Howard Kissel Paul Rudnick seems to have discovered Richard Wagner. Is this a good thing? It may be too soon to tell. [ NJ ] Big laughs undermine 'Valhalla' message BY MICHAEL SOMMERS [ Y ] 'Valhalla' Delights in Outrageousness by MICHAEL KUCHWARA, AP Drama Critic Rudnick can't resist a laugh, and although he is among the best jokesters in the business, you long for something more. A sympathetic character or two, perhaps? [ ATW ] Jitterbugging Across the Centuries in Search of Beauty and Love Review by Andy Propst [ TB ] Valhalla Review by Matthew Murray [ B ] Valhalla Review by William Stevenson [ TM ] Valhalla Reviewed By: David Finkle "They Wrote That?" - Reviews: [ NJ ] Revue turns into jam session BY MICHAEL SOMMERS "They Wrote That?" deserves to move on to a larger theater, but for now the pleasure of experiencing such solid gold music-making in an intimate space is an extra thrill. [ ND ] Name That Tune Writer by Gordon Cox Popular songs don't make composers' tales engaging [ Y ] Revue Provides Window Into Pop History by JUSTIN GLANVILLE, Associated Press Writer Anyone with an interest in classic pop should make a point of seeing "They Wrote That?" � a revue of two songwriters' work that pretty much documents the history of late-20th century popular music. [ ATW ] They Wrote That?: An Amiable Pop Songbook Review by Andy Propst [ B ] They Wrote That? Review by Ricky Spears Other Reviews: [ B ] The Parrot Review by Kevin Manganaro [ ATW ] Neuwirth, Marshall, Rees and Chorale Demonstrate Weill's Breadth Review by Andy Propst [ INQ ] Solo Naughton is savvy, not slick by Desmond Ryan James Naughton's one-man show, It's About Time, proves he's also a persuasive advocate of both familiar and forgotten corners of the American songbook. [ NYT ] ART REVIEW | 'JOHN WATERS' Putting His Worst Foot Forward, as Usual by HOLLAND COTTER The photographic stills from John Water's films as seen at the New Museum are ingenious and often very funny, but they can't carry a show of this size. Other News: [ P ] Today In Theatre History: FEBRUARY 6 [ P ] Off-Broadway's The Civilians Brings Back The Ladies, Feb. 6-29 [ P ] New William Finn Musical Workshopped at Barrington Stage, Feb. 6-15 [ P ] A Boxing Star and the Women Who Watch Get NYC Premiere in Fighting Words, Feb. 6-March 7 [ P ] Tragic Tennis Champ Tilden Brought to Life in Gurney's Big Bill, Beginning Feb. 6 [ P ] Nicky Silver's World Premiere Beautiful Child Begins at Off-Broadway's Vineyard, Feb. 6 [ P ] Meryl Streep Presents Sarah Jones' New Work bridge and tunnel, Starting Feb. 6 [ P ] Sigourney Weaver to Be Gurney's Mrs. Farnsworth at Flea March 18 [ B ] Weaver to Star as A.R. Gurney's Mrs. Farnsworth [ P ] Esbjornson to Direct Much Ado About Nothing in Central Park in Summer 2004 [ P ] Equity Sues Broadway Producers Over Non-Equity Tours [ P ] Newton Star Roger Guenveur Smith Workshops New Piece at P.S. 122, Feb. 26-March 7 [ P ] Bennett, Tomei, Errico, Goldberg, Lucci Star in Guys and Dolls Benefit, Feb. 23 [ B ] Actors' Equity Files Unfair Labor Practice Charges [ B ] National Theatre Announces New Season [ TM ] 59E59 Theater Complex Unveiled [ P ] Addicted . . . a comedy of substance Extends Off-Broadway Run [ P ] Liz McCartney Gets Conical Hairdo in Bway's Millie Starting March 1 [ P ] Their Story Goes On: Maltby & Shire Tunes Tell a New Tale in Dawning Show, A Time for Love, Feb. 6-15 [ P ] International Sensation, 2 Pianos, 4 Hands, Continues Regional Glissando Feb. 5-28 at KY's Actors Theatre [ B ] Rothenberg Set for Kennedy Center's Streetcar posted at 2/6/2004 08:12:25 AM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Thursday, February 05, 2004 [ NYT ] ON STAGE AND OFF A Character Revisited by JASON ZINOMAN Sigourney Weaver will star in A.R. Gurney's "Mrs. Farnsworth"; Kelsey Grammer will star in "The Producers," probably, one of these days... posted at 2/5/2004 09:02:27 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link We are hearing some (unconfirmed!) casting info for THE COLOR PURPLE: LaChanze - Celie Jesse Martin - Albert Adrianne Lennox - Shug Avery Anika Noni Rose - Nettie Dwayne Clarke - Harpo Looks like a great cast is coming! posted at 2/5/2004 05:29:25 PM by James Marino | Item Link [ CNY ] Broadway union files unfair labor suit The Actors' Equity Association announced Thursday that it has filed unfair labor practices with the National Labor Relations Board against Clear Channel Entertainment, the Nederlander Organization, and Dodger Stage Holdings Theatricals, Inc. [ COOL ] The World of Andrew Lloyd Webber [ BS ] Seattle Fringe Declares Bankruptcy by Leonard Jacobs Back on the East Coast, FringeNYC Head Takes Careful Note Two months after announcing it needed at least $120,000 to stay alive, the Seattle Fringe Festival declared bankruptcy last week. The organization closed its doors Sat., Jan. 31, ending 13 years of operation. posted at 2/5/2004 01:33:48 PM by James Marino | Item Link Features: [ B ] Stage Notes: 02/04/04 by Paul Wontorek Heather Headley; Revisiting "The Phantom of the Opera." [ B ] Replacements: The '60s by Ken Mandelbaum [ B ] Photo Op: Meeting the Stars of Twentieth Century News: [ P ] DRG Records The Thing About Men Original Cast Album for April 6 Release [ P ] New National Theatre Season to Include David Hare Triple Plus Sondheim [ P ] Kennedy Center Streetcar Finds Its Stanley Adam Rothenberg will play the volatile Stanley Kowalski in the upcoming Kennedy Center mounting of A Streetcar Named Desire. [ P ] Milne Multiplies at Mint as Repertory of Blayds and Mr. Pim Begins March 2 [ P ] Gershwin, Hamlisch and Broadway Saluted in Spring Boston Pops Concerts [ P ] Danieley, Clark, Molaskey, Thorell, McCarthy and More Set for Dream True Concert [ P ] Bea Arthur and Rita Moreno to Be Part of Peggy Lee Tribute [ P ] Bald Diva! Heads to the Red Room Feb. 5-March 6 posted at 2/5/2004 12:22:50 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Features: [ NYT ] Expounding on Biblical Mysteries to Dramatic Effect by JULIE SALAMON The director Brian Kulick began his tenure at the Classic Stage Company topically, with boldly refashioned biblical texts in "The Mysteries." [ INQ ] Grammy long shot is on a hot streak by David Hiltbrand Among the five acts in the Grammys' new-artist category, the name Heather Headley stands out. [ DN ] Robert Dominguez's Que Pasa: Punching up his resume Raul Arrieta went from unknown theater actor in Mexico to internationally known soap opera star. But he never expected it would lead to a major role in an Off-Broadway play, too. [ NYP ] TAPPING INTO A RICH VEIN by NEIL GRAVES There's nothing more American than tap dance, and it's a part of our culture that started on the plantations of yesteryear, says Harry Scott, who's been spreading the message of black dance and its impact on America to schoolkids since 1982. Reviews: [ NJ ] Fuzzy subdues funny: NJPAC upstages stripped-down version of "Full Monty" BY PETER FILICHIA The 2,700-seat Prudential Hall is much too large for this modest-sized musical. News: [ HC ] Landmark Theaters In A State Of Flux by Frank Rizzo Last weekend, two groups gathered to discuss the future of a pair of landmark theaters in the state. [ ND ] Chocoholic Makes Ludwig Anything but Vanilla by Gordon Cox King Ludwig II of Bavaria, an opera enthusiast who funded the work of Richard Wagner, may have inspired Paul Rudnick's latest comedy, "Valhalla," but the playwright will quickly point out that he doesn't share Ludwig's love for the art form. "I am completely operaphobic," he declared cheerfully. "I think it's a hoax. I think it should exist only as still photography." [ B ] Michael Arden & John Hill Set for bare Off-B'way [ NJ ] Center stage by Peter Filichia Oh, 'Baby'! There's quite a cast shaping up for the upcoming production of "Baby" at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn. [ P ] Today In Theatre History: FEBRUARY 5 [ P ] New Musical, Sarah, Ella & Pops, Gets World Premiere in Michigan Feb. 5 [ P ] Songwriters Mann and Weil Answer They Wrote That? as Show Opens, Feb. 5 [ P ] Bavarian King and Texas Teen Ascend in New Rudnick Comedy Valhalla, Opens Feb. 5 [ P ] One-Act Play Festival to Feature Six World-Premiere Plays, March 3-27 [ P ] Ralph Macchio and Michael Rispoli Begin in Magic Hands Freddy, Feb. 5 [ P ] Pulitzer-Winner Anna Says Adios to Broadway Feb. 22 posted at 2/5/2004 07:38:50 AM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Wednesday, February 04, 2004 The bloodletting continues... [ B ] Pulitzer Champ Anna in the Tropics to Close 2/22 [ TM ] Pulitzer Winner Anna in the Tropics to Close on February 22 [ B ] Democracy Moves to the West End in April [ P ] TheatreWorks Stages Enchanted April, Red, Living Out and New Musical in 2004-2005 [ P ] Lisa Kron's Well Set to Open at Public Theater March 28 [ P ] Charles Busch Is Auntie Mame at Maine's Ogunquit, June 28-July 10 [ P ] Gattelli, Cohen and Saint Part of tick, tick . . . BOOM! Creative Team at George Street [ P ] John Rando Directs An Evening with Burton & Russell Benefit at Rattlestick, Feb. 16 [ P ] Hanan & Ari Reunite for Jolson and Company at Florida's Coconut Grove, Feb. 17-March 7 posted at 2/4/2004 07:23:28 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link [ B ] Random Notes on This and That: 2/4/04 by Ken Mandelbaum Taboo's Liz McCartney will replace Anne L. Nathan as Miss Flannery in the Broadway Thoroughly Modern Millie. Nathan is departing Millie for Assassins. News: [ P ] Julia Stiles Confirmed for London Oleanna [ P ] Florida's TheatreWest Gets New Digs in West Palm Beach [ P ] Kushner and Bloom Discuss Theatre and Religion, "The Oldest Couple," in Classic Stage Benefit at Lincoln Center March 22 [ P ] Stuck at Port Authority, Characters Wait in Real Time in People Die That Way, Starting Feb. 19 in NYC [ P ] Actors' Fund Bounce Concert Set for May 9 at Majestic Theatre; Tix Now on Sale [ P ] Sea of Tranquility � with Dylan Baker and Patricia Kalember � Begins Performances Feb. 4 [ P ] Raisin in the Sun Will Begin Previews March 30 for Opening on April 26 [ P ] "I Got Hussein": Chicago City Limits Skewers President in AmBUSHed [ P ] Vintage Anything Goes Recording Released [ P ] Rudetsky's Deconstructing Series Focuses on Tony Awards; Cher, Too [ B ] Sea of Tranquility Extends a Week at the Atlantic [ TM ] Shanley, Meehan, Malina, and Meineck to Discuss Political Theater at Drama Desk Event [ TM ] Actors' Fund Slates NYC Bounce Concert for May 9 [ TM ] The Retreat from Moscow Will Close on February 29 Reviews: [ TB ] Tibet Through the Red Box at Seattle Children's Theatre Review by David-Edward Hughes Features: [ P ] PHOTO CALL: Same Old Syndrome; New McNally Play Holds Press Conference posted at 2/4/2004 03:44:21 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link [ P ] Moscow Retreats: Nicholson Drama to Close on Broadway Feb. 29 [ B ] The Retreat from Moscow to Close February 29 At the time it closes, it will have played 24 preview and 147 regular performances at the Booth Theatre. At war with Boy George by Michael Riedel When Boy George's career as a Broadway performer comes to a grinding halt next month with the closing of his sad little musical Taboo, I want to hire him as my press agent. For this article from The Guardian, and other clippings from Britain, you can visit the London Theater News page at American Theater Web. posted at 2/4/2004 10:14:22 AM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link [ NYP ] OLD DOGS, FEW TIX by MICHAEL RIEDEL AT the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, I don't want to hop around on the graves of "Gypsy" or "Never Gonna Dance." [ TS ] Is this gent our Edna? B.C. actor touted as Hairspray momma by RICHARD OUZOUNIAN Whispers have it that busy West Coast actor Jay Brazeau is about to be tapped for the pivotal matriarch role when the Mirvishes bring Hairspray to town this spring. [ NYP ] CINDY ADAMS ELDERLY couple attending "Fiddler on the Roof" previews.... Funny! Last item. Thanks to American Theater Web for the following features! [ MH ] School of hard knocks BY CHRISTINE DOLEN Wanda Richert lived her Broadway dream in the summer of 1980. She was the leading lady in a familiar showbiz fairy-tale, a star-is-born saga played out on both sides of the footlights. [ LADN ] 'Love' affair by Evan Henerson Debbie Reynolds' stage commitment in North Hollywood wasn't just another job. And she's certainly not doing it for the money. Other Features: [ NYT ] Exit All Stage Left, to Angus McIndoe by ALEX WITCHEL Angus McIndoe's restaurant is at the moment the chief baby sitter, best pal, older brother, younger brother, host with the most on Broadway. [ DN ] Tapping out a thank-you by David Hinckley Many years before he became President Bartlett's aide Charlie on "The West Wing," Dule Hill was watching TV and saw Gregory Hines dance. Some months later he was introduced to Hines. [ TM ] Peter Filichia's Diary How did famous people shape musical theater between the years 1001 and 2000 A.D.? [ BSUN ] Mel to the max by J. Wynn Rousuck Producer Brooks revels in hard-earned success, even if he finds the whole show business thing a bit funny. [ ND ] A Theatrical Goody Bag by Michael Bracken A troupe for youngsters celebrates its entering middle age [ B ] Photo Op: Chicago Celebrates 3,000 Performances [ B ] Photo Op: Phantom Turns Sweet 16! [ BS ] Actor's Taxes: Deductions and Credits While you are amassing your W-2s and 1099s that are beginning to roll in now, it's not too early to think about deductions and credits to help reduce your tax burden. Reviews: [ NYT ] CRITIC'S NOTEBOOK Souls Lost and Doomed Enliven London Stages by BEN BRANTLEY Morbid and haunting are the themes of London's theater season this year, with high-reaching performances and splendid revivals making it one of the most electric in years. [ NYP ] LUSH 'PHANTOM' STILL HAUNTING by CLIVE BARNES FOR a show that turned 16 last week, "The Phantom of the Opera" seems band- box fresh. [ NYP ] MUST BE SOME ELECTRIC BILL WITH its 6,681th performance tonight, "The Phantom of the Opera" eclipses "Les Miserables" as Broadway's second-longest running show - and if it lasts another two years, "Phantom" will overtake "Cats." [ NYT ] TV REVIEW | 'THE BLACKWATER LIGHTSHIP' A Faultless Martyr in Ireland, as Melancholy Defeats Monotony by VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN Based on the book by Colm Toibin, this movie about a young Irish man dying of AIDS is a point-blank tear-jerker and a beautiful tour of Ireland. [ VV ] Laddish Tales Two chatty new Irish plays venture into unspeakable terrain by Charles McNulty Eden by Eugene O'Brien; The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh [ VV ] Down the rabbit hole with a salaciously unsatisfying twist by Alexis Soloski Alice in Wonderland: What if you made a porno and nobody came? [ VV ] Sightlines by Francine Russo Jackie Hoffman's The Kvetching Continues Other News: [ BS ] Giamatti Trains for 'Cinderella' by Chris Gardner and Borys Kit Paul Giamatti, who has earned critical accolades for his role as Harvey Pekar in the HBO Films/Fine Line Features comedy "American Splendor," is in final negotiations to star opposite Russell Crowe, Renee Zellweger and Craig Bierko in Universal Pictures/Miramax Films' period boxing project "Cinderella Man." Ron Howard is directing and producing along with Brian Grazer and Penny Marshall. [ MSNBC ] For Affleck, the play's the thing by Jeannette Walls with Ashley Pearson Will Ben Affleck move from movies to theater? [ B ] Will Dukakis in Agamemnon Land on B'way? [ ND ] Good Seats Available by Elizabeth Sanger Weather, competition take toll on Broadway [ RMN ] Show spurs debt claim of $100,000 by Lisa Bornstein Four months after the musical Suddenly Hope closed at Denver Civic Theatre, the show's general manager says that local producer Richard Bernstein owes staff, artists and vendors nearly $100,000. Thanks to American Theater Web for the link. [ TM ] Brooks, Stroman, and Meehan Introduce The Producers to the London Press [ P ] Today In Theatre History: FEBRUARY 4 [ P ] Classical Theatre of Harlem Screws Up Its Courage Beginning Feb. 4 [ P ] The Phantom of the Opera Becomes Second Longest-Running Bway Show [ P ] Guirgis Joins Fishburne in Cast of His Our Lady of 121st Street in Los Angeles, Feb. 4-8 [ P ] Original Off-Broadway Cast Members Reprint The Story at Long Wharf Theatre, Feb. 4 [ P ] National Tour of Def Poetry Jam Returns Home to New York for HBO Taping [ P ] John Malkovich Returns to Chicago Stage for Steppenwolf's 2004-05 Season [ P ] Wasserstein World Premieres, Welcome to My Rash and Third, Play DC Through Feb. 15 [ P ] Chicago's Roadworks to Take Break While Debt Is Cleared posted at 2/4/2004 09:33:51 AM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Tuesday, February 03, 2004 News: [ B ] Broadway Grosses: Chill Factor The week ending February 1 was a chilly one on Broadway. Every show, with the exception of Fiddler on the Roof, plummeted. [ B ] National Theatre Tops London Critics' Awards [ TM ] London Critics' Circle Award Winners Announced [ P ] Goethals Stars in U.S. Premiere of First You're Born, April 21-May 8 [ P ] Anne Bobby Is Rebecca West in That Woman, Playing Off-Broadway March 3-13 [ P ] Musical Comedy Reefer Madness Slated for Screen Version by Showtime [ P ] New Works by William Finn and Mark St. Germain Play Barrington Stage Co. in Massachusetts in Summer 2004 [ P ] Original Matt & Ben Stars Leave NYC for Hollywood Premiere, April 1-May 16 [ P ] Kelsey Grammer to Play Scrooge for NBC Musical Based on MSG Christmas Carol [ P ] Joanna Gleason Joins Cast of Off-Broadway's Normal Heart [ TM ] Nothing Like a Dame 2004 Set for March 1 [ TM ] York Theatre Announces Developmental Readings of Musicals Features: [ P ] PHOTO CALL: And All That Jazz; Chicago Revival Turns 3,000 Reviews: [ TB ] World Premiere The Other Side of Newark: An Appealing and Satisfying Journey Back in Time by Bob Rendell posted at 2/3/2004 04:02:47 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Features: [ B ] Q & A: 2/3/04 by Ken Mandelbaum [ B ] Photo Op: Broadway Showstoppers & the Philly POPS Reviews: [ TM ] The Siegel Column The word on The Karaoke Show, Steve Tyrell at Feinstein's, Darius de Haas at Lincoln Center, and Lana Rein at the FireBird. News: [ B ] Joanna Gleason Set for Off-B'way's Normal Heart [ P ] Report: Joanna Gleason Joins Cast of Off-Broadway's Normal Heart [ P ] John Kelly Takes Third Journey in "Big Yellow Taxi"; Joni Mitchell Homage Opens March 5 [ P ] Caroline Gets Long List of Broadway Angels; Previews Begin April 13 [ P ] British Critics' Circle Theatre Award Winners Announced; Springer Named Best Musical [ P ] Suitcase to Stay Unpacked at Soho Rep Through Feb. 28 [ P ] Manilow Out of Hospital; Will He and Sussman Regain Control of Harmony? [ P ] Osborn's Point of No Return May Be Broadway-Bound [ P ] "Theater Talk" Welcomes New York Journalists Feb. 6 [ P ] The Speakeasy Welcomes Karen Mason Feb. 12 and 13 [ P ] New Jersey Performing Arts Center Welcomes The Full Monty Feb. 3 [ P ] Tarzan Workshop Featured Pascal, Morrison and Bundy; Collins in Attendance posted at 2/3/2004 12:31:41 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link News: [ B ] Kelsey Grammer to Play Musical Scrooge for NBC Based on the Madison Square Garden stage production, the film will feature music by Alan Menken and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens. [ P ] Broadway Grosses: January 26 - February 1 [ NYT ] 'Gypsy' to Close Feb. 28, at a Loss of Millions by JESSE McKINLEY The production will have lost a little less than half of its $8 million capitalization. [ DN ] Two musicals closing Broadway's troubled season has claimed two more victims. [ NYT ] Stunned by Director's Death, Carnegie Is in Flux Again by ROBIN POGREBIN With the death of Robert J. Harth, Carnegie Hall faces the unwelcome task of seeking a new director, its third executive search in five years. [ Y ] 'Dumb' Co-Star in Sibling Series with Hannigan Meanwhile, David Alan Basche has been cast as Wilbur Post in Fox's remake of the 1960s comedy "Mister Ed"; Jonathan Cake as the lead in ABC's limited Roman Empire series "Empire"; and Nathan Fillion in Fox's drama pilot "Hollywood Division." [ NYP ] 'PRODUCERS' COULD BE WURST SHOW IN GERMANY by BILL HOFFMANN It may be "Springtime for Hitler" in Germany. Mel Brooks is mulling the possibility of having "The Producers" goosestep its way into the Fatherland later this year. [ NYP ] ENQUIRER KILLED OUR MARRIAGE: GEST by MARSHA KRANES Liza Minnelli's estranged husband, David Gest, claims her alleged boozing and brawling didn't end their marriage - the National Enquirer did. [ Y ] Life Truly Is a Cabaret in New York by Robert Osborne NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - Manhattan's cabaret scene is, indeed, warming up considerably these days, even if the temperatures outside are not exactly soaring. [ P ] Kids' Night on Broadway Is Feb. 3; Hairspray's Brier Hosts Macy's Pre-Show Event [ P ] Today In Theatre History: FEBRUARY 3 [ P ] Olympia Dukakis Is Clytemnestra in Off-Bway Agamemnon Feb. 3-22 [ P ] Undoing Salk, World Premiere About Polio Conqueror, Begins Feb. 3 in Pittsburgh [ P ] Marsha Mason and Michael Cerveris Cozy Up for Wintertime Off-Broadway, Feb. 3 [ P ] Be Mine: Kiki and Herb Return to New York for Saint Valentine�s Day Show, Feb. 14 Features: [ P ] PLAYBILL ON-LINE'S BRIEF ENCOUNTER with David Leveaux David Leveaux has no interest in mucking up Fiddler on the Roof with some showy directorial concept. [ ND ] Bebe on Board by Blake Green Singer-dancer-actress-artist keeps busy [ USA ] Nellie McKay: Think Doris Day with an edge by Elysa Gardner [ NYT ] Ben Kingsley, Seeking the Classic in Every Character by SHARON WAXMAN Reviews: [ NYT ] CRITIC'S NOTEBOOK The Power and Pitfalls of Children in the Plot by MARGO JEFFERSON Analyzing the effectiveness of filtering politics through a child's consciousness in three much-praised works: "Caroline, or Change" and "Aunt Dan and Lemon" and "Hiroshima Maiden." [ NYT ] MUSIC REVIEW Singing Stars Sparkle for Horne's Birthday by JEREMY EICHLER Marilyn Horne's 70th birthday celebration at Carnegie Hall on Sunday was filled with prominent singers who provided a range of notable tunes. [ NJ ] A tale of two spouses at Irish Repertory Theatre BY MICHAEL SOMMERS It is not the greatest play ever written, but it's certainly a solid, rueful one that gives people something to discuss over a Guinness afterward. [ CU ] Eden Review posted at 2/3/2004 07:55:47 AM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Monday, February 02, 2004 [ B ] B'way's Gypsy Revival to Close on February 28 At the time it closes, the revival, starring Bernadette Peters and directed by Sam Mendes, will have played 347 performances and 33 previews. [ TM ] An Even Smaller World: Gypsy to Close on February 28 [ P ] Gypsy Revival to Close Feb. 28 According to a statement, "The producers stated that the current extreme weather conditions in New York, which have caused an industry-wide decline in ticket sales, contributed to the decision to close the production." If the box office shows a marked improvement, however, the producers may extend the Gypsy run. (The producers of Never Gonna Dance also announced Feb. 2 that that show would close prematurely on Feb. 15, also citing the poor weather.) posted at 2/2/2004 05:35:59 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Features: [ B ] Q&A: Isabel Keating by Beth Stevens [ P ] THE LEADING MEN: Following the Norm With Valentine�s Day just around the corner, here are three Leading Men who have "miles and miles and miles of heart": Norm Lewis (Chicago), Matt Zarley (ZarleySongs) and Jim Caruso (Cast Party). [ TM ] All Over the Map by: Dan Bacalzo How His Bride Came to Abraham in Kansas City, Stage Directions in Los Angeles, and Southern Gothic Novel in Atlanta. News: [ P ] Will Richard Chamberlain Join Broadway's Chicago? Has the Broadway production of Kander and Ebb's Chicago found its next Billy Flynn? [ B ] Champlin, Murney & Peil Set for First Lady Suite Donna Lynne Champlin, Julia Murney, Tony-nominated actress Mary Beth Peil and two-time Tony nominee Mary Testa will star in the first ever New York revival of Michael John LaChiusa's First Lady Suite in the spring. [ B ] Tom and Viv Looks to the West End in Fall [ P ] Producer Paul Libin Honored By O'Neill Foundation [ P ] Friends Will Remember Theatre Promoter Brad Van Nostrand at Feb. 3 Memorial [ P ] Hairspray Heads Home: Seattle's 5th Ave Sets Season with Rigby, Singin', We Will Rock You [ P ] Paper Mill Baby to Feature Norm Lewis and La Chanze [ P ] There Is Nothing Like a Dame March 1 at the St. James Theatre [ P ] Addicted . . . a comedy of substance to Play Final Performance Feb. 8 [ TM ] Irene Sharaff Award Winners Announced [ TM ] The End of a Fine Romance: Never Gonna Dance to Close on February 15 posted at 2/2/2004 04:28:22 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link News: [ B ] Never Gonna Dance to Shutter February 15 The old-fashioned dance musical will have played 44 previews and 84 regular performances at Broadway's Broadhurst Theatre. [ P ] Never Gonna Dance Will Shutter Feb. 15 [ B ] Barbara Cook's Broadway to Play Lincoln Center [ P ] Cook Offers New Solo Show, Barbara Cook's Broadway, at Lincoln Center [ NYT ] Patricia Falkenhain, 77, Noted Off Broadway Actress, Dies by WOLFGANG SAXON Patricia Falkenhain Geiringer was a classical repertory actress who won critical acclaim for her many roles Off Broadway. [ IBDB ] Patricia Falkenhain's Broadway Credits [ V ] 'Three Plays' now playing at Zephyr Theater Mo'Nique, Wendy Raquel Robinson, Estelle Harris, Lee Garlington and Rae'ven Larrymore Kelly are among the thesps in "Three Plays by Sara Finney-Johnson" running at the Zephyr Theater in Hollywood. [ V ] South Coast Repertory to preem 'Studio' [ P ] Wonderful Town Invites Sisters in at Half Price on Wednesdays, Beginning Feb. 4 [ P ] Robert Harth, Artistic Director of Carnegie Hall Since 2001, Dead at 47 [ P ] Banderas and Griffith Honored by Drama League, Feb. 9 [ P ] Patricia Falkenhain, Obie-Winning Actress, Dead at 77 [ P ] TDF/Irene Sharaff Awards For Theatrical Costume Design Announced [ P ] Mel Brooks and Company Visit London for Producers Launch [ P ] Gypsy Standby Sings Coleman at Don't Tell Mama Feb. 2 and 9 [ P ] Ultimate Diva Revue�with Songs from Chess and Side Show�Heads to Center Stage [ P ] Urinetown Gets Canadian Premiere in Resident Toronto Production, May 19-July 11 [ P ] Callaway, Mayes and Runolfsson Featured on New Richard Rodgers CD [ P ] Manilow Hospitalized for Chest Pains After Harmony Arbitration [ P ] Neil Simon Comedies Arrive on DVD March 30 With Bonus Features [ P ] Dance of the Vampires Star Heads to the Chatterbox Feb. 5 [ P ] Boy George's Taboo Preserved Feb. 2 [ P ] Today In Theatre History: FEBRUARY 2 [ P ] Akers Part of Premiere London Cabaret Convention in February [ P ] Playwrights Cruz, McNally, Rudnick More Talk New Plays at Wing's "Working in the Theatre," Feb. 9 [ P ] Chicago Plays 3,000th Performance Feb. 2; Norm Lewis Joins Cast [ P ] Tony-Winning Actress Named "Outstanding New Yorker" [ P ] Comedy Cares Features Behar, Halston and Cantone Feb. 2 [ P ] Come on and Hear: York Theatre Co. Stages Max Morath: Ragtime and Again, Feb. 2-March 14 [ P ] Off-Bway's Abingdon Stages NYC Premiere of Irish-Set The Pagans Starting Feb. 27 [ P ] "Simpsons" Actress Yeardley Smith Brings Solo Show More to Off-Broadway's Union Square, March 1 Features: [ TM ] Peter Filichia's Diary Filichia ruminates on the just-closed Rose's Dilemma and on the prolific career of Neil Simon. [ NYP ] LIZ SMITH TOO TOO 'TABOO' [ NYT ] AN APPRECIATION At Carnegie's Controls, and Often in Its Balcony by ANTHONY TOMMASINI Robert J. Harth, the adventurous leader who ran Carnegie Hall, was known for being more than an administrator. He was also an avid concertgoer. [ DN ] Prodigy's 88 keys to success by HOWARD KISSEL Peter Cincotti will play American Songbook series. Reviews: [ B ] CDs: You Fill My Cup With Happiness by Ken Mandelbaum SHERRY! (Angel) [ ND ] A Rung Short of Paradise by Gordon Cox 'Eve' outshines 'Adam' in an Irish form of 'Eden' [ B ] Eden Review by William Stevenson [ ATW ] Seeking to Regain Marital Paradise in Eden Review by Andy Propst [ CST ] "Guys & Dolls" BY HEDY WEISS Imagine taking Frank Loesser's wholly irresistible, color-comics style musical "Guys & Dolls" and trying to convert it into a black-and-white newsreel -- a show filled with all the angst of an Ingmar Bergman film that might be titled "Men and Women." To some extent, this is what director Charles Newell has done in his revisionist version of the 1950 Broadway classic that opened Saturday at Court Theatre. [ CT ] 'Guys and Dolls' is on a roll-most of the time by Michael Phillips Sometimes the smaller scale works. Other times, you wonder why Miss Adelaide is doing "A Bushel and a Peck" solo, without a chorus girl in sight. [ NJ ] A promising play in need of some work BY PETER FILICHIA Someone at Luna Stage Company just has to fix that noisy fan. [ BG ] Sarah Brightman literally soars in a unique, compelling show by Steve Morse posted at 2/2/2004 01:17:09 PM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link Sunday, February 01, 2004 [ PRN ] Barry Manilow Hospitalized Following Court Days
1) If it was a "brilliant stage musical", would it have been kicking around for so long? I mean, come on, Patrick Wilson was not even a *star* when he first did this out on the left coast. 2) And if it was a "brilliant stage musical", would there have been such a problem financing it? 3) And if it was a "brilliant stage musical", why didn't Barry put the money up himself? There is more to this story here than either side is willing to admit. On another note, it looks like Barry needs good health coverage. He is a regular at the hospital lately... posted at 2/1/2004 09:00:26 PM by James Marino | Item Link Features: [ HC ] Life After Lucille: Curtains For White Barn? by Frank Rizzo [ INQ ] A brilliance dimmed by time by Carlin Romano S.J. Perelman's centennial gets little fanfare. [ P ] STAGE TO SCREEN: Looking Ahead � "Phantom," "Proof" and "Closer" With all the talk of "The Producers" going in front of the cameras for a Christmas 2005 release, the year we�re in right now has sort of been lost in the shuffle. As it happens, 2004 could be a big year for theatre-based fare. [ CT ] Audience interaction part of a rich history by Chris Jones "The only reason that the theater has persisted in the modern age," says David Saltz, a professor of drama at the University of Georgia, "is its inherent sense of interactivity -- the possibility of eye contact, the chance to see something unique." [ ND ] Broadway's Hollywood Cast by Linda Winer Looking at the number of nominees who began in the theater, I felt a bizarre mixture of loss and undeserved pride in their success. [ HC ] Shining A Guiding Light by JEFF RIVERS Elders Can Provide Key To Success, Say Ossie Davis And Ruby Dee [ DN ] Nellie the elegant by JIM FARBER Will droll crooner with '40s style be pop's next phenom? [ NYT ] A NIGHT OUT WITH Her Late Late Show by PAULINE O'CONNOR Lateness seems to be a vice with Nellie McKay, who will release her debut album, aptly titled "Late Again," on Feb. 10. [ OCR ] Help me get readers into the arts game by PAUL HODGINS What can entertainment writers do to make their subjects and their sections more appealing? [ HChron ] Get rich, or laugh trying by EVERETT EVANS Comedy is the star of 'The Producers' Interviews with Stroman and Brooks. Thanks to American Theater Web for the final two links above! News: [ TS ] Shaw Festival books in the red Season ends with $3 million deficit by RICHARD OUZOUNIAN War, SARS and mixed reviews share blame [ BSUN ] Safety is a focus around theater by Scott Calvert Hippodrome operators, city officials want patrons to feel secure in the area [ V ] Spring shoots amid icy biz Broadway eagerly awaits B.O. thaw Is business bad on Broadway in January? Do people ski in Aspen? As Gotham shivers through a particularly cold winter, there's actually some moderately good news to report: Things aren't much worse than usual! [ V ] Admissions math on B'way Comparing the past 3 years provides better tix analysis [ V ] 'Wicked' bucks icy biz Broadway grosses [ V ] Biz off; L.A. 'Chi' $1.2 mil Road grosses [ B ] Winners Announced in Rent Casting Contest [ P ] Talk Show Watch: Kelsey Grammer on "Today," Gretchen Mol on "Carson Daly" [ P ] Today In Theatre History: FEBRUARY 1 [ P ] Damn Yankees' Jbara Guests on NBC-TV's "Friends" [ P ] Women on Fire Star Judith Ivey Light up "Radio Playbill" Feb. 2-15 [ P ] Isabella Rossellini Stars in McNally's World Premiere The Stendhal Syndrome, Feb. 1 [ P ] Twentieth Century Box Office Opens Feb. 1, Same Date as Phone Sales for Intimate Apparel [ P ] Before Broadway, Caroline, or Change Ends Public Theater Run Feb. 1; Final Weekend Sold Out [ P ] Complete Cast Announced for Guthrie's Romeo and Juliet; McSweeny to Direct [ P ] HERE Ousts Faust, as Target Margin's Serious Jokes Ends Jan. 31 [ P ] Broadway Cast Party Returns at New Venue Feb. 9 [ P ] "Matzo Man": Meshuggah-Nuns! Begins Perfs. at HHTC Jan. 31 [ P ] Love and Boston Marriage: Mamet Play Begins Perfs. Jan. 31 at Guthrie [ P ] Bob Gunton Is The Great Ostrovsky, Singing Cy Coleman Songs, at Philly's Prince; Pitre and Hadary In [ NYT ] Robert Harth, Who Ran Carnegie Hall, Dies at 47 by ROBIN POGREBIN Robert J. Harth was the artistic and executive director of Carnegie Hall who in just two years managed the institution through an economic downturn. posted at 2/1/2004 10:35:19 AM by Tim Dunleavy | Item Link BroadwayStars is powered by Blogger Pro! [Past News] |
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