On this day in 1975, the ore-hauling ship ``Edmund Fitzgerald'' and its crew of 29 vanished during a storm in Lake Superior. Today's birthdays include: Tim Rice, Ann Reinking and Richard Burton.

Paddles and Prices Stay Low at Auction
The reason I include this article is that it is reflective upon the economic climate. Usually art purchasing is a leading indicator to how people feel about the economy. We have had an amazing market in the past few years, making it easy to raise money for shows. Could this be the sign that times may be a little tougher? I think it may be.

Oscar Wilde: Truth Is Fine, Wit Is Divine

On Stage and Off: 'Jekyll and Hyde' Among Closings by Jesse McKinley

Charm Song by Ken Mandelbaum

The End of the Henry Miller?

The Broadway Musical's 50 Most Dynamic 11 O'Clock Numbers - Part Two by Peter Filichia

M. Birthday Party by Forrest Mallard

King Hedley II Plans Spring 2001 Broadway Debut

Pre-Tony Pileup Looms for 2001

Sullivan and Nadler Love a Gershwin Tune in American Rhapsody, Opening Nov. 10

Weill/Lenya Associates at Tuesday Talks at NYC’s Triad, Starting Nov. 28

Brassy Blast! Plans Fall Nat’l Tour, But Will Bway See it in Spring?

Nada Faces Imminent Closure of 167 Ludlow Theatre; Operations Continue at Midtown Show World

Turn Turn Kick Turn: Bway’s Producers to Start March 22

The lawyers over at Joe's Pub are pretty busy these days...

The Princes to the Rescue. Harold Prince -- the legendary showman behind iconic productions like "Company" and "Evita" -- and his children, Daisy and Charles, are trying to save the new American musical by coordinating a program of new one-act musicals by relatively unknown composers.

Jim Caruso: The Buoyant Spirits of a Modern Vaudevillian

Based on the Film by Ken Mandelbaum

The Final Moment

Disco Is Dead

Two Films to Look at Matthew Shepard Story

Remembering Peter Pan by Peter Filichia

Happy Birthday, Jamie de Roy by Peter Filichia

A Little Night Moaning... by Forrest Mallard

Six Degrees of CHARLIE'S ANGELS (Part 1) by Forrest Mallard

Six Degrees Of CHARLIE'S ANGELS (Part 2) by Forrest Mallard

B'way Producers Tell Jekyll & Hyde Cast Not To Expect the Musical To Stay Open Past Jan. 7, 2001

Joanne Woodward Stars in Alec Baldwin's Off-B'way Lace Nov. 11

Touch the Names Musicalizes Letters for Vietnam Vets, Nov. 10-12

Theatre Stars to the Rescue: Actors Perform for NYC Comic Book Museum Nov. 13

    Our heroes, the 'Broadway Stars' prepare to come to the rescue and restore tranquility to the Metropolis.

Why, thank you! :-)

Stars Join CSA at Artios Awards Honoring New York’s Top Casting Directors, Nov. 9

Stephanie Berry Tells The Shaneequa Chronicles Off-Broadway Nov. 9-Dec. 3

New York SAG Membership Meeting Scheduled for Unite Auditorium, Nov. 9

Citing Harassment, Entertainment Giant Clear Channel Sues Inside Radio Publisher

Well, I guess I lost a bet with someone over at Talkin Broadway as I hear that Rhythm will not happen this season. That makes me really sad. King Headley is in line for The Virginia. When Saigon leaves the Broadway they will have a Blast because Bells are landing at Plymouth.

No, that was not a nightmare. It really happened. Now, back to Broadway.

Ruth Mitchell, Producer Who Energized Broadway, Dies at 81

'Mack and Mabel': Broadway's Revered Flop, Resurrected With Love
"Mack and Mabel" has been Jerry Herman's favorite problem child, the bittersweet Broadway flop that refuses to die. On Wednesday, yet another revision will have its world premiere in Los Angeles.

Jack O'Brian, Columnist of the Entertainment World, Dies at 86

DeLaria and Cavett Are a Horror on "Theater Talk," Nov. 9

Jane Eyre's Journey Delayed to Nov. 9 Start Date

Cobb at the Bat: Off-Broadway Blessing Play Opens Nov. 8

Broadway Grosses: October 30 - November 5 - Part 1

With SAG National Board Elections, Union Consolidates Power After Strike

Saturday Night Fever Closing Dec. 30

'Sawyer' To Follow 'Fever'

Broadway Stars Appear on "Hollywood Squares," Nov. 13-17
Hey isn't that cool. I wonder what I should wear... Nevermind.

Sills, Krakowski and McKechnie Star in L.A Mack and Mabel Nov. 8

Disappointing Ticket Sales for Hasselhoff Jekyll & Hyde

Broadway Tom Sawyer Books Minskoff Theatre for April 26, 2001

Broadway Shows Mismatched With Theatres

How Much For That Ticket In The Front Row? by Sean Patrick Flahaven

'Monty' Outstrips Its Rivals
Broadway has its first smash of the season.Blessed by tremendous word-of-mouth and plenty of good reviews, "The Full Monty," the new musical about a group of unemployed steel workers who become male strippers to make ends meet, is cleaning up at the box office.

Our Heart Sings, a CD to benefit The Genesius Guild, is now on sale. With performances by Alice Ripley, Emily Skinner, Stephanie Pope, Mark Nadler, Dana Meller, Kristopher McDowell, Paige Price, James Beeks, Heather MacRae, Alison Fraser, James Alexander, Christiane Noll, Rebecca Spencer, Phillip Officer, Donna Lynne Champlin, Sandi Durell, Angela DeCicco, Bill Whitefield, Georgia Osborne, Kristin Chenoweth and David Gurland. With those people, how can you go wrong? (And it is for a great cause!)

Note: I received a blind email about yesterday's Wild Party comments. A reader wrote to tell me that I was off base and that my comments were "divisive to the theatre community." It was a well reasoned email and so I re-read my comments and found that the reader was correct. So, I removed my comments about that. I apologize to anyone that I may have offended by those Wild Party comments. I was wrong. I do appreciate readers taking the time to give feedback about the site. We do take it seriously. Thanks again to whoever it was that wrote us. - James

Elizabeth McCann Named Managing Producer of Tonys for 2001 and 2002 Broadcasts

Clear Channel to Repurchase Company Stock

Barre and Dendy’s Party Drives SDCF’s Callaway Awards Wild

PHOTO CALL: Andrew Lippa Gets Gilman-Gonzalez Falla Award Oct. 30

An Election Day Look at American Politics on Stage

Judy Kaye Debuts New “Solo” Show at Arci's Place, Nov. 7

London's Witches of Eastwick Is on the Move
Of course, I had *no* idea this was happening...

NAT's B'way Judgment at Nuremberg Books Longacre for March 2001

Theatre's Big Blue by Peter Filchia

A Giant Leap For VICTOR/VICTORIA by Forrest Mallard

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Polls by Sean Patrick Flahaven

New York City gets to see a glimpse of Kristopher McDowell tonight the Laurie Beechman theatre as he kicks off his CD, Faces of Love. After playing at the Beechman, Kristopher will pick up the show and take it to London where he will perform it at The Jermyn Street Theatre.

Oh calm down! I am just as devistated about the Jekyll news as you are. More news on this tomorrow. Gotta confirm these things. Don't want Frank mad (more mad?) at me than he already is!

Fever posts official tomorrow night? Although it is rumored and in fact reported that Fever will exit Broadway at the end of 2000, there seems to be rumors of a reprive on Broadway -- while also sending out the tour. The story is that Niko is thinking of moving the show. I don't think so though. The least they should do is bring back Paige Price after Thanksgiving.

And on the watch list -- we hear that there may be a theatre available in Media, PA soon...

Today's birthdays include: Sally Field, Mike Nichols, James Jones and John Philip Sousa.

'Game Show': Although It's a Show, This Game Is for Real

Ruth Mitchell
Ruth from Hal Prince's office passed away. She was a real Broadway Star. We will miss her.

Jane Eyre Cancels First Preview

On the Road Again by Ken Mandelbaum

Resurrected, Maybe Baby, It’s You Starts Previews at Theatre at St. Luke’s, Nov. 9

Mercedes Ruehl and Derek Smith to Read Casanova, Nov. 6

ASCAP Seeks New Musicals For 2001 Disney Musical Theatre Workshop

SAG Plans to Mail Commercial Pact Ratification to Members Nov. 10

Tiger Woods May Face SAG Trial Board Nov. 6
This is not a smart move by SAG... Tiger Woods does not make his living as an actor. To go head-to-head with him with the possibility of expelling him from the union leads to opening a pandora's box. If Tiger, in a worst case scenario, were to be expelled from the union, would he stop making commercials? No. What we would have is Nike and Buick et al, filing lawsuits for "right to work" against the union. This would break the union wide open to other litigation. Lets be smart folks. Let this Tiger go.

Pan Asian Rep Stages Free Readings at NYC's Musical Theatre Works, Nov. 6-20

Actors' Fund Honors Shubert's Smith, Kevin Spacey at Nov. 13 Gala

SCENE AND HEARD: From Page to Stage -- The Making of Jane Eyre, the Musical

Cameron Mackintosh's Remote Scottish Home is Destroyed in Suspected Arson Attack
And no... this has nothing to do with WITCH-craft...

Sam Shepard Recruits a Starry Cast for His San Francisco Homecoming Nov. 7

Fermat's First Musical by Peter Filichia

James Joyce's The Tour by Sean Patrick Flahaven

From the Jane EyreMail: For this first performance, Gina Lamparella will play the role of Blanche Ingram. If you missed the news, Elizabeth DeGrazia, who ordinarily plays the role, had a baby on Halloween.

Got an email from an old friend, the talented Gerard Lebeda. He is down at the Zachary Scott Theatre Center in Austin, Texas. I really didn't know much about this theatre/production company. In checking out their website, I discovered a really nice regional theatre with the purpose of development of new audiences. How excellent is that? Texas gets a bad rap at times because of what we see in the media. So does NYC for that matter. Anyway, I felt that the Zachary Scott Theatre Center was worth a mention, if not a visit in person.

On this day in 1872, Suffragist Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote in a presidential election. (She never paid the fine.) Today's birthdays include: Art Garfunkel, Sam Shepard, Andrea McArdle, Tatum O'Neal and Vivien Leigh.

The Joy of the Stage, Even if Only for a Night by Alec Baldwin

The Job He Found Was Writing a Hit by Richard O'Brien

China 'Aida': Cast of 2,000, Plus Elephant
I wondered for a second... naaa, it's not the tour.

Newsday: His Mother's Production
(Daryl and Jordan Roth)

Jane Eyre Begins Broadway Previews Nov. 7

Lloyd Webber Star Stephanie Lawrence Found Dead

How to Arrange Your Shelves by Peter Filichia

Eric Grode’s STAGE TO SCREEN: Crossover Dreams

Are Stokes and Marin headed to the UK to do Kate? That's the chat over at Talkin' Broadway. I wonder how that will happen with the Equitys (US and UK) complaining to each other over foreign actors. I think it is time that the unions do away with this silly rule.

I hear via email that Linda Eder ran in the NYC Marathon with another J&H cast member (Molly Scott Pesce) in 1997. This year John Tesh and Irv Gikovsky (better known as Mr. G, the weatherman) are among the 93 people who list their occupation as performing artist. Another 75 runners list themselves as musicians.

Saw John Flynn's Wildly Inappropriate Songs last night. Someone better get this guy on a sitcom. He is too funny.

Folks may have noticed that Paige Price is gone as Stephanie from Fever. I can't confirm this, but it seems as though she has been spotted wearing a Messier jersey at Ranger games. And while we are talking about sports, I would like to remind people that I am not discussing college football this year.

PS - I don't want to hear any complaints about linking to Newsday. Someone sent me the link!

The word of the day is: Incorrigible

Today's birthdays include: Art Carney, Loretta Swit and Will Rogers.

Toronto Star: An audience with ... Barry Humphries

My New Philosophy by Ken Mandelbaum

Broadway Ticket Prices for the New Season

Robert Sean Leonard to Star in Tom Stoppard's Invention of Love

Rhythm Club Pushes Back B'way Previews to Feb. 17, 2001

Miss Saigon at 4,000 by Peter Filichia

Tim Curry, Pam Dawber, Charlotte Rae Sing Weill for Actor's Fund Nov. 4 in L.A.

Karen Mason Now Appearing at San Francisco’s Plush Room Through Nov. 12

    "Speaking of Cameron Mackintosh, did you hear the news on WITCHES?"

Well, didn't I get a lot of email about that! It was just an off-the-cuff comment because I spoke to Dana Rowe who told me that the WITCHES CD *should* be at Colony this weekend (as an import). There is no other news that I have heard. It's good to know that people read every line of this website!

Went to see Mark Nadler and KT Sullivan's new show at the Triad last night. American Rhapsody is an evening of Gershwin music and stories. A really enjoyable evening.

Congratulations are due to Gabriel Barre and Mark Dendy, this year's winners of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Foundation's Callaway Award for their direction/choreography of Andrew Lippa's The Wild Party.

Finally, tomorrow is the NYC Marathon. I know that Christiane Noll ran the marathon two years ago while she was in J&H. I wonder how many people in the Broadway community have run it... And good luck to "the other James" in the race. NUMBER 11587.



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