On this day in 1927, the era of talking pictures arrived with the opening of ''The Jazz Singer,'' starring Al Jolson, a movie which featured both silent and sound-synchronized scenes.
 Women Who Are Definitely Going Somewhere, Maybe
 On Stage and Off: Naughty, Bawdy . . . And Back by Jesse McKinley
 Greenbacks & Fran
 Go Into Your Dance by Ken Mandelbaum
 Still No Millie: Musical Delays at La Jolla To Oct. 6
 Lady Cavaliers Present All-Female, All-Out Fight Fantasy Gloria at New City Oct. 5-21
 Barrio Babies Will Sing in Spring 2001 Rather Than Fall 2000
 Report: Horton Hears Rumors of a Delay
 LaChiusa To Showcase Songs From New Musicals, Little Fish and Rshomon at Joe's Pub, Oct. 16
 Tony-winning Black Troupe Cancels Season
 Bells Are Ringing for Broadway Revival April 22, 2001
 Oedipus Rex: Greek Is the Word by Peter Filichia
 Shout! It Out by Peter Filichia
Yahoo/Variety: The Walt Disney Co. is in advanced discussions with Julie Taymor (''Titus'') to direct a stage version of ``Pinocchio,'' with workshopping slated to begin within the next several months.
BackStage: Off-Broadway 2000-01
Working on "Dracula" with Frank Wildhorn -- Des McAnuff and Christopher Hampton.