U, Imagine In New Bid To Skin 'Cat'. Pic deal could be worth seven figures.
 Music Man Cast Will Blare '76 Trombones' at Dems Convention, Aug. 14
 Stephen Schwartz Writing Stage Musical Based on Oz-Themed Novel, 'Wicked'
 Culture Notes: A Musical First
 BTA: Miller, Molière, and More by Ken Mandelbaum
Hey has anyone heard about Bernadette doing Gypsy in London next year? It seems as though I missed this one. Maybe I can go to London to work on this one too and end up paying for the whole production! (see: Sweeney Todd Concert in London if you are interested and don't understand...)
There are lots of people talking about Toby Simkin leaving Theatre.com for BroadwayArchive.com. I heard about it weeks ago, but now the news is popping up in Production Notes (yesterday) and over at TalkinBroadway. Neither Theatre.com or BroadwayArchive have made a comment yet. Any confirmation? Will I still get my Seussical opening night tickets? Inquiring minds want to know!
I mentioned last week that Des McAnuff was back at La Jolla and wondered aloud how it would affect Dodger. Here is an interesting blind item I received:
"Here's how McAnuff at LaJolla affects Dodger. Dodgers and SFX (nee PACE) did not have a happy experience together on TOMMY, which is why they haven't worked together since. They are trying it again, however, set to co-produce Frank Wildhorn's DRACULA, which will be directed by none other than....Des McAnuff... Think there will be a LaJolla try-out? Stay tuned..."
That's interesting! Although, wasn't Des involved in H2$ after that? I don't really remember... Thanks to whoever sent it.
Another Blind Item emailer asks:
It would not surprise me. In March of 1999, I mentioned a Variety article about Playbill vs Stagebill. Since then, Stagebill was taken over by the former editor of Variety, I think that was in April or so... and then there was a site redesign in July.
Oh, and about the Seussical press day video on Broadway.com, to whoever wrote the snide blind email about my comments: I was right, you were wrong. Bitter and jealous? If you only knew small person... Perhaps you should do some investigation before you write. And if you want to stop hiding behind screen names on Talkin Broadway and blind emails, it may give you a little bit more credit. There will always be small and uninformed people like you. Oh well.
Note: I was gone for the weekend making meatballs with my dad in AC. It was a great time. The downside to that is now I am 200-300 emails behind. I will try to respond to the ones that need responding to in the early part of the week. Thanks for your patience.
And mea culpa and congrats to Olli, who's birthday I missed yesterday!