Henner and Smith Are Annie Oakley and Frank Butler in Gun Tour
Can you just see Fran and Barry in their "Moonlighting-style" offices screaming to each other, "Anything you can do I can do bigger?"

Bookings Greet 42nd Street Studios

Production Notes by Forrest

Profit & Non-Profit Theatre "Congress" Tees Up For "act two" Boston Party, June 16-18

Kate, Music Man To Film Excerpts For TV June 22, 29; Audiences Sought

Odyssey Signs On To Take Scott's Turn As 'Hamlet'. Thesp not only to star but co-direct, co-produce

Out West, Giving the Musical Some Pop

Theater for Fun or Profit: Producers' Two Camps Remain Uneasy Allies

Summerstage is Back for a 15th Year, Eclectic as Ever

The Wild Party website. With choice real estate on the internet, The Public Theatre's WILD PARTY was well represented with a cool and slick website. But now that the party is over, I wonder what will become of the website. Here's a thought. (You never expected that from me.) If The Public's show ends up touring, (I don't think it will, but it could happen) then it is waranted to keep it up and running. But, if the show is not going to tour, I think it would be in the best interests of community to let the URL go and let Andrew Lippa's WILD PARTY, which does have an afterlife, take over the URL and develop a site based on his show. I realize that The Public will never let the URL go, but it was just a suggestion... BTW, don't you think The Public should take the $39 special ticket offer down?

Late for dinner, late again... The 'T' was down and I was snowed under Theatremania resumes. Although there has been no formal denial, Theatremania is telling people that "the site is being reworked." I hear InTheater's site is still being reworked too. BTW, Happy Flag Day. Gotta fix that calendar.

Will Fool Moon's David Shiner Be Cat in the Hat in Seussical?
Playbill, on the cutting edge of news, once again.

New 42nd Opens Studios In June: Rehearsal, Office & Studio Space for Non Profit Arts Groups
Could we define 'Non Profit'? Non Profit as in Roundabout ($80 CABARET tickets) and The Public Theater ($80 WILD PARTY tickets)?

Director Jamie Brown, 57, Found Murdered in Florida, June 8

Uninvited Star At Current Events Opening
Like I said, the news is a little thin since the Tonys. On another note, does this mean that Disney is officially in legit plays too?

Just You Wait, Audra McDonald! by Ken Mandelbaum
Once again, Ken is a day behind Peter Filichia... at least in concept.

Breaking on Through To Broadway?
I am still waiting for Pink Floyd's THE WALL to make it to Broadway. Yes, child of the '80s.

THEATER TALK Focuses on Producer DAVID MERRICK 6/15
This should be good. Manny (Azenberg) talking about Merrick... Birds of a feather.

Over on RATM, there's a discussion going on about Mandy Patinkin and his Broadway debut. It seems as though Mandy considers his Broadway debut EVITA, even though he was in the original cast of SHADOW BOX, which opened in 1977. Mandy Patinkin's Little White Lie

Craig Rubano is finishing up a series of performances at The West Bank Cafe and is taking his show on the road, so I hear, to support his CD. The only reason that I am mentioning this is that he told me that he would link to me if I mentioned it. So I did. Yes, it's true: I am a link whore. [Craig's website]

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that "The Talent-Free Mr. Cabell", after losing about $200,000 on a concept CD of Z. THE MASKED MUSICAL (a show which he wrote music, book and lyrics for), has written a new show that he will be presenting this summer. I can't believe that there are people left in the business for him to work with. Ya know what they say, there is a sucker born every minute. Admittedly I was one of those suckers a couple of years back.

And happy news for New Yorkers, David Ippolito, also known as That Guitar Man From Central Park, has struck a deal with the City of New York to allow him to play guitar and sing on the weekends in the Park without being arrested. So, if you are looking for a fun and relaxing thing to do on a nice weekend, stop by the lake in Central Park, around 75th Street on the West Side. It is always a good time. [David's website]

'Friends'-like Personals Arrives at Apollo in London, June 13

Tonys Provide B.O. Boost

SAG Ranks Swell As Talks Resume

Still No "Heavy"? by Ken Mandelbaum

Aida Cast Album To Be Released June 13 by Theatre.com Staff
You know what "by Theatre.com Staff" means? It means they basically put up a press release. The AIDA CD was out a few weeks ago.

Sometimes There's Audra So Quickly

LA Times: 'Dreamgirls' Puts On Quite a Show
I hear that this production of DREAMGIRLS is outrageous. Will it end up in next year's revivals... I think so.

For Some Girls, A Rainbow May Still Not Be Enough

The League, in conjunction with Harris Poll, is conducting an online survey of theatre goers and their favorite websites. You can take the poll by clicking here. It seems as though this will be an ongoing poll with different topics. We'll see.

In case Charles Dickens' novels don't inspire you to create the next musical or play to change the world, I have dug up two stories that can be used as great source material for your next endeavor for the Great White Way:

CNN: Crazed beaver terrorizes Canadian farm

    "I've lost all respect for beavers. I never would have imagined this from a beaver," Sam Pshyshlak told Reuters from her Manitoba farm 100 kilometers (60 miles) north of Winnipeg.

Can you see the Act I closer? The beaver sings a rousing ballad about called "It's Her or Me".

CNN: Teen postpones surgery for hours to take girlfriend to prom
Certainly, anybody who thought J&H was a sweet, charming musical, would find this story to be just as fulfilling. Just as the kid walks into the prom, he can sing, "This is the moment..." and then inject a syringe of musical theatre directly into his veins...

CNN: Job losses? Job gains? That's the Net economy.
This story offers interesting advice on starting a website that provides news services. It seems as though only Playbill has followed this model so far. And possibly BuyBroadway - BroadwayNow - Theatre.com. I think Toby Simkin is the only person I know with more domains than me!

I warned you it has been a slow news death since the Tonys.

Oh, and about the blind item from yesterday -- I still am not sure what it was about, but a simple poll of my email says that it is unanimous, it must be about ENTER THE GUARDSMAN. 23 emails saying the same thing can't all be wrong... can they?

Another blind item submitted. Although I think I covered this already...

    "What famous regional theatre recently announced an asistant or associate artistic director but we know he is really the replacement.....Hooray!"

National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts Launches New Website

Equity & League to Tackle Salaries, Benefits, Foreign Talent & Web Issues in Contract Talks
This is a heck of a list with controversial subjects. I would imagine that it will not be finished negotiating before the end of the summer, and then some. The deadline is, of course, June 25th...

Broadway Bares X

Chill Out by Ken Mandelbaum
Ken brings us the "news" that David Shiner is being considered for SEUSSICAL. (We told you about this on June 9) Then Ken goes on to talk about Brent Carver taking on Larry's Party in January. (We told you about this May 12) And finally, The Insider goes on to discuss Neil Simon's Hotel Suite, we did not tell you about this. Peter Filichia did. Yesterday. Glad to see that Broadway.com's "Insider" can read everyone elses website (hey, at least we load!) and report it back to the general public.

Don Schlitz's Tom Sawyer Musical Headed for Pre-B'way Tryout in 2001
Hey look, another Mark Twain musical headed for Broadway in 2001...

Let Artistic Gray Areas Be, as Long as Truth Is Out

Liz Smith reports that Nathan Lane will do THE PRODUCERS
I am still wondering if Stroman will do THE PRODUCERS...

Shhh. There's a New Musical. It's Hush-Hush.
Oh look, they are taking musicals out of town before they bring them to Broadway so that they can work on them. What a novel idea. Maybe more producers should think about this. Lost in Boston used to have a whole different meaning than Lost in LA...

The Bryant Park Summer Film Festival
The film festival kicks off tomorrow with GREASE! starring our favorite Scientologist, John Travolta. Actually, he's not our favorite. But Olivia Newton-John is our favorite chick. Get to Bryant Park early with a blanket and stake out your space. We'll see you there.

There has been talk around town asking if CONTACT will move to a larger, more profitable house since its Tony harvest. I have not heard anything to the effect of moving. Remember, it has moved once already, and there is a drought of available houses, although I think the Virginia is available after today. Although Lincoln Center has a subscription series and needs the space, they left CAROUSEL in that space for an extended period of time. The bottom line? I don't know know, but I don't think it will move.

MAMMA MIA in Toronto has had such a boom at the BO that the producers decided to extend the sit down in Toronto and mount another company to go out on the road. Kind of. On Saturday, November 4, the existing company plays their last performance and moves to the coast. On Monday, November 6, the second company takes over on the same stage. I guess the original company wants to get out of Toronto for the winter months and spend it in San Francisco and LA. And they say actors are not smart....

Rodney Hicks was a bit confused about yesterday's SEUSSICAL casting tidbit. He does not think it is him as he has not heard from Fran and Barry regarding SEUSSICAL in the past three weeks. Hey Rodney, they are playing 'possum.

I received this blind item, and I can't figure it out. Can you?

    "What very successful regional musical bombed when it crossed the Hudson, for such reasons as a director who wasn't even in the country for 90% of the rehearsal process and a leading lady who wouldn't tolerate her leading man's enormous ego?"

Is it my imagination, or have all the sites been pretty thin on news since the Tonys are over? If this continues, I am going to have to start reporting on relationships, like tabloids do. Should I mention.... naah. But Jesus Christ that is a bad idea.

Hey, someone said my site is "snarky"!

The Toronto Star: Theatre critic takes spotlight on a new stage
Richard Ouzounian, who is very active on the internet, is the creator of many shows, past - present - future, has taken over as a critic at The Toronto Star. This is a good thing.

I knew that someone would come through with the info (thanks Mike) so here is the info on ELEANOR: AN AMERICAN LOVE STORY.

    "Based on the early lives of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt, the play was a recent hit at the historic Ford's Theatre in Washington, DC and has also had successful runs at many other U.S. theatres."

New Jersey State Assemblyman Proposes NJ Cultural Trust
Up until now, it was hard to put "New Jersey" and "Cultural" in the same sentence.

Inner City Boys And Girls Enjoy First Theatre Experience

Variety Says... by Peter Filichia

Star Tribune (MN): Minnesota Festival Theatre on the rocks; premiere of 'Private Eyes'

Star Tribune (MN): Web site gives preview of Fringe Festival

Now to the mail... I received a few emails confirming that Theatremania staff are looking for work. Even though Theatremania was passed over at the Tony Awards, I still felt that it was strong enough to make a run. Who knew the Tonys could close a website... There is a lot of discussion around the fate of SWING and its lack of awards dimming its future. I do not know any inside information, but I think SWING will be just fine with proper management. It seems to have a low weekly nut and the producers seem to know what it is. There is also a tour mounting and I don't think they will close the show on the heels of the tour, unless they took the Broadway company out, which I don't believe is happening.... OKLAHOMA appointments are underway with Jason Antoon being seen for Ali Hakim, Marc Kudisch in for for Curly, Sarah Uriarte Berry for Ado Annie... but the more difficult casting is for Laurey because they are also looking for a Ballet Dancer so gems like Laura Benanti (although she can dance...just not ballet) are out... Although mail keeps pouring in againt Glenn Carter as Jesus and supporting Danny Zolli in SUPERSTAR, I don't think it is going to happen. And one other question, why email me? I don't cast the show! Write to ALW! I do appreciate the email, but don't yell at me because Zolli wasn't cast... :-)... It's a hot one today. Stay inside a nice cool air conditioned theatre and watch a show. You will thank me for the tip.



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