It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely
Not for very much longer
I've got to keep control
Very soon... it will all be clear.
Rumor has it that Kelsey Grammer's MACBETH is canceled following scathing reviews out of town. Does this mean that he won't present at the Tonys?
 Old faves win mixed Bway week B.O. falls 2.44% in comparison with a year ago
This seems to be a poorly written headline by Variety. If you read the first paragraph it says that biz is down 2.44% from last week. In fact the weekly was $14,768,370; a year ago the total was $12,710,140 -- a healthy gain over last year.
 Ahmanson Designates May 30 as Pay What You Can for Pimpernel
Boy, doesn't MSG wish they had that option!
Internet links Kiski students to New York stage
Manhattan Theatre Club uses the internet for outreach.
Obit: Robert Fryer; Producer, Former Ahmanson Director
 Toronto Mamma Mia! Breaks Royal Alex Sales Records
It just goes to show you, reviewers know nothing. Or at least the general public thinks so. Wait, so do the insiders!
 Get Naked! Broadway Bares For BC/EFA, June 11 w/ Villanch, Eder
Things that scare me even more: Eder naked? As long as she does not sing a new Wildhorn song, I guess we can handle that. As for Bruce Villanch...
 Spar Power: Mt. Morgan Producers, Stewart Still Seek Equity in Dispute
Moral of this story: Always bring your Publicist to your hearings.
 Filmmakers "Moon" Broadway: July 5 Release of DVD/VHS Docudrama Stars Burnett & Bosco
Its funny that no one brought Equity charges against Carol Burnett when she spoke out against her producers back during MOON OVER BUFFALO....
 Dame Edna Tour Dates & Other 'Surprises' Promised For June 1 Press Conference
 Production Notes by Forrest
 Tonycast tinkering. Producers hope for comeback after rough '99.
"The two-way contest here, between the intellectual 'Copenhagen' and the 'Blonde' crowd-pleaser, may have less to do with nationalism than the increased influence of Tony voters who are road presenters. (Their percentage rose when 100 League of American Theaters and Producers members -- most of them producers and managers in the Gotham area -- lost their voting eligibility this past season.)"
 Strike in fifth week; no end in sight; Mediators fail to restart SAG talks.
 Moinian and Unnamed Partner Plan Legit Use for Bway's Biltmore
 Broadway Box Office Sets a New Record. Facts and figures on the season just ending
 New Duo To Alternate Roles in B'way's True West June 21. Josh Brolin and Elias Koteas will play brothers in the Sam Shepard play, which also announced recoupment May 30
 Tony Musings: Part One by Ken Mandelbaum
 R and H Across The Globe by Sean Patrick Flahaven
 Rosie endorses Headley for best actress.
That kind of screws up my Toni Collette theory from yesterday, doesn't it?
There is a new magazine being launched in the South West US named "Cowboys & Indians". Guess what they lead with? Buckskins Over Broadway, a profile of Bernadette Peters. Reading the article makes me wonder a few things. 1) Does Bernadette get younger each year? You have to see the photos of her. She looks great. 2) Is Texas becoming a new destination for Broadway shows? 3) With all of Bernadette's work with animal rights groups, why would she do a spread for the cattle ranchers of the world? 4) And why Bernadette? Why now?
I want to point out that it is easier to see the Tony Awards in Sri Lanka than it is in San Francisco or State College, PA. Why can't anyone at the Tony's get it together?  |