The beloved Bob Merrill-Michael Stewart musical Carnival, about a young French girl who joins a cirque and falls into a love/hate relationship with a bitter puppeteer, has opened in a Musicals Tonight! production at Theatre Row. Heading the cast are Ali Ewoldt at Lili, Scott Guthrie as Paul Berthalet, Catherine Lefrere as The Incomparable Rosalie, James Patterson as Marco the Magnificent, Jeremy Lawrence as B.F. Schlegel, Michael Castillejos as Jacquot, and Jeffrey T. Boerwinkle as Grobert, with Sarah Cooney, Chaz Jackson, Steven A. Miller, Stacia Newcomb, Drew Pournelle, Amy Shure, Jacob L. Smith, and J. Morgan White completing the ensemble. The show plays October 21-November 2; here are my photos of the production. (For more information, visit or phone 212-362-5620.)